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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Croatia

Traze samo HIV i sifilis, tako da se moze bez problema jesti prije vadjenja krvi.

I-129F Sent: Aug 20th 2008

Interview Date: April 8th 2009, 10:30 - APPROVED!

K-1 Visa Received: April 9th 2009

POE: Aug 8th 2009, Minneapolis

Wedding: Aug 28th 2009


Our I-129f was approved in 107 days from our NOA1 date.

Our I-129f was approved in 114 days from our filing date.

Our case spent 52 days being chewed by NVC.

Our interview took 224 days from your I-129F NOA1 date.


AOS, AP, EAD filed: Oct 15th 2009

Biometrics: Nov 24th 2009

AP received: Dec 14th 2009

EAD received: Dec 17th 2009

Green Card received: Dec 18th 2009



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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Serbia

Hvala devojke!

Ja sam 80-to godiste, tako da mislim da isto vazi za mene! Verovatno ce vecina biti not age appropriate. Ne volim ih ni ja. Ne zbog bockanja, vec ne znam...ne bih ako ne moram....Jednu cu preziveti.

Ovo sam pitala jer se secam da se neke vakcine ne mogu nabaviti kod nas. Poznavala sam neke americke porodice u Srbiji sa decom. Pa, kada je trebalo da deca prime vakcine (po US listi), neke nisu mogli da nadju ovde. Ali, mozda su to te koje primaju deca.

Ivancicas, ne znam sta rade u Vermontu, ali ima na desetine postova ovde koje su postavili ljudi besni na VSC. Ne znam kako moze da bude tako velika razlika?! Za I-130 CSC 92 dana, a VSC 176. Bas je mnogo velika razlika! Ipak ste imali srece, ali i pameti, naravno :)

Inace, upravo sam razgovarala sa muzem, unovcili su nam cek!!! Znaci, zvanicno je pocelo i za nas!


04/20/2009 I-130 sent

04/29/2009 NOA - rejected (petitioner's signature in wrong block)

04/30/2009 I-130 resent

05/11/2009 NOA1 (California Service Center)

08/19/2009 NOA2


09/08/2009 AOS bill&DS-3032 generated

09/15/2009 received in mail

09/20/2009 AOS paid

10/02/2009 AOS package&DS-3032 sent (by mail)

10/14/2009 DS-3032 received

10/16/2009 AVR msg "information missing or incomplete". False RFE!

10/25/2009 IV fee paid

10/27/2009 IV fee shows paid

10/31/2009 IV package sent

11/18/2009 CASE COMPLETE

01/28/2010 IR1 INTERVIEW

Interview moved to 01/22/2010

Visa received on 01/22/2010

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Serbia

Ja sam 82.godiste!!!

sve sto vazi za vas vazi i za mene,hahahahah!!!

Mene najvise brine taj lekarki,mrzim doktore i igle,uf!!!

Super sto smem da jedem,treba jos da se onesvestim tamo(a ni to mi nije nepoznato,hahahahah)

E,pa nek je sa srecom!!!!

Cim uzmu pare,oni rade!!!

Drzim palceve!!

Sad to ide ko po loju(da ne kazem dolaru).

Pozzz devojke!!!

Odoh da spavam,sutra je novi dan,mozda mi stigne koverta,mada ne verujem!!!

Badgerella,da li si imala onaj osecaj pa kad ce bre vise da stigne,a kad ti je stigla,uf bre pa kako tako brzo? Mene to drma!!!

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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Croatia

Stvarno jesam. Nismo mogli docekati da sve skupa zavrsi, a kad su mi napokon dali vizu.. bozesacuvaj. Sad je gledam u pasosu i izgleda kao da ce me pojesti. Odjednom vise nemam vremena ni za sto... katastrofa.

I-129F Sent: Aug 20th 2008

Interview Date: April 8th 2009, 10:30 - APPROVED!

K-1 Visa Received: April 9th 2009

POE: Aug 8th 2009, Minneapolis

Wedding: Aug 28th 2009


Our I-129f was approved in 107 days from our NOA1 date.

Our I-129f was approved in 114 days from our filing date.

Our case spent 52 days being chewed by NVC.

Our interview took 224 days from your I-129F NOA1 date.


AOS, AP, EAD filed: Oct 15th 2009

Biometrics: Nov 24th 2009

AP received: Dec 14th 2009

EAD received: Dec 17th 2009

Green Card received: Dec 18th 2009



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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Serbia

Ljudima se bas ne moze ugoditi!!! Te previse je sporo - ne valja, previse je brzo - ne valja :) jadni USCIS i NVC!!!Salim se, naravo! Sto rece jedan moj bivsi sef, nikada neces biti spremna! Odavno sam shvatila da je bio u pravu...

Videcemo da li ce ici ko po loju ili ko po trnju!!! Vazno je da smo nekako naucili da funkcionisemo ovako, na daljinu i to dosta dobro! Spremni smo za obe varijante :)

Drzim i ja vama palceve! Tebi Ivancicas da intervju bude super, a za Badgerella da je ne pojede viza :) Salim se, da zavrsi sve sto treba pre nego sto ode i da vencanje bude lepo!!!!


04/20/2009 I-130 sent

04/29/2009 NOA - rejected (petitioner's signature in wrong block)

04/30/2009 I-130 resent

05/11/2009 NOA1 (California Service Center)

08/19/2009 NOA2


09/08/2009 AOS bill&DS-3032 generated

09/15/2009 received in mail

09/20/2009 AOS paid

10/02/2009 AOS package&DS-3032 sent (by mail)

10/14/2009 DS-3032 received

10/16/2009 AVR msg "information missing or incomplete". False RFE!

10/25/2009 IV fee paid

10/27/2009 IV fee shows paid

10/31/2009 IV package sent

11/18/2009 CASE COMPLETE

01/28/2010 IR1 INTERVIEW

Interview moved to 01/22/2010

Visa received on 01/22/2010

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Serbia

Devojke,stigao mi mail od NVCa!!!Intervju zakazan za 5.jun,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

zakazala sam lekarski za 18.sad u ponedeljak!!

Pa ja sam mislila da ce da mi daju bar mesec dana da se organizujem,a oni ovako!!!Smrc!!!

Sad nemam pojma da li ce da mi vrate originale ili moram da vadim nove i da prevodim.

cekacu jos neki dan dok mi ne stigne hard copy pismo,pa da vidim sta cu!!!!

DRZITE MI PALCEVE!!! :wow::thumbs::dancing::wacko:

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Serbia

Čestitam! :thumbs:

N-400: filled online on May 8th, 2021

Biometric Reuse Notice: May 8th, 2021
Interview: May 10th, 2022 - Interview De-Scheduled

Interview rescheduled on May 11th, 2022

New Interview: Jun 27th, 2022 - Approved 🥳

Oath Ceremony: July 14th, 2022


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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Croatia

Cestitam i - sretno! :)

I-129F Sent: Aug 20th 2008

Interview Date: April 8th 2009, 10:30 - APPROVED!

K-1 Visa Received: April 9th 2009

POE: Aug 8th 2009, Minneapolis

Wedding: Aug 28th 2009


Our I-129f was approved in 107 days from our NOA1 date.

Our I-129f was approved in 114 days from our filing date.

Our case spent 52 days being chewed by NVC.

Our interview took 224 days from your I-129F NOA1 date.


AOS, AP, EAD filed: Oct 15th 2009

Biometrics: Nov 24th 2009

AP received: Dec 14th 2009

EAD received: Dec 17th 2009

Green Card received: Dec 18th 2009



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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Serbia

JEEEEEEE!!!! Pridruzujem se cestitkama! Znala sam da ce to brzo!!!

Mislim da ce proslediti originale u Ambasadu i mislim da ne moras da prevodis dokumenta koja su na engleskom ili srpskom. Konzularni sluzbenici znaju srpski (i to odlicno). Valjda ce to pismo sve razjasniti.

Samo cool.... ;)


04/20/2009 I-130 sent

04/29/2009 NOA - rejected (petitioner's signature in wrong block)

04/30/2009 I-130 resent

05/11/2009 NOA1 (California Service Center)

08/19/2009 NOA2


09/08/2009 AOS bill&DS-3032 generated

09/15/2009 received in mail

09/20/2009 AOS paid

10/02/2009 AOS package&DS-3032 sent (by mail)

10/14/2009 DS-3032 received

10/16/2009 AVR msg "information missing or incomplete". False RFE!

10/25/2009 IV fee paid

10/27/2009 IV fee shows paid

10/31/2009 IV package sent

11/18/2009 CASE COMPLETE

01/28/2010 IR1 INTERVIEW

Interview moved to 01/22/2010

Visa received on 01/22/2010

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Serbia

Ma jok,ja mislim da sve vracaju meni kad mi stigne pismo,totalno sam u konfuziji-moj suprug prica jedno,a konzul koji kao zna sprski kuca nesto drugo.

O tome cu misliti kad mi prodje lekarski!!!

samo taj lekarski da prezivim,pa onda nek cigle padaju-bas me briga!!!

Hvala vam i da mislite na mene!!!

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Serbia

sad sam procitala na NVCovom sajtu,pa moram da se ispravim za sve kojima ovo kasnije zatreba!!

moram da ponesem ponovo originalna dokumenta koja sam slala u NVC i pise da moraju sa prevodom sva ona dokumenta koja nisu na engleskom.

jupi!!!sad sve ispocetka!!!

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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Serbia
sad sam procitala na NVCovom sajtu,pa moram da se ispravim za sve kojima ovo kasnije zatreba!!

moram da ponesem ponovo originalna dokumenta koja sam slala u NVC i pise da moraju sa prevodom sva ona dokumenta koja nisu na engleskom.

jupi!!!sad sve ispocetka!!!

Sad sam procitala. Pa zasto onda saljemo i originale i kopije NVC-u ako ne prosledjuju nista ni tebi, ni Ambasadi? I od kad je appointment package - jedan mail?! Bez spiska ili instrukcija.

Inace, na istom sajtu pise i sledece:


For immigrant visa cases assigned to an Appointment Post, the NVC will collect the fees, affidavit of support, civil documents and police certificates, as required. When the case is complete, NVC will schedule an appointment for an interview with a consular officer. At the time the appointment is scheduled, the NVC will send an appointment letter to all interested parties (applicant, petitioner, and agent/attorney of record, if applicable) notifying them of the date, time, and location of the interview; and forward the petition to the appropriate embassy/consulate.

Ali, da, ponovo im trebaju originali...

Sto se prevoda tice:


Note: All documents not in English or in the official language of the country in which the interview takes place MUST be accompanied by a certified translation into English. Translations must be certified by a competent translator and sworn to before a Notary Public.

"Svi dokumenti koji nisu na engleskom ili na zvanicnom jeziku zemlje u kojoj se odrzava intervju..."

Ja bih definitivno poslala mail na Consularbelgrd@state.gov (ponovo, ako nisi dobila jasan odgovor), da izbegnes dodatno cimanje i dobijes validnu informaciju. Vidim da imaju i neke telefone na sajtu, ali je mail verovatno bolja ideja.

Ne zelim da te smaram, pitanja su vise retoricka. Mogu da zamislim kako ti je...Sad sta je tu je! Srecno!!!


04/20/2009 I-130 sent

04/29/2009 NOA - rejected (petitioner's signature in wrong block)

04/30/2009 I-130 resent

05/11/2009 NOA1 (California Service Center)

08/19/2009 NOA2


09/08/2009 AOS bill&DS-3032 generated

09/15/2009 received in mail

09/20/2009 AOS paid

10/02/2009 AOS package&DS-3032 sent (by mail)

10/14/2009 DS-3032 received

10/16/2009 AVR msg "information missing or incomplete". False RFE!

10/25/2009 IV fee paid

10/27/2009 IV fee shows paid

10/31/2009 IV package sent

11/18/2009 CASE COMPLETE

01/28/2010 IR1 INTERVIEW

Interview moved to 01/22/2010

Visa received on 01/22/2010

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Serbia

ET,hvala na informacijama.Pisala sam konzulu i ne treba nista da nosim na intervju osim slike,pasosa i medicinskog izvestaja.

NVC u pismu koje ti salje,daje i jednu tabelu sa spiskom dokumenata i pored tih dokumenata su slova,O,S,Y,F....

O znaci da su primili original,Y da su primili dokument koji su trazili i da nije potrebna dodatna dokumentacija,S-da su primili skenirani dokument i da je potrebno da poneses ORIGINAl na intervju,F-znaci da za tvoj slucaj nisu potrebna neka bezveze dokumenta.

E,pa sam ja copy-paste tu tabelu konzulu u Bgu,koji je ujedno i sekretar i on je potvrdio ono sto sam ja mislila ali nisam bila sigurna.

Znaci,sve imaju,ne nosim nista,cak mi je rekao da u njihovom sistemu pise da treba da mi vrate originale na intervjuu.

Poslala sam ja vise mailova ovom Nicolasu(tako se zove)pitala ga ama bas svaku sitnicu,pa sam sad sve rascistila.

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