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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Canada
Posted (edited)

I was going to faction change my toons from alliance to horde, but then I realized i'd have to replace some gems with hit rate. I love Heroic Presence, 1% Hit is really a great racial bonus. :lol:

with icc gear it dont mean much i have over 468 hit..ugh. lol

Horde or Alli ? Decisions...decisions

well i've done both. and to be honest. depending on zone, the alliance quests areas etc. are alot nicer. and most places have ALL your prof trainers. also depending on class, some spells are diff. like we did chess in kara yesterday, alliance side..sucks lol. and in nagrand well you do not have the epic thrall quest line to do either. so getting the talbuk from rep is a bit harder. however you can get winterpsring tiger, and as a human the bonus faction rep discount is uber :)

oh and after 5 years of horde..i find it so blah...the areas etc..doing outlands now as alliance is sooo refreshing :)

Edited by Kimbear



That had crossed my mind, actually. :lol:

A group of us did this a few years ago...it was quite fun! I think we called the guild <NOA> :lol:

Filed: Other Country: Canada

with icc gear it dont mean much i have over 468 hit..ugh. lol

Of all my toons, the only one I have trouble with hit is my lock. I didn't have to gem for hit, but I did have to shift tier 10 pieces to maintain the soft cap.

OK, so my ToC 25 last night was an utter failure. We got Anub down, but not without 3 hours of nerd rage. So let me tell this little soap opera from the beginning.

My friend is the GM of an old(er) guild. They were a hardcore raiding guild in BC, but started losing members when wotlk came out. Some got poached by the top 3 guilds, some left, and some faction changed. They have a good ICC/RS 10 group, but really only have about 12-15 active members. So about 3 months ago, my friend started letting people in the guild invite others, granted they weren't noobs. So, the people in his guild started inviting people from the top guild on the realm on their alts. The problem is, as soon as they get a 5.5K+ GS, they leave. They think that if they are nice to these people, they will become part of that cool kids clique on the real. Lame.

So last night, I show up to the raid and after buffing, and flask, I have 58K HP, not too shabby. I start inspecting people to get a feel for how hard it is going to be to hold aggro. There is a mix of people with 6K GS, and people with 4.2-4.5K GS. Which is fine, you really don't need more than 4.5K to do ToC. First pull, a mage and a lock die, the lock dies because he is standing in the fire, and the mage died because he just stood there when he got a snobold on his back. Mage is new, so he apologizes for his mistake. The lock however does the whole "####### tank, what are you doing, why did I die?". I told him to check his combat log as I saw the line when it popped up. His response was classic "Oh, well, a pali should have bubbled me, or the disc priest should have had a bubble on me". Seriously, nerd rage 30 seconds into a raid? Sigh. So that ends, nothing meaningful to me drops. Lord Jarraxus then is quite easy actually, despite the 5 minute instruction to the mage on how and when to spellsteal. The lock of course does not do any damage on any add. So at that point, I spec him.... #######, 4K GS, and he is like 100 points under the soft hit cap. Fail. I don't say anything because I don't want to deal with nerd rage.

So, faction champions was kind of a disaster. The lock died after about 2 minutes and was screaming at both me and the OT about why we didn't taunt off them. Ummmm because they are immune? At that point, I had lost patience and said on vent to him "####### is your problem, all you do is whine about what everyone else is doing when you're the one standing in the fire. Your only job on this fight was to keep the tree banished and feared and you couldn't even do that for 2 minutes". At that point, he just laid into me, nerd rage doesn't even begin to describe it. He kept going on and on about how he was 100 times better than me and could tank this on his warrior in fury spec, oh and aparently he has like a 6.5K GS. blah blah blah. I just wanted to get it overwith, so I just let it go.

Twin Valkyr went ok, no trinket or staff dropped though. At that point, the lock was still taunting me about how much I suck blah blah blah. So I found a nice soundboard on a website and played it over vent. Was just some guy screaming "NEEEEEEEERD RAGE". He didn't find it nearly as funny as I did. Then I pointed out that he was a nub lock who was 100 points below the hit cap and was gemmed for crit rather than haste. THen I see the lock logs out. I win right? No, he logs onto his warrior and is determined to pull aggro off me on Anub to show how much of a noob I am. The pali OT is sick of this guy too at this point and we come up with a plan to kill the warrior, and just him. When the pali taunts off me, I pop out of form and just whack Anub with my staff to drop aggro below the warrior, and then when i'm supposed to taunt off the OT, he bubbles and aggro goes straight to the warrior, and 2 shot him. I pop back into bear, taunt, and we finish the instance. He did do 10K DPS, but he was there dead, and of course, I had to teabag him. So, no loot, I suck at tanking and now i've got a guy dedicated to making fun of me in trade chat until I quit the game aparently. Oh and aparently I owe him 22g for his repair. Gotta love nerd rage.

Filed: Other Country: Canada

Any pro hunters out there? I've been lvling as a MM hunter, and I do good DPS, but I've been told over, and over, and over again that I shold lvl as either BM, which I flat out refuse, or survival. I'm lvl 68 now and in northrend and am sitting here (45 minute queue for UK) deciding if I should respec or not. Any ideas?

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Canada

Neither. MM is the only way to go. look at any wow parser, all the hunters are MM. Mine is. also with all the movement fights, MM has an extra shot you can do while moving. Anyways it will all change come cata, arp is gone, half your atks are gone, you aspects gone mana gone. my hunter is on ptr and i can't figureout what the hell to do with her. might just give up.



I leveled beast master just cause it was super easy. I'm a survival hunter now and I like it. I find it more challenging with the more complicated rotation.

Beast master can be fun tho, you can tame "spirit" pets... there's a nice rare one up in Storm Peaks.

12/31/2009 - Marriage

07/21/2010 - AOS approved

08/04/2010 - Green Card received (and it's actually green!)

05/30/2012 - Sent ROC packet to VSC

06/08/2012 - Received NOA1 for ROC (Dated 06/04/2012)

Filed: Citizen (pnd) Country: Canada

Of all my toons, the only one I have trouble with hit is my lock. I didn't have to gem for hit, but I did have to shift tier 10 pieces to maintain the soft cap.

OK, so my ToC 25 last night was an utter failure. We got Anub down, but not without 3 hours of nerd rage. So let me tell this little soap opera from the beginning.

My friend is the GM of an old(er) guild. They were a hardcore raiding guild in BC, but started losing members when wotlk came out. Some got poached by the top 3 guilds, some left, and some faction changed. They have a good ICC/RS 10 group, but really only have about 12-15 active members. So about 3 months ago, my friend started letting people in the guild invite others, granted they weren't noobs. So, the people in his guild started inviting people from the top guild on the realm on their alts. The problem is, as soon as they get a 5.5K+ GS, they leave. They think that if they are nice to these people, they will become part of that cool kids clique on the real. Lame.

So last night, I show up to the raid and after buffing, and flask, I have 58K HP, not too shabby. I start inspecting people to get a feel for how hard it is going to be to hold aggro. There is a mix of people with 6K GS, and people with 4.2-4.5K GS. Which is fine, you really don't need more than 4.5K to do ToC. First pull, a mage and a lock die, the lock dies because he is standing in the fire, and the mage died because he just stood there when he got a snobold on his back. Mage is new, so he apologizes for his mistake. The lock however does the whole "####### tank, what are you doing, why did I die?". I told him to check his combat log as I saw the line when it popped up. His response was classic "Oh, well, a pali should have bubbled me, or the disc priest should have had a bubble on me". Seriously, nerd rage 30 seconds into a raid? Sigh. So that ends, nothing meaningful to me drops. Lord Jarraxus then is quite easy actually, despite the 5 minute instruction to the mage on how and when to spellsteal. The lock of course does not do any damage on any add. So at that point, I spec him.... #######, 4K GS, and he is like 100 points under the soft hit cap. Fail. I don't say anything because I don't want to deal with nerd rage.

So, faction champions was kind of a disaster. The lock died after about 2 minutes and was screaming at both me and the OT about why we didn't taunt off them. Ummmm because they are immune? At that point, I had lost patience and said on vent to him "####### is your problem, all you do is whine about what everyone else is doing when you're the one standing in the fire. Your only job on this fight was to keep the tree banished and feared and you couldn't even do that for 2 minutes". At that point, he just laid into me, nerd rage doesn't even begin to describe it. He kept going on and on about how he was 100 times better than me and could tank this on his warrior in fury spec, oh and aparently he has like a 6.5K GS. blah blah blah. I just wanted to get it overwith, so I just let it go.

Twin Valkyr went ok, no trinket or staff dropped though. At that point, the lock was still taunting me about how much I suck blah blah blah. So I found a nice soundboard on a website and played it over vent. Was just some guy screaming "NEEEEEEEERD RAGE". He didn't find it nearly as funny as I did. Then I pointed out that he was a nub lock who was 100 points below the hit cap and was gemmed for crit rather than haste. THen I see the lock logs out. I win right? No, he logs onto his warrior and is determined to pull aggro off me on Anub to show how much of a noob I am. The pali OT is sick of this guy too at this point and we come up with a plan to kill the warrior, and just him. When the pali taunts off me, I pop out of form and just whack Anub with my staff to drop aggro below the warrior, and then when i'm supposed to taunt off the OT, he bubbles and aggro goes straight to the warrior, and 2 shot him. I pop back into bear, taunt, and we finish the instance. He did do 10K DPS, but he was there dead, and of course, I had to teabag him. So, no loot, I suck at tanking and now i've got a guy dedicated to making fun of me in trade chat until I quit the game aparently. Oh and aparently I owe him 22g for his repair. Gotta love nerd rage.

This is what /ignore <dumass warlock> and mute on vent are all about. We had a guy long time ago in our guild, he meant well and tried but the guy would never freaking shut up so about 75% of the guild had him on ignore in both the game and in vent and he even made fun of that fact. He'd be in there going ok, I know someone doesn't have me on mute, how the hell do we do this fight? It was pretty entertaining since I never muted him, but oh man did he scroll the guild chat and raid chats not to mention non stop yapping in vent.

We also at one time had a raid leader who didn't get along with some of the guys, so they always whispered me asking me if there was anything special they needed to know about the raid or fight etc because they had the Raid Leader vent muted. Too damn funny, but looking at the above ToC lockfail post (I have 2 raiding locks), that cracked me up how someone would really be that dumb and not know how to get out of fire and how the hell not know anything about any of the ToC fights even though they supposedly have done it many times before...

I'm just a wanderer in the desert winds...



Oct - Job offer in US

Nov - Received my TN-1 to be authorized to work in the US

Nov - Moved to US


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May - Met future wife at arts fest

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Jul - Our Wedding

Aug - Filed for AOS

Sep - Recieved EAD

Sep - Recieved Advanced Parole


Jan - Interview, accepted for Green Card

Feb - Green Card Arrived in mail


Oct - I-751 sent off


Jan - 10 year Green Card accepted

Mar - 10 year Green Card arrived

Oct - Filed N-400 for Naturalization

Nov - Biometrics done

Nov - Just recieved Naturalization Interview date for Jan.


Jan - Naturalization Interview Completed

Feb - Oath Letter recieved

Feb - Oath Ceremony

Feb 21 - Finally a US CITIZEN (yay)


Filed: Other Country: Canada

Neither. MM is the only way to go. look at any wow parser, all the hunters are MM. Mine is. also with all the movement fights, MM has an extra shot you can do while moving. Anyways it will all change come cata, arp is gone, half your atks are gone, you aspects gone mana gone. my hunter is on ptr and i can't figureout what the hell to do with her. might just give up.

I was told "ohhh don't go MM until you are ARP capped, blah blah blah". Meh, I'm doing fine I guess. I don't really know what i'm doing, but I seem to be tops on DPS every instance. I found a website that is all cataclysm news, that isn't blocked the filters at work, so I was reading more about the changes to class mechanics yesterday, and I'm really kind of sad. They are absolutely killing affliction locks. Demonology locks get a huge buff it seems, and destruction get a hefty buff. I could respec I suppose, but destruction lock is really lame. If I wanted to be a fire mage, I would have made one. So when Cataclysm comes out, I'll be switching to either my priest or pali as my main.

This is what /ignore <dumass warlock> and mute on vent are all about. We had a guy long time ago in our guild, he meant well and tried but the guy would never freaking shut up so about 75% of the guild had him on ignore in both the game and in vent and he even made fun of that fact. He'd be in there going ok, I know someone doesn't have me on mute, how the hell do we do this fight? It was pretty entertaining since I never muted him, but oh man did he scroll the guild chat and raid chats not to mention non stop yapping in vent.

We also at one time had a raid leader who didn't get along with some of the guys, so they always whispered me asking me if there was anything special they needed to know about the raid or fight etc because they had the Raid Leader vent muted. Too damn funny, but looking at the above ToC lockfail post (I have 2 raiding locks), that cracked me up how someone would really be that dumb and not know how to get out of fire and how the hell not know anything about any of the ToC fights even though they supposedly have done it many times before...

Nerd rage is really hilarious..... when it's not directed at you. Oh, an update to the story, I heard that the guy got 2 bans this week so far for going way out of bounds in trade chat and has been warned that harsher punishments will be handed down if he does not relent.

Filed: Citizen (pnd) Country: Canada

Nerd rage is really hilarious..... when it's not directed at you. Oh, an update to the story, I heard that the guy got 2 bans this week so far for going way out of bounds in trade chat and has been warned that harsher punishments will be handed down if he does not relent.

/gkick time. Some people just want to be catered too in all instances and never want to actually do any of the work. Why he was even allowed in the raid in the first place is beyond me.

They are absolutely killing affliction locks. Demonology locks get a huge buff it seems, and destruction get a hefty buff. I could respec I suppose, but destruction lock is really lame. If I wanted to be a fire mage, I would have made one. So when Cataclysm comes out, I'll be switching to either my priest or pali as my main.

They said the same thing when most of us were Destro before WoTLK came out that Afflic was the new super power and no one would ever use destruction. That lasted a whole month until everyone realized that Destro was still much higher until upper ICC and even then most still stuck to Destro as it was less problematic. They change things so much back and forth. They'll end up finding a way to balance all the specs for all the classes so not one is better then another. That's what they've been trying to do and stated that's their main goal to get all specs even per class. I wouldn't worry about it since everything will have changed by the time anyone raids in Cata anyways from what it is now in Beta...

I'm just a wanderer in the desert winds...



Oct - Job offer in US

Nov - Received my TN-1 to be authorized to work in the US

Nov - Moved to US


Recieved 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th TN


May - Met future wife at arts fest

Nov - Recieved 6th TN


Nov - Recieved 7th TN

Jul - Our Wedding

Aug - Filed for AOS

Sep - Recieved EAD

Sep - Recieved Advanced Parole


Jan - Interview, accepted for Green Card

Feb - Green Card Arrived in mail


Oct - I-751 sent off


Jan - 10 year Green Card accepted

Mar - 10 year Green Card arrived

Oct - Filed N-400 for Naturalization

Nov - Biometrics done

Nov - Just recieved Naturalization Interview date for Jan.


Jan - Naturalization Interview Completed

Feb - Oath Letter recieved

Feb - Oath Ceremony

Feb 21 - Finally a US CITIZEN (yay)


Filed: Other Country: Canada

I like affliction more because it is what a warlock should be. Demonology you can make the same case. But Destruction lock is just a fire mage with different spells. I do think destruction locks are going to be WAAAAAAAAAAAY OP in PVP. Did you see the overhaul of the succubus? You can easily stun/fear lock people now more so than ever before. I am going to lvl up my pali or priest first, simply because it will be easier to get into groups with a heal/tank off-spec. I still like my lock, but I am going to wait and see before I lvl it. I don't want to lvl it and come to hate the class because I hate the underpowered affliction spec.

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Canada

sigh..so like taking a raiding break for the last month was nice...but ..i just found out all my chars were gkicked, every single 80. looks like my icc chars are homeless. sigh. time to go play on the beta..cuz i dont feel like logging in now. :(



sigh..so like taking a raiding break for the last month was nice...but ..i just found out all my chars were gkicked, every single 80. looks like my icc chars are homeless. sigh. time to go play on the beta..cuz i dont feel like logging in now. :(

That's bummer! I've had a 3 month raiding break while I've been home in England...but in the past month I hijacked my dad's computer and downlaoded WoW, I've been doing all my rep achievements....I'll be glad never to see a piece of runecloth again.

Flying back next sunday, looking forward to participating again :dance:

Filed: Other Country: Canada

sigh..so like taking a raiding break for the last month was nice...but ..i just found out all my chars were gkicked, every single 80. looks like my icc chars are homeless. sigh. time to go play on the beta..cuz i dont feel like logging in now. :(

I was in a guild like that before. They had strict raid attendance rules and expected you to spend a certain amount of time on PTR before new content came out. It's ####### like that, that make it seem more like a job than a game sometime. It seems like 3/4 of my current guild have taken off until cataclysm comes out. Oh well.

I did my first ICC on my druid last night. I am way too undergeared to attempt it as a tank or really even as a healer, so I was that DPS (boomkin) with a heal off-spec for dreamwalker. I learned two valuable lessons as a boomkin. First, boomkin is waaaaaaaay OP. I did 9K DPS with a 5.1K GS. Second, Starfall is really bad in trash. I was kind of lagging in DPS during the first trash pulls and tried to make up for it with a few starfalls. Yeah, I pulled the whole room. I ended up paying everyones repair bill a couple of times for that move. Yeah, I was "that boomkin".

Filed: Citizen (pnd) Country: Canada

I like affliction more because it is what a warlock should be. Demonology you can make the same case. But Destruction lock is just a fire mage with different spells. I do think destruction locks are going to be WAAAAAAAAAAAY OP in PVP. Did you see the overhaul of the succubus? You can easily stun/fear lock people now more so than ever before. I am going to lvl up my pali or priest first, simply because it will be easier to get into groups with a heal/tank off-spec. I still like my lock, but I am going to wait and see before I lvl it. I don't want to lvl it and come to hate the class because I hate the underpowered affliction spec.

I'm the same way leveled my main lock to 70 with pretty much affliction only, then had to switch to destro for Hyjal and BT etc as it was so much better. All of us did that and I have never been a fan of detro at all. So was happy when LK came out that they were trying to make Afflic better. I still use Afflic as my main for most things, but find some fights in ICC are just better as destro so I have to keep switching back and forth which sucks. I leveled my 2nd lock to 80 using a mix of destro and switching to demo and back and forth. Found Destro to work a lot better for me.

I had heard they were making shadow priests almost fire based with shadowflame type spells or something so now you have that going to also be in the mix.

And no clue on the pvp with locks, since I only pvp on my shadow priest...

I'm just a wanderer in the desert winds...



Oct - Job offer in US

Nov - Received my TN-1 to be authorized to work in the US

Nov - Moved to US


Recieved 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th TN


May - Met future wife at arts fest

Nov - Recieved 6th TN


Nov - Recieved 7th TN

Jul - Our Wedding

Aug - Filed for AOS

Sep - Recieved EAD

Sep - Recieved Advanced Parole


Jan - Interview, accepted for Green Card

Feb - Green Card Arrived in mail


Oct - I-751 sent off


Jan - 10 year Green Card accepted

Mar - 10 year Green Card arrived

Oct - Filed N-400 for Naturalization

Nov - Biometrics done

Nov - Just recieved Naturalization Interview date for Jan.


Jan - Naturalization Interview Completed

Feb - Oath Letter recieved

Feb - Oath Ceremony

Feb 21 - Finally a US CITIZEN (yay)


Filed: Other Country: Canada

I'm the same way leveled my main lock to 70 with pretty much affliction only, then had to switch to destro for Hyjal and BT etc as it was so much better. All of us did that and I have never been a fan of detro at all. So was happy when LK came out that they were trying to make Afflic better. I still use Afflic as my main for most things, but find some fights in ICC are just better as destro so I have to keep switching back and forth which sucks. I leveled my 2nd lock to 80 using a mix of destro and switching to demo and back and forth. Found Destro to work a lot better for me.

I had heard they were making shadow priests almost fire based with shadowflame type spells or something so now you have that going to also be in the mix.

And no clue on the pvp with locks, since I only pvp on my shadow priest...

Ahhh, back in BC, i ran two specs, both of which were technically hybrids. I had a demonology/destro build which is what I used the most. Send in fel guard, refresh dots and spam shadowbolt. I also used the destruction/demonology hybrid where you would summon a succubus and then sacrifice it to get 10 or 15% increased fire damage. That was when I would use 2 sould bags and cary upwards of 60 shards on me to a raid.

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