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I called the NVC to clarify since i'm really wondering if we need to put the 2 kids of my husband which he didn't claim in his tax. The reason why we have a co sponsor is because of his 2 kids which his income didn't meet the requirements in poverty line..

I asked the operator if we really need to put the 2 kids in the 1864 form but she said, Let me read the Instruction here, just for a moment... while waiting for a few seconds, she said - you can exclude the 2 kids of your husband since he didn't claim them in his tax.. Meaning, we don't need a co sponsor since I should be the only one that my husband needs to support... I said, oh my GOD we already submitted the AOS documents last night. What should we need to do now? We have to edit it and remove his 2 kids in the form 1864??? She said, you can send a new 1864 form with written explanation that you did some mistake...

After the call...

I told my husband about it and i ask him if he can call the NVC again for a second opinion just to make sure that all the operators are the same with their answers.... My husband called the NVC and its the same answer that he received.... :unsure:

Now, will it be an issue with the US Embassy if we will send a modified and edited 1864 form again? Coz honestly, im not sure if my husband and my co sponsor is enough for them to support me. My husband earned only $22,000 and his dad is $35,000 for this year 2009.. Is this enough? I asked the operator about this and she replied - i cannot answer that since its the Embassy who makes the decision...

CITIZENSHIP 06-19-2013 Sent N400 Application (Chicago Lockbox)

06-21-2013 USCIS received my N400 application

06-25-2013 USCIS mailed the NOA1

06-28-2013 USCIS mailed the Biometrics appt

07-01-2013 Received NOA1 and Biometrics appt letter

​07-15-2013 Biometrics Appt.

08-27-2013 Interview/Test passed

10-07-2013 Oath taking


02-20-2014 mailed I-130 for my parents

02-24-2014 USCIS received the I-130 docs

03-17-2014 USCIS approved the petition (took 15 days, weekdays only)

03-25-2014 USCIS shipped the approved case to NVC

04-02-2014 NVC received the papers (6 days from the approval date)

05-01-2014 Got the 2 case numbers. (21 days)

05-07-2014 Got an email & paid the AOS fee (4 days); DS-261(Choice of Agent) sent

05-09-2014 AOS status "PAID" (2 days from the date the was paid)

05-22-2014 AOS docs delivered in NVC

06-27-2014 RFE for I864 and I864A (i left the Place of residence blank, 26 days from the date they received the AOS)

06-28-2014 Mailed the corrected forms to NVC

06-30-2014 NVC received the AOS corrected forms

07-01-2014 Received IV Bill Invoice, paid.

07-02-2014 PAID status of the mother

07-07-2014 PAID status of the father

07-08-2014 Mailed the supporting docs

07-10-2014 Supporting docs arrived at NVC

07-11-2014 Submitted DS260 of mother

07-13-2014 Submitted DS260 of father

09-04-2014 Called NVC and the lady said CASE COMPLETE! (136 days total from the day they received the I-130)

09-11-2014 Received an email regarding the Interview (5 days from the day the case was completed)

09-15-2014 Status "In Transit" inCEAC

09-16-2014 Status "Ready" CEAC

10-03-2014 Interview/AP/USEM (no record of their medical,DAD needs to get an NBI explanation letter&new NBI clearance with his "aka"

10-8-2014 Mom called St Lukes and asked about the medical results, they said they submitted it already back in June

10-10-2014 Mom mailed the NBI Clearance of my dad

10-14-2014 NBI clearance delivered in USEM

10-06-2014 Visa Issued CEAC

10-09-2014 Got an email that my dad's visa was issued

10-14-2014 Visa delivered 11-29-2014 POE

12-08-2014 SS Card arrived


http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/I-864P.pdf ................................ this is a poverty guideline.......just read

I-864, Affidavit of SupportUnder Section 213A of the Act

Form I-864 Instructions (Rev. 10/18/07)Y


The following immigrants are required by law to submit FormI-864 completed by the petitioner to obtain an immigrant visaoverseas or to adjust status to that of a lawful permanentresident in the United States:

What Is the Purpose of This Form?

How Should I Complete This Form?

Department of Homeland SecurityU.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

OMB No. 1615-0075; Expires 10/31/10

Print clearly or type your answers using CAPITAL letters.

Attach a separate sheet of paper (or more sheets ifnecessary);

This form is required for most family-based immigrants andsome employment-based immigrants to show that they haveadequate means of financial support and that they are notlikely to become a public charge. For more information aboutForm I-864, or to obtain related forms please contact:

How Is This Form Used?

This form is a contract between a sponsor and the U.S.Government. Completing and signing this form makes youthe sponsor. You must show on this form that you haveenough income and/or assets to maintain the intendingimmigrant(s) and the rest of your household at 125 percent ofthe Federal Poverty Guidelines. By signing Form I-864, youare agreeing to use your resources to support the intendingimmigrant(s) named in this form, if it becomes necessary.

Who Needs This Form?

Are There Exceptions toWho Needs This Form?

The following types of intending immigrants do not need tofile this form:

Use black or blue ink.

If you need extra space to answer any item:


Write your name, U.S. Social Security number and thewords "Form I-864" on the top right corner of the sheet;and


Write the number and subject of each question for whichyou are providing additional information.


The USCIS website (www.uscis.gov);

The National Customer Service Center (NCSC) telephoneline at 1-800-375-5283 TTY: (1-800-767-1833); or

Your local USCIS office by using Infopass.

The submission of this form may make the sponsoredimmigrant ineligible for certain Federal, State, or local means-tested public benefits, because an agency that provides means-tested public benefits will consider your resources and assetsas available to the sponsored immigrant in determining his orher eligibility for the program.

All family-based preference immigrants (unmarried sonsand daughters of U.S. citizens, spouses and unmarried sonsand daughters of permanent resident aliens, married sonsand daughters of U.S. citizens, and brothers and sisters ofU.S. citizens age 21 and older); and

All immediate relatives of U.S. citizens (spouses, unmarriedchildren under age 21, and parents of U.S. citizens age 21and older);

Employment-based preference immigrants in cases onlywhen a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident relativefiled the immigrant visa petition or such relative has asignificant ownership interest (five percent or more) in theentity that filed the petition.

Any intending immigrant who has earned or can be creditedwith 40 qualifying quarters (credits) of work in the UnitedStates. In addition to their own work, intending immigrantsmay be able to secure credit for work performed by aspouse during marriage and by their parent(s) while theimmigrants were under 18 years of age. The Social SecurityAdministration (SSA) can provide information on how tocount quarters of work earned or credited and how toprovide evidence of such. See the SSA website atwww.ssa.gov/mystatement/credits for more information;

Not all benefits are considered to be means-tested publicbenefits. See Form I-864P, Poverty Guidelines, for moreinformation on which benefits may be covered by thisdefinition, or the contract on Page 6 of this form for a list ofbenefits explicitly not considered means-tested publicbenefits.

If the immigrant sponsored in this affidavit does receive oneof the designated Federal, State or local means-tested publicbenefits, the agency providing the benefit may request thatyou repay the cost of those benefits. That agency can sue youif the cost of the benefits provided is not repaid.

Any intending immigrant who will, upon admission, acquireU.S. citizenship under section 320 of the Immigration andNationality Act, as amended by the Child Citizenship Act of2000 (CCA);

Self-petitioning widow/ers who have an approved Petitionfor Amerasian, Widow(er), or Special Immigrant, FormI-360; and

Form I-864 Instructions (Rev. 10/18/07)Y Page 2

Self-petitioning battered spouses and children who have anapproved Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er), or SpecialImmigrant, Form I-360.

NOTE: If you qualify for one of the exemptions listed above,submit Form I-864W, Intending Immigrant's I-864 Exemption,instead of Form I-864.

If you are on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, includingthe Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard, and youare sponsoring your spouse or minor child, you only need tohave an income of 100 percent of the Federal poverty line foryour household size. This provision does not apply to joint orsubstitute sponsors.

A sponsor completes and signs Form I-864. A sponsor isrequired to be at least 18 years old and domiciled in theUnited States, or its territories or possessions (see Step-by-step Instructions for more information on domicile). Thepetitioning sponsor must sign and complete Form I-864, evenif a joint sponsor also submits an I-864 to meet the incomerequirement. The list below identifies who must becomesponsors by completing and signing a Form I-864.

Who Completes and Signs Form I-864?

The U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident who filed aForm I-130 for a family member, Form I-129F for afiance(e), or Form I-600 or I-600A for an orphan.

The U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien who filed anemployment-based immigrant visa petition (Form I-140) fora spouse, parent, son, daughter, or sibling who: (1) has asignificant ownership interest (five percent or more) in thebusiness which filed the employment-based immigrant visapetition; or (2) is related to the intending immigrant as aspouse, parent, son, daughter, or sibling.

To qualify as a sponsor, you must demonstrate that yourincome is at least 125 percent of the current Federal povertyguideline for your household size. The Federal poverty line,for purposes of this form, is updated annually and can befound on Form I-864P, Poverty Guidelines.

What Are the Income Requirements?

If your income alone is not sufficient to meet the requirementfor your household size, the intending immigrant will beineligible for an immigrant visa or adjustment of status, unlessthe requirement can be met using any combination of thefollowing:

What If I Cannot Meetthe Income Requirements?

Income from the intending immigrant, if that income willcontinue from the same source after immigration, and if theintending immigrant is currently living in your residence. Ifthe intending immigrant is your spouse, his or her incomecan be counted regardless of current residence, but it mustcontinue from the same source after he or she becomes alawful permanent resident.

Income from any relatives or dependents living in yourhousehold or dependents listed on your most recent Federaltax return who signed a Form I-864A;

A joint sponsor whose income and/or assets equal at least125 percent of the Poverty Guidelines. See question belowfor more information on joint sponsors.

The value of your assets, the assets of any householdmember who has signed a Form I-864A, or the assets of theintending immigrant;

You may use the income of your spouse and/or any otherrelatives living in your residence if they are willing to bejointly responsible with you for the intending immigrant(s)you are sponsoring. If you have any unrelated dependentslisted on your income tax return you may include their incomeregardless of where they reside.

How Can My Relatives and DependentsHelp Me Meet the Income Requirements?

Your household size includes yourself and the followingindividuals, no matter where they live: any spouse, anydependent children under the age of 21, any other dependentslisted on your most recent Federal income tax return, allpersons being sponsored in this affidavit of support, and anyimmigrants previously sponsored with a Form I-864 or FormI-864 EZ affidavit of support whom you are still obligated tosupport. If necessary to meet the income requirements to be asponsor, you may include additional relatives (adult children,parents, or siblings) as part of your household size as long asthey have the same principle residence as you and promise touse their income and resources in support of the intendingimmigrant(s).

How Do I Count Household Size?

The income of such household members and dependents canbe used to help you meet the income requirements if theycomplete and sign Form I-864A, Contract Between Sponsorand Household Member, and if they are at least 18 years ofage when they sign the form.

Can the Intending Immigrant HelpMe Meet the Income Requirements?

If certain conditions are met, the intending immigrant'sincome can help you meet the income requirement. If theintending immigrant is your spouse, his or her income can beincluded if it will continue from the same source after he orshe obtains lawful permanent resident status. If the intendingimmigrant is another relative, there are two requirements.First, the income must be continuing from the same sourceafter he or she obtains lawful permanent resident status, andsecond, the intending immigrant must currently live with youin your residence. Evidence must be provided to support bothrequirements.

Form I-864 Instructions (Rev. 10/18/07)Y Page 3

However, an intending immigrant whose income is being usedto meet the income requirement does not need to completeForm I-864A, Contract Between Sponsor and HouseholdMember, unless the intending immigrant has a spouse and/orchildren immigrating with him or her. In this instance, thecontract relates to support for the spouse and/or children.

Does Receipt of Means-Tested Public BenefitsDisqualify me From being a Sponsor?

Assets may supplement income if the consular or immigrationofficer is convinced that the monetary value of the asset couldreasonably be made available to support the sponsoredimmigrant and converted to cash within one year withoutundue harm to the sponsor or his or her family members. Youmay not include an automobile unless you show that you ownat least one working automobile that you have not included.

How Can I Use Assets to Qualify?

No. Receipt of means-tested public benefits does notdisqualify anyone from being a sponsor. However, means-tested public benefits cannot be accepted as income for thepurposes of meeting the income requirement.

If the first joint sponsor completes Form I-864 for some ratherthan all the family members, a second qualifying joint sponsorwill be required to sponsor the remaining family members.There may be no more than two joint sponsors. A jointsponsor must be able to meet the income requirements for allthe persons he or she is sponsoring without combiningresources with the petitioning sponsor or a second jointsponsor. Any dependents applying for an immigrant visa oradjustment of status more than six months after immigration ofthe intending immigrants must be sponsored by the petitionerbut may be sponsored by an original joint sponsor or a differentjoint sponsor.Even if one or more I-864s are submitted for an intendingimmigrant, the petitioning sponsor remains legallyaccountable for the financial support of the sponsored alienalong with the joint sponsor(s).

If the person who is seeking the immigration of one or moreof his or her relatives cannot meet the income requirements, a"joint sponsor" who can meet the requirements may submit aForm I-864 to sponsor all or some of the family members.A joint sponsor can be any U.S. citizen, U.S. national, orlawful permanent resident who is at least 18 years old,domiciled in the United States, or its territories or possessions,and willing to be held jointly liable with the petitioner for thesupport of the intending immigrant. A joint sponsor does nothave to be related to the petitioning sponsor or the intendingimmigrant.

A substitute sponsor is a sponsor who is completing aForm I-864 on behalf of an intending immigrant whoseoriginal I-130 petitioner has died after the Form I-130 wasapproved, but before the intending immigrant obtainedpermanent residence.The substitute sponsor must be related to the intendingimmigrant in one of the following ways: spouse, parent,mother-in-law, father-in-law, sibling, child (at least 18 years ofage), son, daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandparent, grandchild or legal guardian.The substitute sponsor must also be a U.S. citizen or lawfulpermanent resident.

If you are a substitute sponsor, you must indicate that that youare related to the intending immigrant in one of the wayslisted above and include evidence proving that relationship.The beneficiary must also file this form along with a writtenstatement explaining the reasons why the Form I-130 visapetition should be reinstated, having been revoked followingthe petitioner's death. The beneficiary must also include acopy of the Form I-130 approval notice.

What Is a Substitute Sponsor?

What Is a Joint Sponsor?

Your obligation to support the immigrant(s) you aresponsoring in this affidavit of support will continue until thesponsored immigrant becomes a U.S. citizen, or can becredited with 40 qualifying quarters of work in the UnitedStates.Although 40 qualifying quarters of work (credits) generallyequate to ten years of work, in certain cases the work of aspouse or parent adds qualifying quarters. The Social SecurityAdministration can provide information on how to countqualifying quarters (credits) of work.The obligation also ends if you or the sponsored immigrantdies or if the sponsored immigrant ceases to be a lawfulpermanent resident and departs the United States. Divorcedoes not end the sponsorship obligation.

How Long Does My Obligationas a Sponsor Continue?

You must submit a Form I-864 affidavit of support for eachintending immigrant you are sponsoring. You may submitphotocopies if you are sponsoring more than one intendingimmigrant listed on the same affidavit of support.Separate affidavits of support are required for intendingimmigrants for whom different Form I-130 family-basedpetitions were filed. For instance, if you are sponsoring bothparents, each will need an original affidavit of support andaccompanying documentation since you were required tosubmit separate Form I-130 visa petitions for each parent.

Do I Need to Submit a SeparateAffidavit for Each Family Member?

Form I-864 Instructions (Rev. 10/18/07)YPage 4

Often a spouse or minor children obtain visas or adjust statusas dependents of a relative, based on the same visa petition. Ifyou are sponsoring such dependents, you only need to providea photocopy of the original Form I-864, as long as thesedependents are immigrating at the same time as the principalimmigrant or within six months of the time he or sheimmigrates to the United States. You do not need to providecopies of the supporting documents for each of thephotocopied Forms I-864.

If the intending immigrant will apply for an immigrantvisa at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate overseas:Complete Form I-864 when it is mailed to you from theNational Visa Center (NVC). Different instructions apply tosome cases so follow the instructions provided by the NationalVisa Center for your particular case. The instructions on whenand where to submit Form I-864 are included in theinformation packet that is mailed to you with Form I-864.Form I-864 and all accompanying documentation must besubmitted to the government within one year of when you signForm I-864.

When Do I Complete Form I-864 and Where Do I Send It?

Federal law requires that every sponsor report every change ofaddress to the USCIS within 30 days of the change. To dothis, send a completed Form I-865, Sponsor's Change ofAddress, to the Service Center having jurisdiction over yournew address.Do not complete Form I-865 at the same time that youcomplete the I-864.

If the intending immigrant will adjust status in the UnitedStates:Complete Form I-864 when the intending immigrant is readyto submit his or her Form Application to Register PermanentResidence or Adjust Status. Then give the completed FormI-864 along with any Forms I-864A and all supportingdocumentation to the intending immigrant to submit with hisor her application for adjustment of status. To be valid, FormI-864 and all supporting documentation must be submittedwithin one year of when you sign Form I-864. For privacy,you may enclose these documents in a sealed envelopemarked "Form I-864: To Be Opened Only by a U.S.Government Official." You may be requested to submitupdated information if there is a significant delay inprocessing.

Do I Have to Report MyChange of Address If I Move?

You should complete and submit Form I-865 to USCIS onlywhen the address you indicated on the original I-864 Affidavitof Support has changed. Please see Form I-865 for furtherdirections on filing the Sponsor's Change of Address. Thisrequirement does not relieve a sponsor who is a lawfulpermanent resident from submitting Form AR-11 within tendays of a change of address.

Form I-864 Instructions (Rev. 10/18/07)Y Page 5

Step-by-Step InstructionsForm I-864 is divided into nine parts. The information below will help you fill out the form.

Check box "f" if you are the substitute sponsor. A substitutesponsor is a sponsor who is completing a Form I-864 onbehalf of an intending immigrant whose original Form I-130petitioner has died after the Form I-130 was approved, butbefore the intending immigrant obtained permanentresidence. The substitute sponsor must be related to theintending immigrant in one of the following ways: spouse,parent, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sibling, child (at least 18years of age), son, daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law,brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandparent, grandchild or legalguardian. The substitute sponsor must also be a U.S. citizenor lawful permanent resident. If you are a substitute sponsor,you must sponsor each intending immigrant.

Check box "a" if you are the petitioner who is filing or whohas already filed Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative;Form I-600, Petition to Classify Orphan as an ImmediateRelative; or Form I-600A, Application for AdvanceProcessing of Orphan Petition. If you are the petitioner, youmust sponsor each intending immigrant.

Part 1. Basis for Filing Affidavit of Support.

Check box "d" if you are the only joint sponsor or box "e" ifyou are either of two joint sponsors. A joint sponsor must be aperson, and may not be a corporation, organization, or otherentity. A joint sponsor does not have to be related to theintending immigrant. Indicate whether you are the only jointsponsor or one of two joint sponsors. Check with thepetitioning sponsor or the intending immigrant if you are notcertain.

Check box "b" if you are filing or have filed Form I-140,Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker, for your husband, wife,father, mother, child, adult son or daughter, brother, or sister.

Check box "c" if you have an ownership interest of at leastfive percent in a business, corporation or other entity that filedor is filing a Form I-140 for your husband, wife, father,mother, child, adult son or daughter, brother, or sister.

6. Alien Registration Number. An "A-number" is an AlienRegistration Number assigned by the former Immigration andNaturalization Service (INS) or U.S. Citizenship andImmigration Services (USCIS). If the intending immigrantsyou are sponsoring have not previously been in the UnitedStates or have only been in the United States as tourists, theyprobably do not have A-numbers. Persons with A-numberscan locate the number on their INS or USCIS-issueddocumentation.

Part 2. Information on the Principal Immigrant. The principal immigrant is the intending immigrant who is the primary beneficiary of the visa petition.

8. Indicate whether you are sponsoring the principalimmigrant listed in item 2 in this Form I-864. This onlyapplies to cases with two joint sponsors. Check "No" only ifyou are sponsoring only intended immigrants listed in 9 (athrough e) and not the principal immigrant listed in item 2.

15. Country of Domicile. This question is asking you toindicate the country where you maintain your principalresidence and where you plan to reside for the foreseeablefuture. If your mailing address and/or place of residence isnot in the United States, but your country of domicile is theUnited States, you must attach a written explanation anddocumentary evidence indicating how you meet the domicilerequirement. If you are not currently living in the UnitedStates, you may meet the domicile requirement if you cansubmit evidence to establish that any of the followingconditions apply:

9. Accompanying Family Members You are Sponsoring.The immigrant you are sponsoring may be bringing a spouseand/or children to the United States. If the spouse and/orchildren will be traveling with the immigrant, or within sixmonths of the immigrant's entry to the United States and youare sponsoring them, you should list the names and otherrequested information on the lines provided. If anydependents are not immigrating, will be immigrating morethan 6 months after the sponsored alien arrives in the UnitedStates, or you are not sponsoring them, do not list their nameshere. A separate Form I-864 will be required for them whenthey apply for their immigrant visas.

Part 4. Information on the Sponsor.

Part 3. Information on Immigrants You Are Sponsoring.

Form I-864 Instructions (Rev. 10/18/07)YPage 6

A public international organization in which the UnitedStates participates by treaty or statute;

A U.S. firm or corporation engaged in whole or in part inthe development of foreign trade and commerce with theUnited States, or a subsidiary of such a firm or corporation;



B. You are living abroad temporarily.If you are not currently living in the United States, you mustshow that your trip abroad is temporary and that you havemaintained your domicile in the United States. You can showthis by providing proof of your voting record in the UnitedStates, proof of paying U.S. State or local taxes, proof ofhaving property in the United States, proof of maintainingbank or investment accounts in the United States, or proof ofhaving a permanent mailing address in the United States.Other proof could be evidence that you are a student studyingabroad or that a foreign government has authorized atemporary stay.

C. You intend in good faith to reestablish your domicile inthe United States no later than the date of the intendingimmigrant's admission or adjustment of status.You must submit proof that you have taken concrete steps toestablish you will be domiciled in the United States at a timeno later than the date of the intending immigrant's admissionor adjustment of status. Concrete steps might includeaccepting a job in the United States, signing a lease orpurchasing a residence in the United States, or registeringchildren in U.S. schools. Please attach proof of the steps youhave taken to establish domicile as described above.

Proof of U.S. citizen, national, or permanent resident status isrequired for joint and substitute sponsors and for relatives ofemployment-based immigrants who file this form. Petitioningrelatives who have already filed proof of their citizenship orimmigration status with Forms I-130, Form I-129F, I-600 andI-600A do not need to submit proof of their status with thisform.

19. Citizenship/Residency.

A religious denomination having a bona fide organization inthe United States, if the employment abroad involves theperson's performance of priestly or ministerial functions onbehalf of the denomination; or


A religious denomination or interdenominationalmissionary organization having a bona fide organization inthe United States, if the person is engaged solely as amissionary.


18. U.S. Social Security Number.

Every sponsor's Social Security number is required by law. Ifyou do not currently have a Social Security number you mustobtain one before submitting this Form I-864.

Proof of permanent resident status includes a photocopy ofboth sides of the "green card," Form I-551, Alien RegistrationReceipt Card/Permanent Resident Card; or a photocopy of anunexpired temporary I-551 stamp in either a foreign passportor a DHS Form I-94, Arrival/Departure Document.

Proof of U.S. citizen or national status includes a copy of yourbirth certificate, certificate of naturalization, certificate ofcitizenship, consular report of birth abroad to citizen parents,or a copy of the biographic data page of your U.S. passport.

Check "yes" if you are the petitioning sponsor and on activeduty in the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines,or CoastGuard, other than for training. If you provide evidence thatyou are currently on active duty in the military and you arepetitioning for your spouse or minor child, you will need todemonstrate income at only 100 percent of the poverty levelfor your household size, instead of at 125 percent of thepoverty level. (See Form I-864P for information on thepoverty levels.) Check "no" if you are not on active duty inthe U.S. military. This provision does not apply to joint andsubstitute sponsors.

20. Military Service.

This section asks you to add together the number of personsfor whom you are financially responsible. Some of thesepersons may not be residing with you. Make sure you do notcount any individual more than once, since in some cases thesame person could fit into two categories. For example, yourspouse (whom you would enter on line 21c) might also be alawful permanent resident whom you have already sponsoredusing Form I-864 (line 21f). If you included your spouse online 21c, do not include him or her again on line 21f.

Part 5. Sponsor's Household Size.

A. You are employed by a certain organization.

Some individuals employed overseas are automaticallyconsidered to be domiciled in the United States because of thenature of their employment. The qualifying types ofemployment include employment by:

An American institution of research recognized by theSecretary of Homeland Security (The list ofqualifying institutions may be found at 8 CFR 316.20);


The U.S. government;


Form I-864 Instructions (Rev. 10/18/07)Y Page 7

21f - Enter the number of lawful permanent residents whomyou are currently obligated to support based on your previoussubmission of Form I-864 as a petitioning, substitute, or jointsponsor, or of Form I-864EZ as a petitioning sponsor. Includeonly those persons who have already immigrated to the UnitedStates. Do not include anyone for whom your obligation tosupport has ended through the sponsored immigrant'sacquisition of U.S. citizenship, death, abandonment of lawfulpermanent residence in the United States, acquisition of 40quarters of earned or credited work in the United States, orobtaining a new grant of adjustment of status while in removalproceedings based on a new affidavit of support, if one isrequired.

21d - Enter the number of unmarried children you have whoare under age 21, even if you do not have legal custody ofthese children. You may exclude any unmarried childrenunder 21, if these children have reached majority under thelaw of their place of domicile and you do not claim them asdependents on your income tax returns.

21e - Enter the number of any other dependents. You mustinclude each and every person whom you have claimed as adependent on your most recent Federal income tax return,even if that person is not related to you. Even if you are notlegally obligated to support that person, you must include theperson if in fact you did support that person and claimed theperson as a dependent.

21g - This question gives you the option of including certainother non-dependent relatives who are living in your residenceas part of your household size. Such relatives may includeyour mother, father, sister, brother or adult children, if they areliving in your residence. However, the only reason to includethese family members in your household size is if you need toinclude their income when you calculate your householdincome for purposes of meeting the income requirement forthis form. To be considered, any relative indicated in thiscategory must sign and submit Form I-864A.

Part 6. Sponsor's Income and Employment.

Check the box (a through d) that applies to you.

22. Job Classification.

This section is used to determine the sponsor's householdincome. Take your annual individual income from line 23 andenter it on line 24a. If this amount is greater than 125 percent(or 100 percent if you are on active duty in the U.S. militaryand sponsoring your spouse or child) of the Federal PovertyGuidelines for your household size from line 21h, you do notneed to include any household member's income. See FormI-864P for reference on the Poverty Guidelines.

24. Annual Household Income.

If you included the income of your spouse listed in 21c, orany child listed in 21d, or any dependent listed in 21e, orany other relative listed in 21g, each one of theseindividuals must be over 18 years of age and must completeForm I-864A.

To determine the filing requirements for your relativesincluded in item 24b, follow these instructions:

If you included the income of the intending immigrant whois your spouse (he or she would be counted on line 21a),evidence that his/her income will continue from the currentsource after obtaining lawful permanent resident status mustbe provided. He/she does not need to complete FormI-864A unless he/she has accompanying children.

If you included the income of the intending immigrant whois not your spouse, (he or she would be counted on line21a), evidence that his or her income will continue from thecurrent source after obtaining lawful permanent residentstatus must be provided and the intending immigrantmust provide evidence that he/she is living in yourresidence. He or she does not need to completeForm I-864A, Contract Between Sponsor and HouseholdMember, unless he or she has an accompanying spouse orchildren.

You may include evidence supporting your claim about yourexpected income for the current year if you believe thatsubmitting this evidence will help you establish ability tomaintain sufficient income. You are not required to submitthis evidence, however, unless specifically instructed to doso by a Government official. For example, you may includea recent letter from your employer, showing your employer'saddress and telephone number, and indicating your annualsalary. You may also provide pay stub(s) showing yourincome for the previous six months. If your claimed incomeincludes alimony, child support, dividend or interest income,or income from any other source, you may also includeevidence of that income.

Enter your current individual earned or retirement annualincome that you are using to meet the requirements of thisform and indicate the total on this line.

23. Current Individual Annual Income.

Form I-864 Instructions (Rev. 10/18/07)Y Page 8

If you provide a photocopy of your tax return(s), you mustinclude a copy of each and every FormW-2 and Form 1099that relates to your return(s). Do not include copies of theseForms if you provide an IRS transcript of your return(s) ratherthan a photocopy.

You must provide either an IRS transcript or a photocopyfrom your own records of your Federal individual income taxreturn for the most recent tax year. If you believe additionalreturns may help you to establish your ability to maintainsufficient income, you may submit transcripts or photocopiesof your Federal individual income tax returns for the threemost recent years.

25. Federal Income Tax Information.

Do not submit copies of your State income tax returns. Donot submit any tax returns that you filed with any foreigngovernment unless you claim that you were not required tofile a Federal tax return with the United States governmentand you wish to rely on the foreign return solely to establishthe amount of your income that is not subject to tax in theUnited States.

If you checked box 22(B) (self-employed), you should havecompleted one of the following forms with your Federalincome tax return: Schedule C (Profit or Loss from Business),Schedule D (Capital Gains), Schedule E (SupplementalIncome or Loss) or Schedule F (Profit or Loss from Farming).You must include each and every Form 1040 Schedule, if any,that you filed with your Federal tax return.

If you were required to file a Federal income tax return duringany of the previous three tax years but did not do so, you mustfile any and all late returns with IRS and attach an IRS-generated tax return transcript documenting your late filingbefore submitting the I-864 Affidavit of Support. If you werenot required to file a Federal income tax return under U.S. taxlaw because your income was too low, attach a writtenexplanation. If you were not required to file a Federal incometax return under U.S. tax law for any other reason, attach awritten explanation including evidence of the exemption andhow you are subject to it. Residence outside of the UnitedStates does not exempt U.S. citizens or lawful permanent

Only complete this Part if you need to use the value of assetsto meet the income requirements. If your Total HouseholdIncome (indicated on Line 24c) is equal to or more thanneeded to meet the income requirement as shown by thecurrent Poverty Guidelines (Form I-864P) for your householdsize (indicated on Line 21h), you do not need to complete thisPart. If your total household income does not meet therequirement, you may submit evidence of the value of yourassets, the sponsored immigrant's assets, and/or assets of ahousehold member that can be used, if necessary, for thesupport of the intending immigrant(s). The value of assets ofall of these persons may be combined in order to meet thenecessary requirement.

For purposes of this affidavit, the line for gross (total) incomeon IRS Forms 1040 and 1040A will be considered whendetermining income. For persons filing IRS Form 1040 EZ,the line for adjusted gross income will be considered.

Part 7. Use of Assets to Supplement Income.

You may include the net value of your home as an asset. Thenet value of the home is the appraised value of the home,minus the sum of any and all loans secured by a mortgage,trust deed, or other lien on the home. If you wish to includethe net value of your home, this, you must includedocumentation demonstrating that you own it, a recentappraisal by a licensed appraiser, and evidence of the amountof any and all loans secured by a mortgage, trust deed, orother lien on the home. You may not include the net value anautomobile unless you show that you have more than oneautomobile, and at least one automobile is not included as anasset.

Only assets that can be converted into cash within one yearand without considerable hardship or financial loss to theowner may be included. The owner of the asset must includea description of the asset, proof of ownership, and the basisfor the owner's claim of its net cash value.

You are not required to have the IRS certify the transcript orphotocopy unless specifically instructed to do so by aGovernment official; a plain transcript or photocopy isacceptable. Telefile tax records are not acceptable proof offiling.

Obtaining Tax Transcripts. You may use Internal RevenueService (IRS) Form 4506-T to request tax transcripts from theIRS. Complete IRS Form 4506-T with the ending date foreach of your three most recent tax years listed on line 9.Follow all instructions for completing and filing Form 4506-Twith the IRS.

residents from filing a U.S. Federal income tax return. See"Filing Requirements" in the IRS Form 1040 FilingInstructions to determine whether you were required to file.

Form I-864 Instructions (Rev. 10/18/07)Y Page 9

In order to qualify based on the value of your assets, the totalvalue of your assets must equal at least five times thedifference between your total household income and thecurrent poverty guidelines for your household size. However,if you are a U.S. citizen and you are sponsoring your spouseor minor child, the total value of your assets must only beequal to at least three times the difference. If the intendingimmigrant is an alien orphan who will be adopted in theUnited States after the alien orphan acquires permanentresidence, and who will, as a result, acquire citizenship undersection 320 of the Act, the total value of your assets need onlyequal the difference.

To use the assets of a relative (spouse, adult son or daughter,parent or sibling), the relative must reside with you and havecompleted a Form I-864A, Contract Between Sponsor andHousehold Member, with accompanying evidence of assets.The Form I-864A and accompanying evidence of assets issubmitted with Form I-864. You may use the assets of morethan one relative who resides with you so long as you submit acomplete Form I-864A with evidence of assets for each suchrelative.

27. Household Member's Assets.

You may use the assets of the intending immigrant regardlessof where he or she resides. The intending immigrant mustprovide evidence of such assets with this form. Form I-864Ais not required to document the intending immigrant's assets.

28. Assets of the Intending Immigrant.

29. Total Value of Assets.

Example of How to Use Assets: If you are petitioning for aparent and the poverty line for your household size is $22,062and your current income is $18,062, the difference betweenyour current income and the poverty line is $4,000. In orderfor assets to help you qualify, the combination of your assets,plus the assets of any household member who is signing FormI-864A, plus any available assets of the sponsored immigant,would have to equal five times this difference (5 x $4,000). Inthis case, you would meet the income requirements if the netvalue of the assets equaled at least $20,000.

The Government may pursue verification of any informationprovided on or in support of this form, including employment,income, or assets with the employer, financial or otherinstitutions, the Internal Revenue Service, or the Social SecurityAdministration. If you include in this affidavit of support anyinformation that you know to be false, you may be liable forcriminal prosecution under the laws of the United States.


Read the contract carefully, print your name, and then signand date the form. If you do not print your name on line 30and sign and date the form on line 31, the intendingimmigrant you are sponsoring cannot be issued a visa orbe granted adjustment of status.

Part 8. Sponsor's Contact.

To use your own assets, you must complete lines 26a through26d and submit corresponding evidence with this form.Supporting evidence must be attached to establish location,ownership, date of acquisition, and value of any real estateholding.

26. Assets.

If you fail to give notice of your change of address, asrequired by 8 U.S.C. 1183a(d) and 8 CFR 213a.3, you may beliable for the civil penalty established by 8 U.S.C. 1183a(d)(2). The amount of the civil penalty will depend on whetheryou failed to give this notice because you were aware that theimmigrant(s) you sponsored had received Federal, State, orlocal means-tested public benefits.

If the failure to report your change of address occurs withknowledge that the sponsored immigrant received means-tested public benefits (other than benefits described in section401(B), 403©(2), or 4ll(B) of the Personal Responsibility andWork Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, which aresummarized in the contract in Part 8) such failure may resultin a fine of not less than $2,000 or more than $5,000.Otherwise, the failure to report your change of address mayresult in a fine not less than $250 or more than $2,000.

Authority for the collection of the information requested onthis form is contained in 8 U.S.C. 1182a(4), 1183a, 1184(a),and 1258. The information will be used principally by animmigration judge, USCIS or a Consular Officer to support analien's application for benefits under the Immigration andNationality Act and specifically the assertion that he or she hasadequate means of financial support and will not become apublic charge. Submission of the information is voluntary.Failure to provide the information will result in denial of theapplication for an immigrant visa or adjustment of status.

Privacy Act Notice.

Other Information.

Form I-864 Instructions (Rev. 10/18/07)Y Page 10

A person is not required to respond to a collection ofinformation unless it displays a currently valid OMB controlnumber.We try to create forms and instructions that are accurate, can beeasily understood, and which impose the least burden on you toprovide us with information. Often this is difficult becausesome immigration laws are very complex. The estimated average time to complete and file this form is asfollows: (1) 75 minutes to learn about the law and form; (2) 90minutes to complete the form; and (3) 3 hour and 15 minutes toassemble and file the form; for a total estimated average of 6hours per form.

If you have comments regarding the accuracy of this estimate,or suggestions for making this form simpler, write to U.S.Citizenship and Immigration Services, Regulatory ManagementDivision, Attn: OMB No. 1615-0075, 111 MassachusettsAvenue N.W., Washington, D.C. 20529. Do not mail yourcompleted affidavit of support to this address.

Reporting Burden.

The information may also, as a matter of routine use, bedisclosed to other Federal, State and local agencies providingmeans-tested public benefits for use in civil action against thesponsor for breach of contract. Social Security numbers maybe verified with the Social Security Administration consistantwith the consent signed as part of the contract in Part 8 of theForm I-864. It may also be disclosed as a matter of routine useto other Federal, State, local, and foreign law enforcement andregulatory agencies to enable these entities to carry out theirlaw enforcement responsibilities.

To order USCIS forms, call our toll-free forms line at1-800-870-3676. You can also obtain forms and informationon immigration laws, regulations and procedures bytelephoning our National Customer Service Center at1-800-375-5283 or visiting our internet website atwww.uscis.gov.

USCIS Forms and Information.

Use InfoPass for Appointments.

As an alternative to waiting in line for assistance at your localUSCIS office, you can now schedule an appointment throughour internet-based system, InfoPass. To access the system,visit our website at www.uscis.gov. Use the InfoPassappointment scheduler and follow the screen prompts to set upyour appointment. InfoPass generates an electronicappointment notice that appears on the screen. Print the noticeand take it with you to your appointment. The notice gives thetime and date of your appointment, along with the address ofthe USCIS office.

If you use your assets or the assets of a household member to qualify,

If you are a joint sponsor, substitute sponsor, or the relative of an employment-based immigrant requiring an affidavitof support, proof of your citizenship status, U.S. national status or lawful permanent resident status.

A separate Form I-864A for each household member using assets other than for the intending immigrant.

Documentation of assets establishing location, ownership, date of acquisition and value. Evidence of anyliens or liabilities against these assets.

Check List

For U.S. citizens or nationals, a copy of your birth certificate, passport, or certificate of naturalization orcitizenship.

Form I-864 Instructions (Rev. 10/18/07)Y Page 11

The following items must be submitted with Form I-864:

For ALL sponsors:

If you are currently self-employed, a copy of your Schedule C, D, E or F from your most recent Federal Tax Returnwhich establishes your income from your business.

For SOME sponsors:

A copy of your individual Federal income tax return, including W-2s for the most recent tax year, or a statementand/or evidence describing why you were not required to file. Also include a copy of each and every Form 1099,Schedule, and any other evidence of reported income. You may submit this information for the most recent three taxyears , pay stub(s) from the most recent six months, and/or a letter from your employer if you believe any of theseitems will help you qualify.



If you are sponsoring more than one intending immigrant listed on the same affidavit of support, photocopies of theoriginal affidavit of support may be submitted for any additional intending immigrants listed. Copies of supportingdocumentation are not required for these family members.


If you are the petitioning sponsor and on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces and are sponsoring your spouse orchild using 100 percent of governing poverty guideline, proof of your active military status.


If you are using the income of persons in your household or dependents to qualify,


A separate Form I-864A for each person whose income you will use. However, an intending immigrantwhose income is being used needs to complete Form I-864A only if his or her spouse and/or children areimmigrating with him or her.


Proof of their residency in your household and relationship to you if they are not the intending immigrantsor are not listed as dependents on your Federal income tax return for the most recent tax year.


Proof that the intending immigrant's current employment will continue from the same source if his or herincome is being used.


A copy of their individual Federal income tax return, including W-2s and 1099s, for the most recent taxyear, or evidence that they were not required to file. You may submit this information for the most recentthree years if you believe it will help you qualify.







For lawful permanent residents, a copy of both sides of your Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card.


For GovernmentUse Only

which filed an alien worker petition on behalf of the intending immigrant, who is related tome as my

I-864, Affidavit of SupportUnder Section 213A of the Act


Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

1. I,

Part 2. Information on the principal immigrant.

3. Mailing Address Street Number and Name (Include Apartment Number)

This I-864 is from:


Number of Affidavits ofSupport in file:

Form I-864 (Rev. 10/18/07)Y

does not meet therequirements ofsection 213A.

meets therequirements ofsection 213A.

This I-864:

the Petitioner

a Joint Sponsor #______________

the SubstituteSponsor

Department of Homeland SecurityU.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

5% Owner

First Name

OMB No. 1615-0075; Expires 10/31/10

Part 1. Basis for filing Affidavit of Support.

Middle Name

2. Last Name



Zip/Postal Code


4. Country of Citizenship

5. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

6. Alien Registration Number (if any)


7. U.S. Social Security Number (if any)

Part 3. Information on the immigrant(s) you are sponsoring.






U.S.Social SecurityNumber (if any)

Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

A-Number (if any)


Relationship toSponsored Immigrant


10. Enter the total number of immigrants you are sponsoring on this form from Part 3, Items 8 and 9.

I am sponsoring the principal immigrant named in Part 2 above.


I am sponsoring the following family members immigrating at the same time or within six months of the principalimmigrant named in Part 2 above. Do not include any relative listed on a separate visa petition.


No (Applicable only in cases with two joint sponsors)



I am the only joint sponsor.


I am the petitioner. I filed or am filing for the immigration of my relative.

I filed an alien worker petition on behalf of the intending immigrant, who is related to me asmy


I have an ownership interest of at least 5 percent in



I am the


The original petitioner is deceased. I am the substitute sponsor. I am the intendingimmigrant's


am the sponsor submitting this affidavit of support because (Check only one box):





second of two joint sponsors. (Check appropriate box.)

I am a lawful permanent resident. My alien registration number is A-

Part 4. Information on the Sponsor.

Middle Name

Form I-864 (Rev. 10/18/07)Y Page 2

Last Name

First Name

11. Name

16. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)


Street Number and Name (Include Apartment Number)


13. Place of Residence

(if different frommailing address)

14. Telephone Number (Include Area Code or Country and City Codes)

15. Country of Domicile

19. Citizenship/Residency

If you checked box (B), ©, (d), (e) or (F) in line 1 on Page 1, you must include proof of yourcitizen, national, or permanent resident status.

Zip/Postal Code

State or Province

20. Military Service (To be completed by petitioner sponsors only.)

12. Mailing Address

Street Number and Name (Include Apartment Number)


State or Province

Zip/Postal Code


17. Place of Birth (City)


State or Province

I am currently on active duty in the U.S. armed services.

For GovernmentUse Only

18. U.S. Social Security Number (Required)

I am a U.S. citizen.

I am a U.S. national (for joint sponsors only).




21. Your Household Size - DO NOT COUNT ANYONE TWICE

Part 5. Sponsor's household size.

Persons you are sponsoring in this affidavit:

a. Enter the number you entered on line 10.

Persons NOT sponsored in this affidavit:

b. Yourself.

Part 6. Sponsor's income and employment.

22. I am currently:

e. If you have any other dependents, enter the number here.

c. If you are currently married, enter "1" for your spouse.

d. If you have dependent children, enter the number here.

Form I-864 (Rev. 10/18/07)Y Page 3


For GovernmentUse Only

23. My current individual annual income is:


(Company Name)


OPTIONAL: If you have siblings, parents, or adult children withthe same principal residence who are combining their incomewith yours by submitting Form I-864A, enter the number here.

If you have sponsored any other persons on an I-864 or I-864 EZwho are now lawful permanent residents, enter the number here.



Add together lines and enter the number here. Household Size:


(See Step-by-Step Instructions)

Employed as a/an


Name of Employer #1 (if applicable)

Name of Employer #2 (if applicable)

Self-employed as a/an


Retired from


Unemployed since









For GovernmentUse Only

c. Total Household Income:


Form I-864 (Rev. 10/18/07)Y Page 4

Poverty line for year _______________ is:


Household Size =


(Total all lines from 24a and 24b. Will be Compared to Poverty Guidelines -- See Form I-864P.)

The persons listed above have completed Form I-864A. I am filing along with thisform all necessary Forms I-864A completed by these persons.


The person listed above,


complete Form I-864A because he/she is the intending immigrant and has noaccompanying dependents.


24. My current annual household income:




a. List your income from line 23 of this form.

Income you are using from any other person who was counted in your householdsize, including, in certain conditions, the intending immigrant. (See step-by-stepinstructions.) Please indicate name, relationship and income.




25. Federal income tax return information.

I have filed a Federal tax return for each of the three most recent tax years. I haveattached the required photocopy or transcript of my Federal tax return for only themost recent tax year.

(Optional) I have attached photocopies or transcripts of my Federal tax returns for mysecond and third most recent tax years.

Tax Year


(most recent)

My total income (adjusted gross income on IRS Form 1040EZ) as reported on myFederal tax returns for the most recent three years was:


(2nd most recent)


(3rd most recent)

Total Income

does not need to


Current Income

Add together lines 28a, b, and c, and enter the numberhere.

For Government UseOnly

Form I-864 (Rev. 10/18/07)Y Page 5

Poverty line for year _______________ is:


Household Size =

Enter the net cash value of real-estate holdings. (Net meanscurrent assessed value minus mortgage debt.)

Part 7. Use of assets to supplement income. (Optional)


If your income, or the total income for you and your household, from line 24c exceeds theFederal Poverty Guidelines for your household size, YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED tocomplete this Part. Skip to Part 8.

26. Your assets (Optional)






Add together lines 26 a, b and c and enter thenumber here.


28. Assets of the principal sponsored immigrant. (Optional)

Assets from Form I-864A, line 12d for


27. Your household member's assets from Form I-864A. (Optional)

The principal sponsored immigrant is the person listed in line 2.

Add together lines 26d, 27 and 28d and enter thenumber here.


(Name of Relative)






Enter the current cash value of the sponsored immigrant'sstocks, bonds, certificates of deposit, and other assets notincluded on line a or b.

Enter the net cash value of all the sponsored immigrant's realestate holdings. (Net means investment value minusmortgage debt.)



Enter the balance of the sponsored immigrant's savings andchecking accounts.



29. Total value of assets.

The total value of allassests, line 29, must equal5 times (3 times forspouses and children ofUSCs, or 1 time fororphans to be formallyadopted in the U.S.) thedifference between thepoverty guidelines and thesponsor's householdincome, line 24c.

Enter the net cash value of all stocks, bonds, certificates ofdeposit, and any other assets not already included in lines 26(a) or (B).



Enter the balance of all savings and checking accounts.

This provision does not apply to public benefits specified in section 403© of the Welfare Reform Act such as, but notlimited to, emergency Medicaid, short-term, non-cash emergency relief; services provided under the National SchoolLunch and Child Nutrition Acts; immunizations and testing and treatment for communicable diseases; and means-testedprograms under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.

Form I-864 (Rev. 10/18/07)Y Page 6

Please note that, by signing this Form I-864, you agree to assume certain specific obligations under the Immigration andNationality Act and other Federal laws. The following paragraphs describe those obligations. Please read the followinginformation carefully before you sign the Form I-864. If you do not understand the obligations, you may wish to consultan attorney or accredited representative.

Part 8. Sponsor's Contract.

If you sign a Form I-864 on behalf of any person (called the "intending immigrant") who is applying for an immigrantvisa or for adjustment of status to a permanent resident, and that intending immigrant submits the Form I-864 to the U.S.Government with his or her application for an immigrant visa or adjustment of status, under section 213A of theImmigration and Nationality Act these actions create a contract between you and the U. S. Government. The intendingimmigrant's becoming a permanent resident is the "consideration" for the contract.

Under this contract, you agree that, in deciding whether the intending immigrant can establish that he or she is notinadmissible to the United States as an alien likely to become a public charge, the U.S. Government can consider yourincome and assets to be available for the support of the intending immigrant.

What is the Legal Effect of My Signing a Form I-864?

You cannot be made to sign a Form 1-864 if you do not want to do so. But if you do not sign the Form I-864, theintending immigrant may not be able to become a permanent resident in the United States.

What If I choose Not to Sign a Form I-864?

If an intending immigrant becomes a permanent resident in the United States based on a Form I-864 that you have signed,then until your obligations under the Form I-864 terminate, your income and assets may be considered ("deemed") to beavailable to that person, in determining whether he or she is eligible for certain Federal means-tested public benefits andalso for State or local means-tested public benefits, if the State or local government's rules provide for consideration("deeming”) of your income and assets as available to the person.

What Does Signing the Form I-864 Require Me to do?

If an intending immigrant becomes a permanent resident in the United States based on a Form I-864 that you have signed,then, until your obligations under the Form I-864 terminate, you must:


Provide the intending immigrant any support necessary to maintain him or her at an income that is at least 125 percentof the Federal Poverty Guidelines for his or her household size (100 percent if you are the petitioning sponsor and areon active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces and the person is your husband, wife, unmarried child under 21 years old.)


Notify USCIS of any change in your address, within 30 days of the change, by filing Form I-865.

What Other Consequences Are There?

Contract continued on following page.

All the factual statements in this affidavit of support are true and correct.

No longer has lawful permanent resident status, and has departed the United States;

Form I-864 (Rev. 10/18/07)Y Page 7

If you are sued, and the court enters a judgment against you, the person or agency that sued you may use any legallypermitted procedures for enforcing or collecting the judgment. You may also be required to pay the costs of collection,including attorney fees.

If a Federal, State or local agency, or a private agency provides any covered means-tested public benefit to the person whobecomes a permanent resident based on the Form I-864 that you signed, the agency may ask you to reimburse them for theamount of the benefits they provided. If you do not make the reimbursement, the agency may sue you for the amount thatthe agency believes you owe.

If you do not file a properly completed Form I-865 within 30 days of any change of address, USCIS may impose a civilfine for your failing to do so.

Becomes a U.S. citizen;

When Will These Obligations End?

Has worked, or can be credited with, 40 quarters of coverage under the Social Security Act;

Your obligations under a Form I-864 will end if the person who becomes a permanent resident based on a Form I-864 thatyou signed:

Becomes subject to removal, but applies for and obtains in removal proceedings a new grant of adjustment of status,based on a new affidavit of support, if one is required; or


Note that divorce does not terminate your obligations under this Form I-864.

If you do not provide sufficient support to the person who becomes a permanent resident based on the Form I-864 that yousigned, that person may sue you for this support.

What If I Do Not Fulfill My Obligations?

(Print Sponsor's Name)

I know the contents of this affidavit of support that I signed.



certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that:



Your obligations under a Form I-864 also end if you die. Therefore, if you die, your Estate will not be required to takeresponsibility for the person's support after your death. Your Estate may, however, be responsible for any support thatyou owed before you died.

I have read and I understand each of the obligations described in Part 8, and I agree, freely and without anymental reservation or purpose of evasion, to accept each of those obligations in order to make it possible for theimmigrants indicated in Part 3 to become permanent residents of the United States;

I agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of any Federal or State court that has subject matter jurisdiction of alawsuit against me to enforce my obligations under this Form I-864;



Each of the Federal income tax returns submitted in support of this affidavit are true copies, or are unaltered taxtranscripts, of the tax returns I filed with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service; and


Sign on following page.


I authorize the Social Security Administration to release information about me in its records to the Department ofState and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Form I-864 (Rev. 10/18/07)Y Page 8

(Sponsor's Signature)

(Date-- mm/dd/yyyy)



Any and all other evidence submitted is true and correct.


Telephone Number:

Part 9. Information on Preparer, if prepared by someone other than the sponsor.

I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that I prepared this affidavit of support atthe sponsor's request and that this affidavit of support is based on all information of which I have knowledge.


Printed Name:

Firm Name:



Business State ID # (if any)


E-Mail Address :


06-11-08.........I-130 Mailed

06-13-08.........I-130 Received



06-21-08.........Received NOA letter

06-23-08.........Check cashed (Hon's birthday)!


08-08-08.........I-130 Approved

08-08-08.........Case completed

08-09-08.........Email Received

08-15-08.........NOA2 Hard Copy Received

08-28-08.........Received AOS Notice

09-04-08.........I-864 Received by NVC

09-04-08.........DS3032 email resent

09-11-08.........Paid IV bill online

09-12-08.........Sent DS230

09-15-08.........Sent a email to NVC requesting for early interview due to pregnancy


09-26-08.........Found out that a expedite was granted due to pregnancy (NVC RULES)!

10-01-08.........Case Received at Embassy

10-03-08.........Faxed Expedite request to Embassy

10-05-08.........Expedite granted! USEM Rules!

10-07-08.........Delbros Paid (no longer required)


10-16-08.........Medical Passed

10-22-08.........Interview PASSED!!(Pink Slip)

10-24-08.........Visa in hand

11-01-08.........POE (Hawaii),flight #######!

11-13-08.........SSN arrived

11-26-08.........welcome note

12-16-08.........GREEN CARD RECIEVED

02-12-09......... gave birth to a beautiful Baby Girl

04-21-09......... Veterinary LabTechician (job) (Cleveland Veterinary Hospital)



Posted (edited)

this is long.. i have all this copy lol

Edited by jiskat08

CITIZENSHIP 06-19-2013 Sent N400 Application (Chicago Lockbox)

06-21-2013 USCIS received my N400 application

06-25-2013 USCIS mailed the NOA1

06-28-2013 USCIS mailed the Biometrics appt

07-01-2013 Received NOA1 and Biometrics appt letter

​07-15-2013 Biometrics Appt.

08-27-2013 Interview/Test passed

10-07-2013 Oath taking


02-20-2014 mailed I-130 for my parents

02-24-2014 USCIS received the I-130 docs

03-17-2014 USCIS approved the petition (took 15 days, weekdays only)

03-25-2014 USCIS shipped the approved case to NVC

04-02-2014 NVC received the papers (6 days from the approval date)

05-01-2014 Got the 2 case numbers. (21 days)

05-07-2014 Got an email & paid the AOS fee (4 days); DS-261(Choice of Agent) sent

05-09-2014 AOS status "PAID" (2 days from the date the was paid)

05-22-2014 AOS docs delivered in NVC

06-27-2014 RFE for I864 and I864A (i left the Place of residence blank, 26 days from the date they received the AOS)

06-28-2014 Mailed the corrected forms to NVC

06-30-2014 NVC received the AOS corrected forms

07-01-2014 Received IV Bill Invoice, paid.

07-02-2014 PAID status of the mother

07-07-2014 PAID status of the father

07-08-2014 Mailed the supporting docs

07-10-2014 Supporting docs arrived at NVC

07-11-2014 Submitted DS260 of mother

07-13-2014 Submitted DS260 of father

09-04-2014 Called NVC and the lady said CASE COMPLETE! (136 days total from the day they received the I-130)

09-11-2014 Received an email regarding the Interview (5 days from the day the case was completed)

09-15-2014 Status "In Transit" inCEAC

09-16-2014 Status "Ready" CEAC

10-03-2014 Interview/AP/USEM (no record of their medical,DAD needs to get an NBI explanation letter&new NBI clearance with his "aka"

10-8-2014 Mom called St Lukes and asked about the medical results, they said they submitted it already back in June

10-10-2014 Mom mailed the NBI Clearance of my dad

10-14-2014 NBI clearance delivered in USEM

10-06-2014 Visa Issued CEAC

10-09-2014 Got an email that my dad's visa was issued

10-14-2014 Visa delivered 11-29-2014 POE

12-08-2014 SS Card arrived


you need to review poverty guidelines..............

I think you don't need a sponsor you are above poverty,your husband is earning 20Grand,and they are only asking $17,500 for 2 household.

but if he is supporting his 2 children probably you guys need a sponsor...............


06-11-08.........I-130 Mailed

06-13-08.........I-130 Received



06-21-08.........Received NOA letter

06-23-08.........Check cashed (Hon's birthday)!


08-08-08.........I-130 Approved

08-08-08.........Case completed

08-09-08.........Email Received

08-15-08.........NOA2 Hard Copy Received

08-28-08.........Received AOS Notice

09-04-08.........I-864 Received by NVC

09-04-08.........DS3032 email resent

09-11-08.........Paid IV bill online

09-12-08.........Sent DS230

09-15-08.........Sent a email to NVC requesting for early interview due to pregnancy


09-26-08.........Found out that a expedite was granted due to pregnancy (NVC RULES)!

10-01-08.........Case Received at Embassy

10-03-08.........Faxed Expedite request to Embassy

10-05-08.........Expedite granted! USEM Rules!

10-07-08.........Delbros Paid (no longer required)


10-16-08.........Medical Passed

10-22-08.........Interview PASSED!!(Pink Slip)

10-24-08.........Visa in hand

11-01-08.........POE (Hawaii),flight #######!

11-13-08.........SSN arrived

11-26-08.........welcome note

12-16-08.........GREEN CARD RECIEVED

02-12-09......... gave birth to a beautiful Baby Girl

04-21-09......... Veterinary LabTechician (job) (Cleveland Veterinary Hospital)




sorry about 17,500G its 20 something for 2 house hold............uuuummm i think you need his dad............lol


06-11-08.........I-130 Mailed

06-13-08.........I-130 Received



06-21-08.........Received NOA letter

06-23-08.........Check cashed (Hon's birthday)!


08-08-08.........I-130 Approved

08-08-08.........Case completed

08-09-08.........Email Received

08-15-08.........NOA2 Hard Copy Received

08-28-08.........Received AOS Notice

09-04-08.........I-864 Received by NVC

09-04-08.........DS3032 email resent

09-11-08.........Paid IV bill online

09-12-08.........Sent DS230

09-15-08.........Sent a email to NVC requesting for early interview due to pregnancy


09-26-08.........Found out that a expedite was granted due to pregnancy (NVC RULES)!

10-01-08.........Case Received at Embassy

10-03-08.........Faxed Expedite request to Embassy

10-05-08.........Expedite granted! USEM Rules!

10-07-08.........Delbros Paid (no longer required)


10-16-08.........Medical Passed

10-22-08.........Interview PASSED!!(Pink Slip)

10-24-08.........Visa in hand

11-01-08.........POE (Hawaii),flight #######!

11-13-08.........SSN arrived

11-26-08.........welcome note

12-16-08.........GREEN CARD RECIEVED

02-12-09......... gave birth to a beautiful Baby Girl

04-21-09......... Veterinary LabTechician (job) (Cleveland Veterinary Hospital)



Posted (edited)
sorry about 17,500G its 20 something for 2 house hold............uuuummm i think you need his dad............lol

but my husband didn't claim his 2 kids in his tax but the mothers who claimed it... Here's the instruction from 1864 Form..

Enter the number of unmarried children you have who

are under age 21, even if you do not have legal custody of

these children. You may exclude any unmarried children

under 21, if these children have reached majority under the

law of their place of domicile and you do not claim them as

dependents on your income tax returns.

Do we really need to include his 2 kids??? IM CONFUSE so much... We already submitted the AOS docs last night.. :help::(:crying:

my husband didn't even got any single tax refund from his 2 kids...

Edited by jiskat08

CITIZENSHIP 06-19-2013 Sent N400 Application (Chicago Lockbox)

06-21-2013 USCIS received my N400 application

06-25-2013 USCIS mailed the NOA1

06-28-2013 USCIS mailed the Biometrics appt

07-01-2013 Received NOA1 and Biometrics appt letter

​07-15-2013 Biometrics Appt.

08-27-2013 Interview/Test passed

10-07-2013 Oath taking


02-20-2014 mailed I-130 for my parents

02-24-2014 USCIS received the I-130 docs

03-17-2014 USCIS approved the petition (took 15 days, weekdays only)

03-25-2014 USCIS shipped the approved case to NVC

04-02-2014 NVC received the papers (6 days from the approval date)

05-01-2014 Got the 2 case numbers. (21 days)

05-07-2014 Got an email & paid the AOS fee (4 days); DS-261(Choice of Agent) sent

05-09-2014 AOS status "PAID" (2 days from the date the was paid)

05-22-2014 AOS docs delivered in NVC

06-27-2014 RFE for I864 and I864A (i left the Place of residence blank, 26 days from the date they received the AOS)

06-28-2014 Mailed the corrected forms to NVC

06-30-2014 NVC received the AOS corrected forms

07-01-2014 Received IV Bill Invoice, paid.

07-02-2014 PAID status of the mother

07-07-2014 PAID status of the father

07-08-2014 Mailed the supporting docs

07-10-2014 Supporting docs arrived at NVC

07-11-2014 Submitted DS260 of mother

07-13-2014 Submitted DS260 of father

09-04-2014 Called NVC and the lady said CASE COMPLETE! (136 days total from the day they received the I-130)

09-11-2014 Received an email regarding the Interview (5 days from the day the case was completed)

09-15-2014 Status "In Transit" inCEAC

09-16-2014 Status "Ready" CEAC

10-03-2014 Interview/AP/USEM (no record of their medical,DAD needs to get an NBI explanation letter&new NBI clearance with his "aka"

10-8-2014 Mom called St Lukes and asked about the medical results, they said they submitted it already back in June

10-10-2014 Mom mailed the NBI Clearance of my dad

10-14-2014 NBI clearance delivered in USEM

10-06-2014 Visa Issued CEAC

10-09-2014 Got an email that my dad's visa was issued

10-14-2014 Visa delivered 11-29-2014 POE

12-08-2014 SS Card arrived

Posted (edited)


I'll ask my husband later......he knows more that me.....probably he can give advice

Edited by bratikicks


06-11-08.........I-130 Mailed

06-13-08.........I-130 Received



06-21-08.........Received NOA letter

06-23-08.........Check cashed (Hon's birthday)!


08-08-08.........I-130 Approved

08-08-08.........Case completed

08-09-08.........Email Received

08-15-08.........NOA2 Hard Copy Received

08-28-08.........Received AOS Notice

09-04-08.........I-864 Received by NVC

09-04-08.........DS3032 email resent

09-11-08.........Paid IV bill online

09-12-08.........Sent DS230

09-15-08.........Sent a email to NVC requesting for early interview due to pregnancy


09-26-08.........Found out that a expedite was granted due to pregnancy (NVC RULES)!

10-01-08.........Case Received at Embassy

10-03-08.........Faxed Expedite request to Embassy

10-05-08.........Expedite granted! USEM Rules!

10-07-08.........Delbros Paid (no longer required)


10-16-08.........Medical Passed

10-22-08.........Interview PASSED!!(Pink Slip)

10-24-08.........Visa in hand

11-01-08.........POE (Hawaii),flight #######!

11-13-08.........SSN arrived

11-26-08.........welcome note

12-16-08.........GREEN CARD RECIEVED

02-12-09......... gave birth to a beautiful Baby Girl

04-21-09......... Veterinary LabTechician (job) (Cleveland Veterinary Hospital)




I'll ask my husband later,,he know more than me.......

I know he knows this things........probably he can advice....

please.. if you can ask your husband.. We're really confused here and we can't move whether we are going to submit a new 1864 Form or not.... Tumawag ulit si husband para i check kung pare pareho ang mga sagot nang mga operator - at pareho talaga silang lahat.....

My husband never claimed his 2 kids even when they're still infants upto this time..

I hope this will be solved before the NVC will send us something... :unsure: Thanks.. ill wait for ur answer

CITIZENSHIP 06-19-2013 Sent N400 Application (Chicago Lockbox)

06-21-2013 USCIS received my N400 application

06-25-2013 USCIS mailed the NOA1

06-28-2013 USCIS mailed the Biometrics appt

07-01-2013 Received NOA1 and Biometrics appt letter

​07-15-2013 Biometrics Appt.

08-27-2013 Interview/Test passed

10-07-2013 Oath taking


02-20-2014 mailed I-130 for my parents

02-24-2014 USCIS received the I-130 docs

03-17-2014 USCIS approved the petition (took 15 days, weekdays only)

03-25-2014 USCIS shipped the approved case to NVC

04-02-2014 NVC received the papers (6 days from the approval date)

05-01-2014 Got the 2 case numbers. (21 days)

05-07-2014 Got an email & paid the AOS fee (4 days); DS-261(Choice of Agent) sent

05-09-2014 AOS status "PAID" (2 days from the date the was paid)

05-22-2014 AOS docs delivered in NVC

06-27-2014 RFE for I864 and I864A (i left the Place of residence blank, 26 days from the date they received the AOS)

06-28-2014 Mailed the corrected forms to NVC

06-30-2014 NVC received the AOS corrected forms

07-01-2014 Received IV Bill Invoice, paid.

07-02-2014 PAID status of the mother

07-07-2014 PAID status of the father

07-08-2014 Mailed the supporting docs

07-10-2014 Supporting docs arrived at NVC

07-11-2014 Submitted DS260 of mother

07-13-2014 Submitted DS260 of father

09-04-2014 Called NVC and the lady said CASE COMPLETE! (136 days total from the day they received the I-130)

09-11-2014 Received an email regarding the Interview (5 days from the day the case was completed)

09-15-2014 Status "In Transit" inCEAC

09-16-2014 Status "Ready" CEAC

10-03-2014 Interview/AP/USEM (no record of their medical,DAD needs to get an NBI explanation letter&new NBI clearance with his "aka"

10-8-2014 Mom called St Lukes and asked about the medical results, they said they submitted it already back in June

10-10-2014 Mom mailed the NBI Clearance of my dad

10-14-2014 NBI clearance delivered in USEM

10-06-2014 Visa Issued CEAC

10-09-2014 Got an email that my dad's visa was issued

10-14-2014 Visa delivered 11-29-2014 POE

12-08-2014 SS Card arrived

Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: China

I'm not an expert on this, but I think he needs to count his two kids, that's what the instructions says. as long as he has enough income, there is no need to modify your form. those opperators may not have enough knowleage to give you a correct advice. :innocent:


04/07/2009 - I-130 Mailed to Chicago lockbox

08/11/2009 - I-130 NOA2 - APPROVED


08/19/2009 - NVC Received/Case number assigned

09/22/2009 - Case Completed at NVC

09/24/2009 - Interview Scheduled


mamya kat tanong ko..............mahilig kc magbasa un eh.....

ewan ko lang din ha... kung alam nya....pero me idea rin cguro cya.....

wala pa kc eh nasa work pa........


06-11-08.........I-130 Mailed

06-13-08.........I-130 Received



06-21-08.........Received NOA letter

06-23-08.........Check cashed (Hon's birthday)!


08-08-08.........I-130 Approved

08-08-08.........Case completed

08-09-08.........Email Received

08-15-08.........NOA2 Hard Copy Received

08-28-08.........Received AOS Notice

09-04-08.........I-864 Received by NVC

09-04-08.........DS3032 email resent

09-11-08.........Paid IV bill online

09-12-08.........Sent DS230

09-15-08.........Sent a email to NVC requesting for early interview due to pregnancy


09-26-08.........Found out that a expedite was granted due to pregnancy (NVC RULES)!

10-01-08.........Case Received at Embassy

10-03-08.........Faxed Expedite request to Embassy

10-05-08.........Expedite granted! USEM Rules!

10-07-08.........Delbros Paid (no longer required)


10-16-08.........Medical Passed

10-22-08.........Interview PASSED!!(Pink Slip)

10-24-08.........Visa in hand

11-01-08.........POE (Hawaii),flight #######!

11-13-08.........SSN arrived

11-26-08.........welcome note

12-16-08.........GREEN CARD RECIEVED

02-12-09......... gave birth to a beautiful Baby Girl

04-21-09......... Veterinary LabTechician (job) (Cleveland Veterinary Hospital)



mamya kat tanong ko..............mahilig kc magbasa un eh.....

ewan ko lang din ha... kung alam nya....pero me idea rin cguro cya.....

wala pa kc eh nasa work pa........

ok lang.. ill wait .. tulog muna ko.. umaga na rito hehe

CITIZENSHIP 06-19-2013 Sent N400 Application (Chicago Lockbox)

06-21-2013 USCIS received my N400 application

06-25-2013 USCIS mailed the NOA1

06-28-2013 USCIS mailed the Biometrics appt

07-01-2013 Received NOA1 and Biometrics appt letter

​07-15-2013 Biometrics Appt.

08-27-2013 Interview/Test passed

10-07-2013 Oath taking


02-20-2014 mailed I-130 for my parents

02-24-2014 USCIS received the I-130 docs

03-17-2014 USCIS approved the petition (took 15 days, weekdays only)

03-25-2014 USCIS shipped the approved case to NVC

04-02-2014 NVC received the papers (6 days from the approval date)

05-01-2014 Got the 2 case numbers. (21 days)

05-07-2014 Got an email & paid the AOS fee (4 days); DS-261(Choice of Agent) sent

05-09-2014 AOS status "PAID" (2 days from the date the was paid)

05-22-2014 AOS docs delivered in NVC

06-27-2014 RFE for I864 and I864A (i left the Place of residence blank, 26 days from the date they received the AOS)

06-28-2014 Mailed the corrected forms to NVC

06-30-2014 NVC received the AOS corrected forms

07-01-2014 Received IV Bill Invoice, paid.

07-02-2014 PAID status of the mother

07-07-2014 PAID status of the father

07-08-2014 Mailed the supporting docs

07-10-2014 Supporting docs arrived at NVC

07-11-2014 Submitted DS260 of mother

07-13-2014 Submitted DS260 of father

09-04-2014 Called NVC and the lady said CASE COMPLETE! (136 days total from the day they received the I-130)

09-11-2014 Received an email regarding the Interview (5 days from the day the case was completed)

09-15-2014 Status "In Transit" inCEAC

09-16-2014 Status "Ready" CEAC

10-03-2014 Interview/AP/USEM (no record of their medical,DAD needs to get an NBI explanation letter&new NBI clearance with his "aka"

10-8-2014 Mom called St Lukes and asked about the medical results, they said they submitted it already back in June

10-10-2014 Mom mailed the NBI Clearance of my dad

10-14-2014 NBI clearance delivered in USEM

10-06-2014 Visa Issued CEAC

10-09-2014 Got an email that my dad's visa was issued

10-14-2014 Visa delivered 11-29-2014 POE

12-08-2014 SS Card arrived


ok! good morning nalang..........


06-11-08.........I-130 Mailed

06-13-08.........I-130 Received



06-21-08.........Received NOA letter

06-23-08.........Check cashed (Hon's birthday)!


08-08-08.........I-130 Approved

08-08-08.........Case completed

08-09-08.........Email Received

08-15-08.........NOA2 Hard Copy Received

08-28-08.........Received AOS Notice

09-04-08.........I-864 Received by NVC

09-04-08.........DS3032 email resent

09-11-08.........Paid IV bill online

09-12-08.........Sent DS230

09-15-08.........Sent a email to NVC requesting for early interview due to pregnancy


09-26-08.........Found out that a expedite was granted due to pregnancy (NVC RULES)!

10-01-08.........Case Received at Embassy

10-03-08.........Faxed Expedite request to Embassy

10-05-08.........Expedite granted! USEM Rules!

10-07-08.........Delbros Paid (no longer required)


10-16-08.........Medical Passed

10-22-08.........Interview PASSED!!(Pink Slip)

10-24-08.........Visa in hand

11-01-08.........POE (Hawaii),flight #######!

11-13-08.........SSN arrived

11-26-08.........welcome note

12-16-08.........GREEN CARD RECIEVED

02-12-09......... gave birth to a beautiful Baby Girl

04-21-09......... Veterinary LabTechician (job) (Cleveland Veterinary Hospital)



ok! good morning nalang..........

uhm, what did your husband said about my concern?

CITIZENSHIP 06-19-2013 Sent N400 Application (Chicago Lockbox)

06-21-2013 USCIS received my N400 application

06-25-2013 USCIS mailed the NOA1

06-28-2013 USCIS mailed the Biometrics appt

07-01-2013 Received NOA1 and Biometrics appt letter

​07-15-2013 Biometrics Appt.

08-27-2013 Interview/Test passed

10-07-2013 Oath taking


02-20-2014 mailed I-130 for my parents

02-24-2014 USCIS received the I-130 docs

03-17-2014 USCIS approved the petition (took 15 days, weekdays only)

03-25-2014 USCIS shipped the approved case to NVC

04-02-2014 NVC received the papers (6 days from the approval date)

05-01-2014 Got the 2 case numbers. (21 days)

05-07-2014 Got an email & paid the AOS fee (4 days); DS-261(Choice of Agent) sent

05-09-2014 AOS status "PAID" (2 days from the date the was paid)

05-22-2014 AOS docs delivered in NVC

06-27-2014 RFE for I864 and I864A (i left the Place of residence blank, 26 days from the date they received the AOS)

06-28-2014 Mailed the corrected forms to NVC

06-30-2014 NVC received the AOS corrected forms

07-01-2014 Received IV Bill Invoice, paid.

07-02-2014 PAID status of the mother

07-07-2014 PAID status of the father

07-08-2014 Mailed the supporting docs

07-10-2014 Supporting docs arrived at NVC

07-11-2014 Submitted DS260 of mother

07-13-2014 Submitted DS260 of father

09-04-2014 Called NVC and the lady said CASE COMPLETE! (136 days total from the day they received the I-130)

09-11-2014 Received an email regarding the Interview (5 days from the day the case was completed)

09-15-2014 Status "In Transit" inCEAC

09-16-2014 Status "Ready" CEAC

10-03-2014 Interview/AP/USEM (no record of their medical,DAD needs to get an NBI explanation letter&new NBI clearance with his "aka"

10-8-2014 Mom called St Lukes and asked about the medical results, they said they submitted it already back in June

10-10-2014 Mom mailed the NBI Clearance of my dad

10-14-2014 NBI clearance delivered in USEM

10-06-2014 Visa Issued CEAC

10-09-2014 Got an email that my dad's visa was issued

10-14-2014 Visa delivered 11-29-2014 POE

12-08-2014 SS Card arrived

Didn't find the answer you were looking for? Ask our VJ Immigration Lawyers.

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