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Filed: Other Country: United Kingdom
BY - never let it be said by anyone (anywhere) that you don't see what you want to see.

After all - according to you the black community in this country is made up exclusively of people in saggy pants with bandana's driving BMWs with tinted windows and a sub-machine gun on the passenger seat, listening to hippity-hop music.

Likewise, according to you this is made up. Yet when challenged to meet up and verify this in person, you decline.

Haven't seen too many Brits dressed in baggy / saggy pants. Have you?

If you like. Its not like I'm obligated to post for your approval.

Yet you sure have taken on the role of OT forum watcher and feel you have the right to rebut, antagonize or attack any poster you disagree with here.

This is getting so tired BY. And it just shows how completely, utterly and irredeemably full of shite you are.

You could have chosen to post on the topic - but instead you jumped right into the personal attacks and ad-hominems so you could later squeal about how unfairly treated you are.

To call you disingenuous would be an insult to disingenuous people.

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Filed: Other Country: United Kingdom
Posted (edited)
:), what credentials? What a freak. Honestly, it's not worth the bother.

Quite simple. When you or your buddies call someone an idiot or any other insult against their intelligence they usually ask to compare qualifications. Coincidentally, this is when most of you change tune.

Hence the above response in red. Also know as not being able to walk the talk.

:rofl: You don't walk any walk BY! All you do is talk and complain and make BS offers to fly people out to whatever benighted place you live in - so you can compare salaries, IQ levels and have a fist-fight.

You've never once stood up and said you're going to take personal action on the basis of your forum views. Not once. Ever.

If you feel so strongly about things on here perhaps you should set an example. Also known as "###### or get off the pot".

Edited by Private Pike
Most stereotypes have some basis in fact. The difference is to what extent you rely on those stereotypes to form your opinions about the world.

With you hardly anything comes down to what you've seen or experienced directly, but rather innuendo and what Joe Manonthestreet has allegedly told you.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. If you think that I am simply stereotyping and that none of my observations hold water, what can I say to that. After all you never want to meet up and verify this in person.

Haven't seen too many Britts with low-riders have you? It is what it is. Same way anyone who dressed like that in the UK or anywhere else in Europe or Asia would probably be laughed at. Something you deny.

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.

Filed: Country: Philippines



Dear Fellow Conservative:

Do the mainstream media have a liberal bias?

Sure they do -- and everyone knows it, says CBS veteran Bernard Goldberg, author of the #1 bestseller Bias.

But the media crossed an important line in the 2008 presidential race, says Goldberg -- moving from their usual unthinking liberal bias to partisanship of the crudest kind, effectively acting as spin doctors for the presidential campaign of Barack Obama.

Now, in A Slobbering Love Affair -- his most provocative book yet -- Goldberg demonstrates how the media launched an unparalleled effort to ensure the election of the man they regarded as The One.

From the thrill Obama sent up Chris Matthews' leg to the outrageously slanted "news" reports of the New York Times, Goldberg shows in exacting detail how the media, abandoning even the pretense of objectivity, moved from media bias to media activism.

For a limited time, HUMAN EVENTS is making A Slobbering Love Affair available to you absolutely FREE.

A blistering takedown of the media's slavish support for Obama, A Slobbering Love Affair highlights how the mainstream media have not only surrendered their integrity and objectivity, but could even endanger our democracy.

CLICK HERE to learn more -- and to get your FREE hardcover copy of Bernard Goldberg's A Slobbering Love Affair today.



Thomas S. Winter

Editor in Chief, HUMAN EVENTS

he_paper_0316.jpg P.S. Here is how to tick off a liberal... just subscribe to HUMAN EVENTS today! (And you'll receive a FREE copy of A Slobbering Love Affair -- a $25.95 value.)

P.P.S. Make a liberal even angrier by subscribing for 70 weeks and also get absolutely free, Meltdown.

Click here to get started today.

Filed: Other Country: Israel

Post a clip and see who comments, but to suggest that because in a thread about one program/presenter there is no mention of these other people automatically means that people who have posted critically support these other people is quite frankly stupid. It's par for the course, as you constantly make these absurd connections which have nothing to do with anything anyone really thinks or believes, but somehow it makes you feel good I guess, or why would you do it?

The stupidity and absurdity isn't coming from me, sissy. I read this board every day and see nothing on the right re criticism of the left that compares to the obsession leftist have with criticising the right. They "won" and they're still angry about it. It's actually entertaining to watch :lol:

Happens all the time. They attack the person rather than discussing the issue. Then when a person like myself finally has enough and goes for the knee caps. Suspeeeended!!

Another win for the libs, all while never actually stating an opinion with regards to the topic, or issue, of their own. Excluding Gary pretty much every other conservative here has been made out to be some sort of moronic drunk racist ignorant lying idiot. Then when you slap out the credentials, you are conceded and some sort of freak.

The latest is that we are just whining.

I've found a way to speak my peace, not get suspended, and actually get others suspended. Works really well :D

They got the whining thing from me :lol: I've been calling them whiners here for years. Imitation is the sincereist form of flattery, I hear.

Then again many of you here are just like fellow liberal Keith Olbermann or the biggest douche of them all John StewClown. Two guys who spend 99.95% of their shows basically criticizing others and other's views/opinions.

PD must be a huge fan of these guys. They sing the same tune after all.

The first thing I thought was why don't I see the same criticisms of Keith Olbermann, Chris "tingle up my leg" Matthews, or Rachel Maddow, not to mention all of the leftist sycophants in Hollywood and the arts? Phil Donahue was on Hannity last night, and he literally made me puke with his adoration of Obama based on such shallow and intellectually lazy observations as how beautiful hsi family is and how well-spoken he is. Give me a break? This, and being Black, is all that Obama needed to do to win the election. He is, as Biden noted, articulate and clean.

So, you thought that was a good show then did you? Interesting, what did you like about it?

No. I don't judge a person on a 10 minute snippet. While Glen has extreme right wing views and many that I don't agree with, he at least is passionate about his country and what he thinks is the best course of action for the country. Hence the actual definition and context of the first amendment.

I have never heard him spend more than 1 minute a week pulling a Olbermann or Stewart. The biggest difference between conservative and liberal hosts is that conservatives talk about their own views. Whereas, liberal hosts spend the majority of their time criticizing conservatives views. I listen to both when driving and even watch both on TV. Expect Stewart as he is a disingenuous class A douche.

Gospel truth, demonstrated repeatedly on this board, as well. :thumbs:

Post a clip and see who comments, but to suggest that because in a thread about one program/presenter there is no mention of these other people automatically means that people who have posted critically support these other people is quite frankly stupid. It's par for the course, as you constantly make these absurd connections which have nothing to do with anything anyone really thinks or believes, but somehow it makes you feel good I guess, or why would you do it?

The stupidity and absurdity isn't coming from me, sissy. I read this board every day and see nothing on the right re criticism of the left that compares to the obsession leftist have with criticising the right. They "won" and they're still angry about it. It's actually entertaining to watch :lol:

Sissy? Right, moving swiftly on, again, you have created anger where none exists, you have created obsession where none exists, and you have contributed nothing to the thread whatsoever because your remarks have no connection with the OP's topic.

More denial. My watch has been set yet again.

So predictable. Mix it up a bit, plz.

Filed: Other Country: United Kingdom
Most stereotypes have some basis in fact. The difference is to what extent you rely on those stereotypes to form your opinions about the world.

With you hardly anything comes down to what you've seen or experienced directly, but rather innuendo and what Joe Manonthestreet has allegedly told you.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. If you think that I am simply stereotyping and that none of my observations hold water, what can I say to that. After all you never want to meet up and verify this in person.

Haven't seen too many Britts with low-riders have you? It is what it is. Same way anyone who dressed like that in the UK or anywhere else in Europe or Asia would probably be laughed at. Something you deny.

I haven't seen *anyone* in a low-rider actually.

Filed: Other Country: Israel


Dear Fellow Conservative:

Do the mainstream media have a liberal bias?

Sure they do -- and everyone knows it, says CBS veteran Bernard Goldberg, author of the #1 bestseller Bias.

But the media crossed an important line in the 2008 presidential race, says Goldberg -- moving from their usual unthinking liberal bias to partisanship of the crudest kind, effectively acting as spin doctors for the presidential campaign of Barack Obama.

Now, in A Slobbering Love Affair -- his most provocative book yet -- Goldberg demonstrates how the media launched an unparalleled effort to ensure the election of the man they regarded as The One.

From the thrill Obama sent up Chris Matthews' leg to the outrageously slanted "news" reports of the New York Times, Goldberg shows in exacting detail how the media, abandoning even the pretense of objectivity, moved from media bias to media activism.

For a limited time, HUMAN EVENTS is making A Slobbering Love Affair available to you absolutely FREE.

A blistering takedown of the media's slavish support for Obama, A Slobbering Love Affair highlights how the mainstream media have not only surrendered their integrity and objectivity, but could even endanger our democracy.

CLICK HERE to learn more -- and to get your FREE hardcover copy of Bernard Goldberg's A Slobbering Love Affair today.



Thomas S. Winter

Editor in Chief, HUMAN EVENTS

he_paper_0316.jpg P.S. Here is how to tick off a liberal... just subscribe to HUMAN EVENTS today! (And you'll receive a FREE copy of A Slobbering Love Affair -- a $25.95 value.)

P.P.S. Make a liberal even angrier by subscribing for 70 weeks and also get absolutely free, Meltdown.

Click here to get started today.

It's a wonderful book. I have a copy on the desk next to me right now. So absolutely enjoyable, I made it my avatar weeks ago!

:rofl: You don't walk any walk BY! All you do is talk and complain and make BS offers to fly people out to whatever benighted place you live in - so you can compare salaries, IQ levels and have a fist-fight.

You've never once stood up and said you're going to take personal action on the basis of your forum views. Not once. Ever.

If you feel so strongly about things on here perhaps you should set an example. Also known as "###### or get off the pot".

Hold on here matey. I am not the one who sits here and calls others idiots or directs other insults about their intelligence. You and your buddies here are the ones who have and do personally attack pretty much everyone here who you disagree with. How many times have any of us entered a thread and posted a personal attack of the get go or something along the lines of ignore these idiots bla bla bla. Or are you going to play dumb with that as well.

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.

Filed: Country: Philippines


One story has gotten the most attention. It involves a conversation with CBS News President Andrew Heyward: " 'Look, Bernie,' he said, 'of course there's a liberal bias in the news. All the networks tilt left.' But, 'If you repeat any of this, I'll deny it.' "

Bingo! This was the confirmation that I and every right-wing radio talk show host in America had been waiting for. But then I made the classic journalist's error: I checked it out. First I talked to Mr. Goldberg himself. "Look, Mike, of course I made that story up," he said. "It's brilliant, don't you think? If Heyward denies the story, that just confirms it in people's minds. The whole vast right-wing conspiracy has fallen for it. Fox News is so grateful that Roger Ailes is sending me suitcases full of cash. And if you repeat any of this, I'll deny it."

"Of course we haven't fallen for it," Ailes growled. "We just put it out there as prole meat. This Goldberg is what my Communist pals used to call a useful idiot. And what an idiot! They really don't build them like that anymore." Ailes' humor started to improve. Soon tears of happiness were streaming down his cheeks. "I mean, that stuff about CBS execs taking it up the keister from Dan Rather in prison?" He chortled, "I love it, I really do. And who cares if it's all true or not?" He winked. "We report, you decide. By the way, if you repeat any of this, I'll break your legs. And I'll deny it."

Finally, I checked with the chairman of the Vast Conspiracy, Wall Street Journal Editor Robert Bartley, who confirmed every detail. "Ailes is a bit of a train wreck himself," Bartley added with a thoughtful wave of his hookah. "Of course if you repeat any of this …"

Mr. Goldberg's original act of apostasy was in 1996. After managing to hold his tongue for a quarter of a century, he let loose with an op-ed in the Journal. To his astonishment, people he thought were his friends turned inexplicably hostile, merely because he had publicly denounced them as betrayers of their profession. Conservative commentary on Bias shares Mr. Goldberg's indignation, if not his surprise. Conservatives know the depths of ruthlessness to which the liberal establishment can sink when its supremacy is threatened.

At the Wall Street Journal editorial page, presumably, if a colleague announces to the world that he holds the institution and those who work there in contempt, he takes a bit of joshing around the water cooler, then everybody gathers for a group hug and returns to denouncing Tom Daschle. Bernard Goldberg was not so lucky. Trapped in an enraged mob of overpaid, middle-aged white men in suits, he was … taken out and tortured? Well, no. Tickled until he begged them to stop? No. Fired? Not at all. Given a cushy job until a bigger pension kicked in at age 55, when he left of his own accord? Yup. Those liberal swine! No wonder Goldberg is regarded (by himself, among others) as a martyr.



I actually watched the whole Glenn Beck show regarding the 9/12 project. The title 9/12 he picked because he felt that the day after 9/11 the people in the USA seemed to know what "doing the right thing" was - REGARDLESS OF PERSONAL POLITICAL BELIEFS. He feels ALL politicians should be held accountable and discussed the "assessment" that those in the military have to go through, suggesting that most politicians could not reach the high standards that the serving men of women of this country have to live by. I may not agree with everything he says - but I can only be constructively critical if I actually listen to what he says - maybe go check it out if i dont beleive it - but an open mind is essential.

I sometimes wonder if people dont want to listen to something because they are afraid they will have to see/hear something they wont like? Then they will be in a quandry that they may have to make changes? After all - the comfort zone is great - stepping out of it might be challenging and uncomfortable.

Filed: Other Country: United Kingdom
:rofl: You don't walk any walk BY! All you do is talk and complain and make BS offers to fly people out to whatever benighted place you live in - so you can compare salaries, IQ levels and have a fist-fight.

You've never once stood up and said you're going to take personal action on the basis of your forum views. Not once. Ever.

If you feel so strongly about things on here perhaps you should set an example. Also known as "###### or get off the pot".

Hold on here matey. I am not the one who sits here and calls others idiots or directs other insults about their intelligence. You and your buddies here are the ones who have and do personally attack pretty much everyone here who you disagree with. How many times have any of us entered a thread and posted a personal attack of the get go or something along the lines of ignore these idiots bla bla bla. Or are you going to play dumb with that as well.

That's not borne out by this thread BY.

Stop playing the victim and grow a thicker skin (and some balls while you're at it) :lol:

I haven't seen *anyone* in a low-rider actually.

Now you are lying. Only someone suffering some sort of psychosis would be oblivious to what different ethnicites let alone classes wear, say do and drive. Maybe some need to watch the local news a little more often. Heck even get out more and off the net.

Haven't seen too many minorities wear Diesel clothes. Have you?

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.

Filed: Other Country: United Kingdom
I haven't seen *anyone* in a low-rider actually.

Now you are lying. Only someone suffering some sort of psychosis would be oblivious to what different ethnicites let alone classes wear, say do and drive. Maybe some need to watch the local news a little more often. Heck even get out more and off the net.

Haven't seen too many minorities wear Diesel clothes. Have you?

No I really haven't BY - I've not seen any one in a lowrider.

Nor do I ask random strangers what clothing labels they're wearing. That's just rude.

Filed: Timeline
I actually watched the whole Glenn Beck show regarding the 9/12 project. The title 9/12 he picked because he felt that the day after 9/11 the people in the USA seemed to know what "doing the right thing" was - REGARDLESS OF PERSONAL POLITICAL BELIEFS. He feels ALL politicians should be held accountable and discussed the "assessment" that those in the military have to go through, suggesting that most politicians could not reach the high standards that the serving men of women of this country have to live by. I may not agree with everything he says - but I can only be constructively critical if I actually listen to what he says - maybe go check it out if i dont beleive it - but an open mind is essential.

I sometimes wonder if people dont want to listen to something because they are afraid they will have to see/hear something they wont like? Then they will be in a quandry that they may have to make changes? After all - the comfort zone is great - stepping out of it might be challenging and uncomfortable.



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