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Birth & Growth

He is Muhammad – peace be upon him - son of Abdullah son of Abdul Muttaleb son of Hashim Al Qurashi, and he descends from Ismael son of Ibrahim – peace be upon them.

Prophet Muhammad – peace be upon him – has several names, and he has mentioned some of them in his tradition: "I have five names; Muhammad, Ahmad, the Eliminator as Allah the Almighty has eliminated infidelity by me, the Resurrection Sign as the people will be resurrected after my prophethood, and I am the Last Prophet" whom no prophet comes after.

The American Anthropologist Ralf Linton said: "Muhammad – peace be upon him - was born in Makkah on (April 20th, 571 A.D) from a well-positioned family but his father died before his birth and his mother died also when Muhammad – peace be upon him – was six years old .. In the first years of his puberty, he was working as a shepherd.. When he attained seventeen years old he went to Syria with his uncle for the purpose of trading… when he attained twenty forth years of age, he worked for a rich widow – Lady Khadijah, may Allah be pleased with her – and has assumed travelling with her trading caravan on her behalf. After a year – i.e. 595 A.D – he has married that widow – Khadijah may Allah be pleased with her - who was forty years old and who has married twice before. She has two sons and one daughter from her previous marriages. After marriage, she has given birth to two sons but they died while they were infants , and four daughters. During the period between 595-610 A.D. Muhammad – peace be upon him – became a well-respected merchant in Makkah, and was known as the "honest" because of his faith, honesty and wisdom"

Morals and Attributes of Muhammad (PBUH) :-

After the death of his paternal uncle Abu Talib, Allah’s Prophet lived at the house of his paternal grandfather, Abdul Muttalib who was the leader of Makkah. There, Allah’s Prophet had the opportunity to acquire wisdom and sound thinking as well as get acquainted with surrounding issues, problems and disputes. He had first hand experience of different people, the status of Arab tribes, communities and alliances. Besides, he actively participated in all this: he was a member of Hilf Al Fudhool (lit. Alliance of Virtue) that supported the wronged and resisted any aspect of oppression; he was a just judge in many disputes among tribes and families. Allah’s Prophet was the best among his community in terms of magnanimity, morals, forbearance, truthfulness, impeachable disposition, chastity, and fulfilment. In short, he was, as described by his wife Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her), a person who kept good relations with his kith and kin, helped the poor and the destitute, served his guests generously and assisted the deserving calamity-afflicted ones.

1) Excellence in morals

Orientlist Arthur Gilman says: “Historians agreed that Muhammad – peace and blessings be upon him- was distinguished among his tribe because of his straight morals: truthfulness, honesty, generosity, good merits, and modesty. He never drank alcohols and never attended a festival or celebration dedicated to idols.”

2) Not even a blemish

Karl Broklman says: “Muhammad’s life did not have even one blemish. During his boyhood and adulthood, he was above suspicions in which his companions immersed.”

3) Noble-minded thinker

Thomas Carlyle indicates that: “It was noted that Muhammad – peace and blessings be upon him- was a thoughtful youth; his companions used to describe him as “the honest” (Al Ameen) – the man of truthfulness and fulfilment. He was truthful in his actions, sayings, and thoughts. His companions realized that he was so wise. I know also that he was long in silence and did not speak without cause. Once he spoke, his words were full of wisdom. During his life, he was a man of principle, determination, insightful, and of consecutive sorrows. He was known of being generous, pious, compassionate, Allah-fearing, virtuous, proud, hard working, and straightforward. At the same time, he was affable, well disposed, ever smiling, and cheerful. There was always a bright smile over his face, a smile that tells about a pure heart. Muhammad – peace and blessings be upon him- was intelligent and magnanimous, intuitively great and divinely taught. He thus performed his greatest task in the middle of the barren desert.”

4) The most magnanimous

Belgian scholar Alfred Alfanz writes about the morals of Allah’s Prophet Muhammad – peace and blessings be upon him: “Muhammad – peace and blessings be upon him – grew up on morals. He was the best in magnanimity, patience and honesty. He was the best to talk and the most truthful. He was far away from obscenity so that he was known among his people by the epithet “Al Ameen.” These credentials urged the wealthy Khadijah bint Khuwaylid to ask him to be among the members of her commercial journey to Syria with her servant Maisrah. He earned for her a lot of money and Maisrah came back and told her about the miracles he saw. She proposed to him through a relative. She was forty years old and twice widowed. Allah’s Prophet gave her twenty Bakrah as her dowry. He was twenty-five. He lived with her until she died.”

5) People’s respect for him

Russian scholar Arlinov talked about the Prophet of mercy: “He was famous of being good-tempered, well-disposed, modesty, and affability. Muhammad spent forty years among people in peace and tranquillity. All his relatives loved him dearly and all his acquaintances did respect him because of his sound principles, unique morals, honour, and uprightness.”

6) Sayings of his contemporaries

The above was some of the opinions of fair western scholars regarding the morals of Muhammad – peace and blessings be upon him. What about his Companions and contemporaries who accompanied him?

Ali Ibn Abi Talib said:

“Allah’s Prophet would guard his tongue from that which did not concern him. He would attract them (the people) and not repel them. He would ennoble the noble of the people and charge them with their affairs. He was wary of the people and guarded himself against them but without depriving them a warm smile or fitting conduct. He would inquire after his companions and would ask the people about their affairs. He would encourage that which was good and strengthen it, and he would discourage that which was evil and undermine it. He was balanced and consistent. He would never be neglectful that they would not learn neglect and grow indifferent. He had a provision for every occasion and he never fell short of justice nor exceeded it. The closest people to him were the most comprehensive in advice. The highest of them in stature with him was the best among them in looking after the people and assisting them.”

“He was ever smiling, gentle in manners, soft in nature. He was not severe, harsh-hearted, loud at marketplaces, abusive, or encomiast. He would disregard that which he disliked, and no one ever despaired of him. He never responded to disparagement or evil words. He forbade upon himself three things: argument, arrogance, and that which did not concern him. And he relieved the people of three: he would not degrade any among them or abuse them; he would not search after their honour or private matters, and he would not speak except in matters which he hoped to be rewarded for. When he spoke his attendees would lower their heads as if birds had alighted on them. Once he finished they would speak. They would not vie with one another in his presence to speak, but when one would talk in his presence, the rest would listen until he finished. Speech in his presence was that of the first among them. He would laugh with them, and wonder with them. He had patience with the strangers when they were gruff in speech and requests.”

“Allah’s Prophet’s silence was because of four reasons: forbearance, caution, discretion, and contemplation. His discretion was related to deep thinking, listening to people and his contemplation was in the eternal and not the ephemeral. He had the utmost level of patience so that he could not get angry easily. Caution for him was of four types: following good to be followed, avoiding evil to be avoided, thinking deeply in the best things for his Umma and doing the best for them to gather both life and afterlife.”

“He was ever smiling, well disposed, not vulgar or harsh. He was not clamorous or obscene. He was not faultfinding or quarrelsome. He would disregard that which he disliked, and no one ever despaired of him.”

Second: His Attributes

1) Anas’ description of Allah’s Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him

Anas bin Malik, Allah’s Prophet servant said: “The Prophet was neither conspicuously tall, nor short; neither, very white, nor tawny. His hair was neither much curled, nor very straight. Allah sent him (as an Apostle) at the age of forty (and after that) he stayed for ten years in Mecca, and for ten more years in Medina. Allah took him unto Him at the age of sixty, and he scarcely had ten white hairs on his head and in his beard.”

“The Prophet had big hands and feet, and I have not seen anybody like him, neither before nor after him, and his palms were soft.”

“The hair of the Prophet used to hang down up to his shoulders.”

2) Ibn Abbas’ description of Allah’s Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him

“The Prophet used to copy the people of the Scriptures in matters in which there was no order from Allah. The people of the Scripture used to let their hair hang down while the pagans used to part their hair. So the Prophet let his hair hang down first, but later on he parted it.”

3) Al Baraa’s description of Allah’s Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him

Al Baraa said: “I did not see anybody in a red cloak looking more handsome than the Prophet. He was not excessively tall or short and had wide shoulders. His hair used to hang down to the earlobes. He was the most handsome man I ever saw.”

4) Jabir ibn Sumrah’s description of Allah’s Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him

“I saw Allah’s Prophet in a red cloak in a moon-lit night. I kept looking at him and at the moon; he was in my eyes more brilliant than the moon.”

“Allah’s Prophet had a big mouth, long eyes, and slender heel.”

5) Ali ibn Abi Talib’s description of Allah’s Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him

“The Prophet was neither too tall nor too short, his hands and feet were slender, his head and bones were big, he had long hair line from his chest to his navel, he moved as if descending a slope. I have never seen before or after him anyone similar to him.”

6) Abi At-Tofail’s description of Allah’s Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him

“I saw the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him- and I am the only still living man who saw him.” When he was asked to describe him, he said: “He was white skinned, handsome, and have an agile gait.”

7) Abi Huraira’s description of Allah’s Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him

Abu Hurairah described him as follows: “He was the smartest person. He was of medium built, closer to being tall. His shoulders were wide and he had smooth cheeks; his hair was pitch black, and he was black-eyed and had long lashes. He used trod with his whole foot and he did not have a sole. His shoulders were like a silver ingot. When he smiled his teeth shone.”

8) Um Mabad’s description of Allah’s Prophet – Peace and blessings be upon him

Um Mabad Al-Khuzayah was the best one ever to describe the Allah’s Prophet . She described him to her husband: “He is bright, he has a good face, well-behaved, he is not defective with a large abdomen or a small head, he is a handsome man, the pupils of his eyes are very black, the hair of his eyelids is very long, there is Sahal in his voice (i.e. mild hoarseness), his neck is brilliant, there is Kathatha in his beard (i.e. much hair), he is black-eyed, his eyebrows are bent and very close to each other, his hair is very black, he is dignified when he is silent and he is splendid when he talks. He is most beautiful and graceful one from a distance and the best one when he is near, he is fluent, his speech looks like pearls, he has a medium height, he becomes the brightest and the most supreme one when he is between two persons, he always has companions who listen to him when he talks and obeys his orders when he asks them to do something, his companions accompany and serve him, he is not frowning, he does not talk in vain.”

The World before the Prophet's Mission :-

While the Eastern and Western worlds with their futile philosophies were living in the dark eras of thinking and corrupt worship, the bright light of Muhammad the Prophet of Allah The Almighty, peace be upon him, emerged out of Makkah, illuminated the world and guided it to Islam".

Prophet Muhammad - peace be upon him - was born while the people were suffering from ignorance, backwardness, and the moral and cultural deterioration.. the Arab people in the Arabian Peninsula were worshipping idols, burying the newborn girls alive, profiting from adultery and prostitution. The Persian people were worshipping fire and the tyrant Kisra has planted casteism and hatred among the Persian people. Hercules planted the sectarian conflicts among the Roman and killed anyone opposing his doctrine. Moreover, the governing Roman Authority was suffering from the financial, administrative and political corruption to the extent that they have imposed a tax on people called "Head Tax"; an amount of money paid by the citizen in order to save his life!

Consequently, "You can see the popular willingness to commit suicide. The people at such era were not only wishing suicide but also were striving to do it!!

Like this, the world was drowned with injustice and backwardness until Allah The Almighty has sent this faithful and honest Prophet, Muhammad peace be upon him.

In this regard Henry Masseh stated:

"Thanks to the religious and political reforms by Muhammad – Peace be upon him – which are integrated and unified ones, the Arab people became aware and left the darkness of backwardness and disorder to arrange their entry to the urban history".

Prophethood and Revelation :-

First: The Witness of the Scriptures

The Torah and the Gospels foretold the mission of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) both explicitly and implicitly.

In Numbers, Bilaam, the son of Boer, said: “there shall be a star that appears from among the family of Ishmael and its support a family of the Arabs; the Earth shall shake for its appearance.” Al Muhtadi Al Iskandrani commented: “The only person who appeared from the family of Ishmael was Muhammad (SAWS) and he was also the only person because of whose appearance the Earth shaked. Really, he was the star of the family of Ishmael and the person whose mission changed the face of the Earth. With his birth, Satans were forbidden from eavesdropping the news of the heavens; the sacred fire of Persia was extinguished; the Babel idols fell down; and his followers demolished the unjust regimes.”

The above text of the Numbers was later slanted in modern versions to be: “there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.” (24:17)

The Latin version of this text is as follows: “stella ex Iacob et consurget virga de Israhel et percutiet duces Moab vastabitque omnes filios Seth.”

In the fifteenth chapter from his Gospel, John said that Isa (AS) said that: “But when the Comforter (It is also called the ‘Paraclete’; in Greek it is ‘Parakliton’ and in Latin it is ‘Advocatus.’) is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me.” (15:26) John also said in the sixteenth chapter: “Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.” (16:7-8)

In the Gospel of Barnabas, Isa (AS) said: “God shall take me up from the earth, and shall change the appearance of the traitor so that every one shall believe him to be me; nevertheless, when he dies an evil death, I shall abide in that dishonour for a long time in the world. But when Muhammad shall come, the sacred Messenger of God, that infamy shall be taken away."

Prominent Jewish and Christian scholars, such the rabbi Abdullah bin Sallam and Warqa bin Nawfal, witnessed to the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). They would be an argument against all Jews and Christians until the Day of Judgment.

Second: The Witness of Western Scientists

Many of modern thinkers and scholars admitted the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). Some examples are the following:

1) Washington Irving

The American writer Washington Irving (1783–1859) said: “Muhammad (SAWS) was the last and greatest prophet Allah has sent to call people to Allah’s worship.”

2) Marcelle Boizar

Marcel Boizar proves the prophethood of Muhammad (SAWS) in a rational and scientific way. He eloquently said: “Since Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) settled in Madinah his life became an integral part of Islamic history. His actions were transmitted to us in the minutest detail. As he was an energetic organizer, he proved his ability to defend the embryonic Islamic society and propagate his call. In spite of his power to fight and punish, he used to forgive. However, he did not relent with the enemies of the religion. It seems that the three merits of the Prophet (SAWS), that is, devoutness, fighting, and forgiveness impacted the Islamic society during its early emergence and embodied the spiritual atmosphere of Islam.

“History depicts Muhammad (SAWS) both as a great leader whose heart is full of mercy as well as a man of state par excellence who was firm and had a wise policy that dealt with all on equal footing and gave each his right. Through his diplomacy and fairness he was able to grasp the recognition for the emerging Islamic group through treaties at the time he was starting to defeat his enemies in the battlefield. If we are to remember the fragile power of any Arab leader on the psychological domain at the time and the virtues he was supposed to have, we would conclude that Muhammad (SAWS), who knew how to obtain the satisfaction of the widest domain of people, was really above the human level and that he must have been a real prophet of Allah.”

3) Emile Dermenghem

Emile Dermenghem used the event of the death of Ibrahim, the Prophet’s (SAWS) son, to prove the prophethood of the Prophet (SAWS). He said: “Muhammad (SAWS) had a son called Ibrahim from Mary the Coptic but this boy died in infancy. The Prophet (SAWS) was really sad at heart. He buried Ibrahim by his own hands and cried on him. On the day of Ibrahim’s death, it happened that the sun eclipsed and Muslims said that it eclipsed for the death of Ibrahim. The Prophet (SAWS) was lofty enough to say that ‘The sun and the moon do not eclipse because of the death or life (i.e. birth) of someone but they are two signs amongst the signs of Allah.’”( Sahih AL-Bukhari: Volume 2)Such a statement would not be of a lying imposter.

4) Leitner

(Gottlieb Wilhelm Leitner, or Gottlieb William Leitner.(14 October 1840 - 22 March 1899) was an Anglo-Hungarian orientalist.)

Leitner said: “As far as I know about Judaism and Christianity, I would say that the instructions of Muhammad (SAWS) were not plagiarism of either. Without doubt he received revelation from very close to Allah The Ever-Mighty, The Ever-Knowing. I say that certainly from among the proofs of his prophethood are self-sacrifice, honesty of objective, firm belief in the heart, insight into the way to deal with sin and going astray and the use of the best media to overcome them.”

5) Luravicia Vaglreiy

The Italian writer Luravicia Vaghlreiy said: “Driven by blind envy, the fiercest enemies of Islam tried to falsely accuse the Prophet of Allah (SAWS) and they forgot that before he received revelation, Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) was respected among his people for his honesty and purity of life. It is strange that those accusers do not even try to ask themselves how could Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) be able to threaten the liars and the hypocrites of eternal hellfire as mentioned in some of the ayahs of the Qur’an if he himself were a liar? How did he dare to propagate his call in spite of the hostilities of his people if he – the man with the simple intuition - had not had an internal power that continuously urged him? How could he start a struggle that seemed totally hopeless? How did he succeed to continue this struggle for more than ten years in Makkah without a notable success and among uncountable sorrows if he had not had deep belief in the veracity of his mission? How did this number of noble and intelligent Muslims believe and support him and embrace the new religion together with the slaves, freed men, and destitute poor unless they touched his honesty? We do not need to say more than this. Even among the westerners, it is almost unanimous that the honesty of Muhammad (SAWS) was sure and deep.”

6) Rum Landou

The British thinker Rum Landou revealed the mistake of those who question the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) saying: “The mission of Muhammad (SAWS) was a huge one. It was not the mission of a liar driven by egotistic factors as some of early western writers dubbed Muhammad the Arab. All this is rendered unreasonable if we think about the honesty of Muhammad (SAWS) in delivering his mission, the belief of his followers and the test of generations and centuries; we cannot then accuse Muhammad of intentional deceit. History tells us that no religious imposition would last. Islam has not only lasted for more than one thousand and three hundred years (Now more than one thousand four hundred years.) but it is also still gaining new followers. History does not tell us about any fraudulent person whose message was able to create one of the biggest empires and the noblest civilizations all over the world.”


happiness rules

1 :- Don’t hate anyone even though he offends you

2 :- Don’t ever worry and increase invocation to god

3 :- Live simply however your rank getting high

4 :- Expect that it will be better however the tribulations were increased and expect good thinking of good

5 :- Give more even if you were abstained

6 :- Smile even if you heart is crying bloods


of heart’s happiness!!






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A Brief Summary of the Biography of the Prophet (PBUH) :-

1. Initial signs of revelation to the Prophet (PBUH)

The initial signs of prophethood were dreams that came true, and that continued for six months, until Allah (the Almighty) favoured Muhammad (PBUH) by prophethood. Jibreel, the angel, (PBUH), came to Muhammad (PBUH), during his solitude in Hira cave, reciting to him the first part of Al-Alaq Surah:

1}Read: In the Name of your Lord Who created,

2}Created man from clots.

3}Read: And your Lord is The Most Honorable,

4}Who taught by the pen.

5}He taught man what he did not know.

The Belgian intellectual George Alfred Leon Sarton (1884-1956) said:

Muhammad (PBUH) declared his message publicly about 610 AC, when he was forty years….just like his brother prophets, (Peace be upon them) before him.

2. The Christian scholar and writer Waraqah bin Nawfal Embraced Islam

After hearing the first part of Al-Alaq Surah from the Prophet PBUH, Waraqah said, ”By Allah! This is the Angel Jibreel (PBUH), who was sent to Prophet Muses (PBUH). I wish I were young when your people would drive you out of Makkah!" The Prophet (PBUH), wondered: "Are they going to drive me out of Makkah?" Waraqah affirmed positively saying, "Never has a man conveyed a Message similar to what you have been charged with, except that his people waged enmity against him - if I am to witness this, I will give you unequivocal support.” Waraqah then embraced Islam. It is a notable record of history that the first man to embrace Islam is a Christian scholar.

3. The first people to embrace Islam

Allah (the Almighty) commanded his Messenger to convey his message secretly for three years. He called his people to Islam. Early pioneers were his friend and supporter Abu-Bakr, his wife Khadeejah, and his cousin Ali-bin-Abee-Talib, and his servant Zaid-bin-Haritha (May Allah be pleased with all of them).

Those were the core element of Islam, from which the faith of Islam broke forth, and spread everywhere.

Ralf Linton said: "Then the 'revelation' conveyed to Muhammad (PBUH) attracted a number of followers, and started spreading among people…"

4. Inflicting harm on Muslims

When people started to join the faith of Allah, one after the other, and the followers of Muhammad (PBUH) increased, idolaters started a phase of enmity against them. So, Allah (the Almighty) protected his Messenger (PBUH) by means of the back-up of his uncle Abu-Talib, who was respected as a noble and a highborn man among his people. As regards new Muslims, those who have a tribe sought protection with their tribes, but most of the Prophet's followers were attacked severely by idolaters, who did their utmost to extract them away from their new faith. Among them was Bilal-bin Rabah an Ethiopian slave, Ammar-bin-Yasir and his mother Somayah, and his household, who were severely tortured, in the cause of Allah. Ammar-bin-Yasir died. Abu-Jahel passed by Somayah, under torture, and killed her by stabbing her in her vulvae.

Prominent men of Quraish used to torture several women who became Muslims. Those women set best examples of persistence, patience, and feeling proud of the faith of Islam. Among them was Zoneira, a Roman female slave that as a result of converting to Islam, was tortured in the cause of Allah, until she was hit in her eyes, and became blind. The girl slave of Omar-bin Moammel (of Adey tribe) became a Muslim. Omar-bin-Al-Khattab, still in his old days of idolatry, continued hitting her, until he was tired. Among women who joined Islam and were tortured were Om-Obeiss, and Al-Nahdiah, with her daughter.

5. Immigration to Abyssinia (now Ethiopia) and the embracing Islam of the king of the Abyssinian Christians:

The scholar Ateen Denier spoke of the dilemma of Muslims at that time:

"Muhammad (PBUH) was filled with sorrow for the great suffering of weak Muslims, who were unable to find protection. It was really true courage of those in pains, and of the martyrs in the cause of Allah, that proved their steadfast belief in Islam. Muhammad (PBUH), however, had the view that such a miserable state should not continue. So, he advised the weak Muslims, and those who should not necessarily stay in Makkah to immigrate to Abyssinia, that was a Christians country ruled by king An-Najashi (Negus), who was known for tolerance and justice."

An-Najashi was a righteous Christian king, and nobody under his rule was likely to be wronged. Muslim immigrants settled as guests for An-Najashi at best conditions. When Quraish heard of that, they sent a delegation to plot against Muslims, and persuade An-Najashi to expel Muslims out of his land, but that delegation went back disappointed. An-Najashi converted to Islam after listening to the explicit verses of "Mariam Surah" of thHoly Quran receited by Jafar-bin-abee-Talib (May Allah be pleased with him) the head of the Muslim immigrants. Muslims stayed under the protection of King Negus, until they left to (Al Madina, the first city of Islam, at the seventh year from Hijra.

6. The siege and the year of sadness

Inflicting harm on the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) (and his followers) became stronger. He, his household, and companions were confined in a mountain col (a col between two mountains in Makkah, (similar to a prison in the air) called "Shi’b Abi-Talib". The Prophet (PBUH), with his companions, was imprisoned there for three years. Hunger and fatigue came to the point that the cries of the children of those under siege were heard from behind the mountain. That siege started in the month of Moharam, the tenth year after Prophethood, and ended when he was forty nine. A few months later, his uncle Abu-Talib, who was his main protector, died. Then, a short time later, his wife Khadeejah (May Allah be pleased with her), also died. With that, the disbelievers dared to inflict more injury on the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions.

In the month of Shawwal, the tenth year from Prophethood (End of May, or early July 619 AC) the Prophet (PBUH) set out to the city of Ta’if, along with (his adoptive son) Zaid-bin-Haritha (May Allah be pleased with him) where he stayed some days, calling to Allah (the Almighty). The people of Ta’if drove him out, and continued their attack by stoning him, until his legs were bleeding. That was the hardest day in his life..

In the month of Thul-Ke’dah, the tenth year after Prophethood (End of May, or early July 619 AC), the Prophet (PBUH) came back to resume calling people to Islam in Makkh once more..

7. Calling the tribes to Islam, and meeting the people of Madienah (called later "Al-Ansar" or the supporters)

The Prophet (PBUH) remained in Makkah calling people to the path of Allah (the Almighty), introducing himself to them during the pilgrimage season, asking them for shelter, in order to convey the message of Allah (the Almighty), promising them paradise, not more than that. He did not get any positive reply. When the people of Madiena saw the Prophet (PBUH), and considered his position, about which they heard from the Jews of Yathrib (the former name of Madiena before the Prophet‘s migration to it). The people of Madiena said to each other: "Oh! Kinfolk, by Allah, you know he is the same Prophet expected by the Jews. Let nobody else gain this honour than us! "[7] The Jews were expecting a prophet, and they were warning the people of Yathrib that the time for that prophet is very near.

8. Immigration to Yathrib or “ Al-Madina Al Munawarah”

After that the delegation of the people of Yathrib swore allegiance they promised the Prophet a continuous protection and support in Yathrib until he has conveyed the message of Islam. Then the Prophet ordered his companions to immigrate to Yathrib.

The English researcher, John Bagot Glob, said:

"In not more than seven or eight weeks, almost all Muslims immigrated from Makkah, except Muhammad (PBUH), his cousin Ali-bin-abi-Talib, his adoptive son, Zaid-bin-Haritha, and his loyal friend Abu-Bakr-Al-Siddeek… It is worth acknowledging that Muhammad (PBUH) showed incomparable courage by staying in Makkah, without the protection of his uncle Abu-Talib, the senior figure of Bani-Hashim tribe. Quraish recognized the seriousness of that development, and were alarmed that Muslims started to form a society with close ties in Yathrib, out of the control of Quraish, and far from their reach, and were about to gain supporters, who might shift to be hostile to Quraish. Senior figures of Quraish held a meeting in Dar-Al-Nadwa (their parliament) discussing the situation concerning Muhammad (PBUH). The view of some of them was that the reason for all their trouble was Muhammad (PBUH), and it would be good for them to get rid of him as soon as possible before he had the chance to join his companions in Yathrib (Al-Madina Al-Monawarah)"

Prominent men of Quraish –as Ralf Linton said- ,who hated the family of Muhammad (PBUH) and saw in his teachings a threat to their interests, tried to assassinate him, but that attempt failed. Muhammad (PBUH) managed to immigrate, along with a small loyal group of his followers, to Yathrib on the 16th of July 622 AC, which is an important date, we should not forget, because it is the immigration (Hijra) year that Muslims use as the starting point for recording their history, until now."

There, in Yathrib (Al-Madina Al-Munawarah), by the will of Allah (the Almighty), the two main tribes Al-Awss and Al-Khazraj united around Muhammad (PBUH) like loving brothers, after fierce wars against each other, and continuous enmity that lasted for about 120 years, because of a killed man. The fierce war was extinguished by Muhammad (PBUH), and by the will of Allah (the Almighty), their hearts were unified into one nation, and one state. The idolaters were more furious against Islam and Muslims, especially after the great success attained by the message of Islam, and the establishment of the Islamic state.

The Makkahan idolaters waged successive wars against the Messenger of Allah (PBUH). But after a certain time, Allah, the Almighty, allowed Muslims to fight in defence of their faith, their blood, and their new state, that idolaters were attempting to terminate before it could develop. Idolaters waged wars against Muslims such as Badr war (17 Ramadan, the 2nd year from Hijra/13 March, 624 AC), Uhod war (the month of Shawwal, the 3rd year from Hijra/April, 624 AC), and Al-Ahzab war (the month of Shawwal, the 5th year from Hijra/April, 627 AC).

The Prophet (PBUH) led 28 battles; fighting took place in 9 of them, and the remaining battles ended without fighting. Those battles started with Waddan (Al-Abwaa') battle (the month of Safar, the 2nd year from Hijra/August, 623 AC), until Tabouk Battle (the month of Rajab, the 9th year from Hegira/April, 630 AC).

The historian Louise Sedio – commenting on these battles - said :

"Allah(the Almighty) pushed off their (the idolater’s) evil,,, and who could be more worthy of having the protection of Allah(the Almighty) than the Prophet (PBUH), who was taking upon himself the burden of spreading the Message, and rightfully to reverse their (the idolatert's) harm against its initiators. Allah (the Almighty) was still helping the Prophet (PBUH) until life sang and clapped hands for him."

After immigration of the Prophet (PBUH), some of the best Jewish scholars of Yathrib (Al-Madinah) converted to Islam. They accepted what Muhammad (PBUH) said as true, and they followed him after comparing between his character, and what was mentioned in their book (The Torah) about him. Among them was the Jewish pontiff: Abdullah-bin-Salam – May Allah be pleased with him.

9. Victory, and spreading the Message:

After about 19 years of continuous suffering and torturing from the idolaters, the Prophet (PBUH) managed to seize from Quraish a treaty called Al-Hudaibiah peace treaty. That was in the month of Thul-Ke’dah, the 6th year from Hijra (March 628 AC). With that peace treaty, the Prophet (PBUH) had the time to call for Allah (the Almighty), and spread the Message of Islam. He delegated a number of his companions with written letters from him to the leaders and kings of the world, calling them for Islam, using the best of words, with a style of lofty decency.

The Prophet (PBUH) was successful in spreading the message on a large scale. The faith of Islam spread in the Arabian Peninsula very quickly, facing and getting red of ignorance, with its backward traditions, and corrupted beliefs.

The Prophet (PBUH) succeeded to capture Khaibar fortress that was the centre for making up tricks and conspiracies against Muslims, in the month of Moharam, the 7th year from Hegira (May 628 AC).

Then, capturing Makkah took place in the month of Ramadan, the 8th year from Hijra (January 630 AC), in the aftermath of Quraish's breach of the peace treaty. The Prophet (PBUH) declared a public amnesty for the Makkahan people, without emergency or oppressive acts. The Prophet (PBUH) said: "He who enters the house of Abi-Sufian will be safe! He who enters the mosque will be safe! And he, who stays at home, closing his door, will be safe!". And, he entrusted to the Muslim army leaders not to fight except those who would fight them

After getting established, Islam spread in every direction, and on a large scale. It seemed that an unseen power was working to get people embracing the faith of Allah (the Almighty) one group after the other in large multitudes."

Idols were destroyed, and idolatry symbols fell down. Quarrelling tribes united. The Arabian gave up the worship of created beings to the worship of the Creator of everything. Discrimination between casts, sectarianism, ignorant tribalism, were eliminated, and safety and peace prevailed.

The state of Islam became strong and venerable versus the Persian and Roman powers..

When Sharhabil-bin-Amr-Al-Ghassani, (the Roman appointed ruler of Al-Sham), killed the Prophet's ambassador, Al-Harith-bin-Omayr-Al-Azdi (May Allah be pleased with him), who was sent by the Prophet (PBUH) with a letter calling the ruler of Busra in “Al-Sham) to Islam, the Prophet (PBUH) called up for general recruitment, and attacked the southern borders of the Roman Empire. Mo'ta battle (the month of Jumada-Al-Awal, the 8th year from Hijra, September, 629 AC), and Tabouk battle (the month of Rajab, the 9th year from Hijra, October, 630 AC) filled the hearts of the Romans with fear and anxiety of this growing new world power, the state of Islam..

10. The farewell pilgrim, and the passing away of the Prophet (PBUH):

After the success made by the Prophet (PBUH) in his call for Islam, and after that the state of Islam became stronger, and peace and safety prevailed in the Arabian Peninsula, and the will of Allah (the Almighty) to show his Prophet (PBUH) the fruits of that call, for which he suffered twenty three years, full of sincere efforts, serious work, and hardships, the Prophet (PBUH) felt that his death was very close. So, he headed toward Makkah during Hajj to meet the nation, so that they could learn from him the general principles of Islam, and to make them witness that he had fulfilled the entrusted duty, and faithfully conveyed the Message.

On the 9th day of the month of Thul-Hijjah (Arafah Day) in the 10th year from Hijra (6th of March, 632 AC), the Prophet (PBUH) delivered a speech with one hundred and forty four thousand listeners around him. His comprehensive speech included the first ever declaration of human rights in mankind history, urging brotherly love, equality, fairness, prohibition of blood, and money, and women rights, calling for giving up the corrupted ignorant traditions, blood retaliations, usurious dealings, and the ignorant tribal instincts.

Shari’a (Islamic law), characterized by being the wisest and most graceful system, was the best present to mankind throughout history. Referring to that system, scholar "Shebrel" –expressing his pride in Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)- said:

"Humanity should feel proud that a person like Muhammad (PBUH) belonged to it. In spite of his illiteracy, he could, several centuries ago, bring about a law that we Europeans would be the happiest, if we could reach its top two thousand years later"

The Prophet (PBUH) went back to Al-Madinah, and soon after that he was ill, and felt death to be very near.

The Prophet (PBUH) died o Monday the 12th of the month of Rabee-Al-Awal, 11th year from Hijra(6th June, 632 AC). His successor rulers were his loyal friends and honourable supporters Abu-Bakr-As-Siddeek, then Omar-bin-Al-Khattab, then Othman-bin-Affan, then Ali-bin-Abi-Talib, May Allah be pleased with all of them.

These are very quick hints about the bibliography of the glorious personality of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and it’s not more than a tip of an iceberg. It had to be reviewed in this way for later wider research, and to be an introduction to go through the personal qualities of the Prophet (PBUH), his merits, morals, and attributes implying his particularity of mercy.


Edited by yasser ezz


happiness rules

1 :- Don’t hate anyone even though he offends you

2 :- Don’t ever worry and increase invocation to god

3 :- Live simply however your rank getting high

4 :- Expect that it will be better however the tribulations were increased and expect good thinking of good

5 :- Give more even if you were abstained

6 :- Smile even if you heart is crying bloods


of heart’s happiness!!






Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Japan

Our saucer which art in a colander, draining be Your noodles. Thy noodle come, Thy meatballness be done on earth, as it is meaty in heaven. Give us this day our daily sauce, and forgive us our lack of piracy, as we pirate and smuggle against those who lack piracy with us. And lead us not into vegetarianism, but deliver us from non-red meat sauce. For thine is the colander, the noodle, and the sauce, forever and ever. Ramen.

Hail meatsauce, full of beef. The Spaghetti Monster is with you. Blessed are you among sauces, and blessed is the spice from your shaker. Heated meatsauce, monster of taste, pray for us non-pirates now and at the hour of our hunger. RAmen

Our pasta, who art in a colander, draining be your noodles. Thy noodle come, Thy sauce be yum, on top some grated Parmesan. Give us this day our garlic bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trample on our lawns. And lead us not into vegetarianism, but deliver us some pizza, for thine is the meatball, the noodle, and the sauce, forever and ever. RAmen.



Go listen to some free beats:


Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Canada

Oh boy!!!!


KURT & RAYMA (K-1 Visa)

Oct. 9/03... I-129F sent to NSC

June 10/04... K-1 Interview - APPROVED!!!!

July 31/04... Entered U.S.

Aug. 28/04... WEDDING DAY!!!!

Aug. 30/04... I-485, I-765 & I-131 sent to Seattle

Dec. 10/04... AOS Interview - APPROVED!!!!! (Passport stamped)

Sept. 9/06... I-751 sent to NSC

May 15/07... 10-Yr. PR Card arrives in the mail

Sept. 13/07... N-400 sent to NSC

Aug. 21/08... Interview - PASSED!!!!

Sept. 2/08... Oath Ceremony

Sept. 5/08... Sent in Voter Registration Card

Sept. 9/08... SSA office to change status to "U.S. citizen"

Oct. 8/08... Applied in person for U.S. Passport

Oct. 22/08... U.S. Passport received


KAELY (K-2 Visa)

Apr. 6/05... DS-230, Part I faxed to Vancouver Consulate

May 26/05... K-2 Interview - APPROVED!!!!

Sept. 5/05... Entered U.S.

Sept. 7/05... I-485 & I-131 sent to CLB

Feb. 22/06... AOS Interview - APPROVED!!!!! (Passport NOT stamped)

Dec. 4/07... I-751 sent to NSC

May 23/08... 10-Yr. PR Card arrives in the mail

Mar. 22/11.... N-400 sent to AZ

June 27/11..... Interview - PASSED!!!

July 12/11..... Oath Ceremony

We're NOT lawyers.... just your average folks who had to find their own way!!!!! Anything we post here is simply our own opinions/suggestions/experiences and should not be taken as LAW!!!!

Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Egypt

That's how Muslims talk.

Pee-BUH! Pee-BUH! Mohammed Jihad! Mohammed Jihad!



happiness rules

1 :- Don’t hate anyone even though he offends you

2 :- Don’t ever worry and increase invocation to god

3 :- Live simply however your rank getting high

4 :- Expect that it will be better however the tribulations were increased and expect good thinking of good

5 :- Give more even if you were abstained

6 :- Smile even if you heart is crying bloods


of heart’s happiness!!






Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Egypt



happiness rules

1 :- Don’t hate anyone even though he offends you

2 :- Don’t ever worry and increase invocation to god

3 :- Live simply however your rank getting high

4 :- Expect that it will be better however the tribulations were increased and expect good thinking of good

5 :- Give more even if you were abstained

6 :- Smile even if you heart is crying bloods


of heart’s happiness!!






Filed: AOS (pnd) Country: China
Posted (edited)
Birth & Growth

He is Muhammad – peace be upon him - son of Abdullah son of Abdul Muttaleb son of Hashim Al Qurashi, and he descends from Ismael son of Ibrahim – peace be upon them.

Prophet Muhammad – peace be upon him – has several names, and he has mentioned some of them in his tradition: "I have five names; Muhammad, Ahmad, the Eliminator as Allah the Almighty has eliminated infidelity by me, the Resurrection Sign as the people will be resurrected after my prophethood, and I am the Last Prophet" whom no prophet comes after.

The American Anthropologist Ralf Linton said: "Muhammad – peace be upon him - was born in Makkah on (April 20th, 571 A.D) from a well-positioned family but his father died before his birth and his mother died also when Muhammad – peace be upon him – was six years old .. In the first years of his puberty, he was working as a shepherd.. When he attained seventeen years old he went to Syria with his uncle for the purpose of trading… when he attained twenty forth years of age, he worked for a rich widow – Lady Khadijah, may Allah be pleased with her – and has assumed travelling with her trading caravan on her behalf. After a year – i.e. 595 A.D – he has married that widow – Khadijah may Allah be pleased with her - who was forty years old and who has married twice before. She has two sons and one daughter from her previous marriages. After marriage, she has given birth to two sons but they died while they were infants , and four daughters. During the period between 595-610 A.D. Muhammad – peace be upon him – became a well-respected merchant in Makkah, and was known as the "honest" because of his faith, honesty and wisdom"

Morals and Attributes of Muhammad (PBUH) :-

After the death of his paternal uncle Abu Talib, Allah’s Prophet lived at the house of his paternal grandfather, Abdul Muttalib who was the leader of Makkah. There, Allah’s Prophet had the opportunity to acquire wisdom and sound thinking as well as get acquainted with surrounding issues, problems and disputes. He had first hand experience of different people, the status of Arab tribes, communities and alliances. Besides, he actively participated in all this: he was a member of Hilf Al Fudhool (lit. Alliance of Virtue) that supported the wronged and resisted any aspect of oppression; he was a just judge in many disputes among tribes and families. Allah’s Prophet was the best among his community in terms of magnanimity, morals, forbearance, truthfulness, impeachable disposition, chastity, and fulfilment. In short, he was, as described by his wife Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her), a person who kept good relations with his kith and kin, helped the poor and the destitute, served his guests generously and assisted the deserving calamity-afflicted ones.

1) Excellence in morals

Orientlist Arthur Gilman says: “Historians agreed that Muhammad – peace and blessings be upon him- was distinguished among his tribe because of his straight morals: truthfulness, honesty, generosity, good merits, and modesty. He never drank alcohols and never attended a festival or celebration dedicated to idols.”

2) Not even a blemish

Karl Broklman says: “Muhammad’s life did not have even one blemish. During his boyhood and adulthood, he was above suspicions in which his companions immersed.”

3) Noble-minded thinker

Thomas Carlyle indicates that: “It was noted that Muhammad – peace and blessings be upon him- was a thoughtful youth; his companions used to describe him as “the honest” (Al Ameen) – the man of truthfulness and fulfilment. He was truthful in his actions, sayings, and thoughts. His companions realized that he was so wise. I know also that he was long in silence and did not speak without cause. Once he spoke, his words were full of wisdom. During his life, he was a man of principle, determination, insightful, and of consecutive sorrows. He was known of being generous, pious, compassionate, Allah-fearing, virtuous, proud, hard working, and straightforward. At the same time, he was affable, well disposed, ever smiling, and cheerful. There was always a bright smile over his face, a smile that tells about a pure heart. Muhammad – peace and blessings be upon him- was intelligent and magnanimous, intuitively great and divinely taught. He thus performed his greatest task in the middle of the barren desert.”

4) The most magnanimous

Belgian scholar Alfred Alfanz writes about the morals of Allah’s Prophet Muhammad – peace and blessings be upon him: “Muhammad – peace and blessings be upon him – grew up on morals. He was the best in magnanimity, patience and honesty. He was the best to talk and the most truthful. He was far away from obscenity so that he was known among his people by the epithet “Al Ameen.” These credentials urged the wealthy Khadijah bint Khuwaylid to ask him to be among the members of her commercial journey to Syria with her servant Maisrah. He earned for her a lot of money and Maisrah came back and told her about the miracles he saw. She proposed to him through a relative. She was forty years old and twice widowed. Allah’s Prophet gave her twenty Bakrah as her dowry. He was twenty-five. He lived with her until she died.”

5) People’s respect for him

Russian scholar Arlinov talked about the Prophet of mercy: “He was famous of being good-tempered, well-disposed, modesty, and affability. Muhammad spent forty years among people in peace and tranquillity. All his relatives loved him dearly and all his acquaintances did respect him because of his sound principles, unique morals, honour, and uprightness.”

6) Sayings of his contemporaries

The above was some of the opinions of fair western scholars regarding the morals of Muhammad – peace and blessings be upon him. What about his Companions and contemporaries who accompanied him?

Ali Ibn Abi Talib said:

“Allah’s Prophet would guard his tongue from that which did not concern him. He would attract them (the people) and not repel them. He would ennoble the noble of the people and charge them with their affairs. He was wary of the people and guarded himself against them but without depriving them a warm smile or fitting conduct. He would inquire after his companions and would ask the people about their affairs. He would encourage that which was good and strengthen it, and he would discourage that which was evil and undermine it. He was balanced and consistent. He would never be neglectful that they would not learn neglect and grow indifferent. He had a provision for every occasion and he never fell short of justice nor exceeded it. The closest people to him were the most comprehensive in advice. The highest of them in stature with him was the best among them in looking after the people and assisting them.”

“He was ever smiling, gentle in manners, soft in nature. He was not severe, harsh-hearted, loud at marketplaces, abusive, or encomiast. He would disregard that which he disliked, and no one ever despaired of him. He never responded to disparagement or evil words. He forbade upon himself three things: argument, arrogance, and that which did not concern him. And he relieved the people of three: he would not degrade any among them or abuse them; he would not search after their honour or private matters, and he would not speak except in matters which he hoped to be rewarded for. When he spoke his attendees would lower their heads as if birds had alighted on them. Once he finished they would speak. They would not vie with one another in his presence to speak, but when one would talk in his presence, the rest would listen until he finished. Speech in his presence was that of the first among them. He would laugh with them, and wonder with them. He had patience with the strangers when they were gruff in speech and requests.”

“Allah’s Prophet’s silence was because of four reasons: forbearance, caution, discretion, and contemplation. His discretion was related to deep thinking, listening to people and his contemplation was in the eternal and not the ephemeral. He had the utmost level of patience so that he could not get angry easily. Caution for him was of four types: following good to be followed, avoiding evil to be avoided, thinking deeply in the best things for his Umma and doing the best for them to gather both life and afterlife.”

“He was ever smiling, well disposed, not vulgar or harsh. He was not clamorous or obscene. He was not faultfinding or quarrelsome. He would disregard that which he disliked, and no one ever despaired of him.”

Second: His Attributes

1) Anas’ description of Allah’s Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him

Anas bin Malik, Allah’s Prophet servant said: “The Prophet was neither conspicuously tall, nor short; neither, very white, nor tawny. His hair was neither much curled, nor very straight. Allah sent him (as an Apostle) at the age of forty (and after that) he stayed for ten years in Mecca, and for ten more years in Medina. Allah took him unto Him at the age of sixty, and he scarcely had ten white hairs on his head and in his beard.”

“The Prophet had big hands and feet, and I have not seen anybody like him, neither before nor after him, and his palms were soft.”

“The hair of the Prophet used to hang down up to his shoulders.”

2) Ibn Abbas’ description of Allah’s Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him

“The Prophet used to copy the people of the Scriptures in matters in which there was no order from Allah. The people of the Scripture used to let their hair hang down while the pagans used to part their hair. So the Prophet let his hair hang down first, but later on he parted it.”

3) Al Baraa’s description of Allah’s Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him

Al Baraa said: “I did not see anybody in a red cloak looking more handsome than the Prophet. He was not excessively tall or short and had wide shoulders. His hair used to hang down to the earlobes. He was the most handsome man I ever saw.”

4) Jabir ibn Sumrah’s description of Allah’s Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him

“I saw Allah’s Prophet in a red cloak in a moon-lit night. I kept looking at him and at the moon; he was in my eyes more brilliant than the moon.”

“Allah’s Prophet had a big mouth, long eyes, and slender heel.”

5) Ali ibn Abi Talib’s description of Allah’s Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him

“The Prophet was neither too tall nor too short, his hands and feet were slender, his head and bones were big, he had long hair line from his chest to his navel, he moved as if descending a slope. I have never seen before or after him anyone similar to him.”

6) Abi At-Tofail’s description of Allah’s Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him

“I saw the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him- and I am the only still living man who saw him.” When he was asked to describe him, he said: “He was white skinned, handsome, and have an agile gait.”

7) Abi Huraira’s description of Allah’s Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him

Abu Hurairah described him as follows: “He was the smartest person. He was of medium built, closer to being tall. His shoulders were wide and he had smooth cheeks; his hair was pitch black, and he was black-eyed and had long lashes. He used trod with his whole foot and he did not have a sole. His shoulders were like a silver ingot. When he smiled his teeth shone.”

8) Um Mabad’s description of Allah’s Prophet – Peace and blessings be upon him

Um Mabad Al-Khuzayah was the best one ever to describe the Allah’s Prophet . She described him to her husband: “He is bright, he has a good face, well-behaved, he is not defective with a large abdomen or a small head, he is a handsome man, the pupils of his eyes are very black, the hair of his eyelids is very long, there is Sahal in his voice (i.e. mild hoarseness), his neck is brilliant, there is Kathatha in his beard (i.e. much hair), he is black-eyed, his eyebrows are bent and very close to each other, his hair is very black, he is dignified when he is silent and he is splendid when he talks. He is most beautiful and graceful one from a distance and the best one when he is near, he is fluent, his speech looks like pearls, he has a medium height, he becomes the brightest and the most supreme one when he is between two persons, he always has companions who listen to him when he talks and obeys his orders when he asks them to do something, his companions accompany and serve him, he is not frowning, he does not talk in vain.”

The World before the Prophet's Mission :-

While the Eastern and Western worlds with their futile philosophies were living in the dark eras of thinking and corrupt worship, the bright light of Muhammad the Prophet of Allah The Almighty, peace be upon him, emerged out of Makkah, illuminated the world and guided it to Islam".

Prophet Muhammad - peace be upon him - was born while the people were suffering from ignorance, backwardness, and the moral and cultural deterioration.. the Arab people in the Arabian Peninsula were worshipping idols, burying the newborn girls alive, profiting from adultery and prostitution. The Persian people were worshipping fire and the tyrant Kisra has planted casteism and hatred among the Persian people. Hercules planted the sectarian conflicts among the Roman and killed anyone opposing his doctrine. Moreover, the governing Roman Authority was suffering from the financial, administrative and political corruption to the extent that they have imposed a tax on people called "Head Tax"; an amount of money paid by the citizen in order to save his life!

Consequently, "You can see the popular willingness to commit suicide. The people at such era were not only wishing suicide but also were striving to do it!!

Like this, the world was drowned with injustice and backwardness until Allah The Almighty has sent this faithful and honest Prophet, Muhammad peace be upon him.

In this regard Henry Masseh stated:

"Thanks to the religious and political reforms by Muhammad – Peace be upon him – which are integrated and unified ones, the Arab people became aware and left the darkness of backwardness and disorder to arrange their entry to the urban history".

Prophethood and Revelation :-

First: The Witness of the Scriptures

The Torah and the Gospels foretold the mission of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) both explicitly and implicitly.

In Numbers, Bilaam, the son of Boer, said: “there shall be a star that appears from among the family of Ishmael and its support a family of the Arabs; the Earth shall shake for its appearance.” Al Muhtadi Al Iskandrani commented: “The only person who appeared from the family of Ishmael was Muhammad (SAWS) and he was also the only person because of whose appearance the Earth shaked. Really, he was the star of the family of Ishmael and the person whose mission changed the face of the Earth. With his birth, Satans were forbidden from eavesdropping the news of the heavens; the sacred fire of Persia was extinguished; the Babel idols fell down; and his followers demolished the unjust regimes.”

The above text of the Numbers was later slanted in modern versions to be: “there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and shall smite the corners of Moab, and destroy all the children of Sheth.” (24:17)

The Latin version of this text is as follows: “stella ex Iacob et consurget virga de Israhel et percutiet duces Moab vastabitque omnes filios Seth.”

In the fifteenth chapter from his Gospel, John said that Isa (AS) said that: “But when the Comforter (It is also called the ‘Paraclete’; in Greek it is ‘Parakliton’ and in Latin it is ‘Advocatus.’) is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me.” (15:26) John also said in the sixteenth chapter: “Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.” (16:7-8)

In the Gospel of Barnabas, Isa (AS) said: “God shall take me up from the earth, and shall change the appearance of the traitor so that every one shall believe him to be me; nevertheless, when he dies an evil death, I shall abide in that dishonour for a long time in the world. But when Muhammad shall come, the sacred Messenger of God, that infamy shall be taken away."

Prominent Jewish and Christian scholars, such the rabbi Abdullah bin Sallam and Warqa bin Nawfal, witnessed to the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). They would be an argument against all Jews and Christians until the Day of Judgment.

Second: The Witness of Western Scientists

Many of modern thinkers and scholars admitted the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). Some examples are the following:

1) Washington Irving

The American writer Washington Irving (1783–1859) said: “Muhammad (SAWS) was the last and greatest prophet Allah has sent to call people to Allah’s worship.”

2) Marcelle Boizar

Marcel Boizar proves the prophethood of Muhammad (SAWS) in a rational and scientific way. He eloquently said: “Since Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) settled in Madinah his life became an integral part of Islamic history. His actions were transmitted to us in the minutest detail. As he was an energetic organizer, he proved his ability to defend the embryonic Islamic society and propagate his call. In spite of his power to fight and punish, he used to forgive. However, he did not relent with the enemies of the religion. It seems that the three merits of the Prophet (SAWS), that is, devoutness, fighting, and forgiveness impacted the Islamic society during its early emergence and embodied the spiritual atmosphere of Islam.

“History depicts Muhammad (SAWS) both as a great leader whose heart is full of mercy as well as a man of state par excellence who was firm and had a wise policy that dealt with all on equal footing and gave each his right. Through his diplomacy and fairness he was able to grasp the recognition for the emerging Islamic group through treaties at the time he was starting to defeat his enemies in the battlefield. If we are to remember the fragile power of any Arab leader on the psychological domain at the time and the virtues he was supposed to have, we would conclude that Muhammad (SAWS), who knew how to obtain the satisfaction of the widest domain of people, was really above the human level and that he must have been a real prophet of Allah.”

3) Emile Dermenghem

Emile Dermenghem used the event of the death of Ibrahim, the Prophet’s (SAWS) son, to prove the prophethood of the Prophet (SAWS). He said: “Muhammad (SAWS) had a son called Ibrahim from Mary the Coptic but this boy died in infancy. The Prophet (SAWS) was really sad at heart. He buried Ibrahim by his own hands and cried on him. On the day of Ibrahim’s death, it happened that the sun eclipsed and Muslims said that it eclipsed for the death of Ibrahim. The Prophet (SAWS) was lofty enough to say that ‘The sun and the moon do not eclipse because of the death or life (i.e. birth) of someone but they are two signs amongst the signs of Allah.’”( Sahih AL-Bukhari: Volume 2)Such a statement would not be of a lying imposter.

4) Leitner

(Gottlieb Wilhelm Leitner, or Gottlieb William Leitner.(14 October 1840 - 22 March 1899) was an Anglo-Hungarian orientalist.)

Leitner said: “As far as I know about Judaism and Christianity, I would say that the instructions of Muhammad (SAWS) were not plagiarism of either. Without doubt he received revelation from very close to Allah The Ever-Mighty, The Ever-Knowing. I say that certainly from among the proofs of his prophethood are self-sacrifice, honesty of objective, firm belief in the heart, insight into the way to deal with sin and going astray and the use of the best media to overcome them.”

5) Luravicia Vaglreiy

The Italian writer Luravicia Vaghlreiy said: “Driven by blind envy, the fiercest enemies of Islam tried to falsely accuse the Prophet of Allah (SAWS) and they forgot that before he received revelation, Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) was respected among his people for his honesty and purity of life. It is strange that those accusers do not even try to ask themselves how could Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) be able to threaten the liars and the hypocrites of eternal hellfire as mentioned in some of the ayahs of the Qur’an if he himself were a liar? How did he dare to propagate his call in spite of the hostilities of his people if he – the man with the simple intuition - had not had an internal power that continuously urged him? How could he start a struggle that seemed totally hopeless? How did he succeed to continue this struggle for more than ten years in Makkah without a notable success and among uncountable sorrows if he had not had deep belief in the veracity of his mission? How did this number of noble and intelligent Muslims believe and support him and embrace the new religion together with the slaves, freed men, and destitute poor unless they touched his honesty? We do not need to say more than this. Even among the westerners, it is almost unanimous that the honesty of Muhammad (SAWS) was sure and deep.”

6) Rum Landou

The British thinker Rum Landou revealed the mistake of those who question the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) saying: “The mission of Muhammad (SAWS) was a huge one. It was not the mission of a liar driven by egotistic factors as some of early western writers dubbed Muhammad the Arab. All this is rendered unreasonable if we think about the honesty of Muhammad (SAWS) in delivering his mission, the belief of his followers and the test of generations and centuries; we cannot then accuse Muhammad of intentional deceit. History tells us that no religious imposition would last. Islam has not only lasted for more than one thousand and three hundred years (Now more than one thousand four hundred years.) but it is also still gaining new followers. History does not tell us about any fraudulent person whose message was able to create one of the biggest empires and the noblest civilizations all over the world.”

Ok all the quotes from brainy types are fine, sorry but if you need to make a point thats not a good way to do it out here among normal folks. We like simple words from the poster that are easy to understand. In this way you will have others understand your true meaning and get replys other than mine. So with my small brain will ask you what I understand. Please forgive me for things I ask my understanding of what little I have read and what I see is very different. I have found no god in teachings from any book that point blank says if you do not belive my teachings you are an infadel, a non beliver. Your (our) (my) way of life is just not right and you should be punished. I belive there is a god and we should live our lives with morals, honesty and love for our brothers and sisters no matter what country we live in. I very well understand what other people see in the west. Turn on the TV it's easy to see why people think we have no morals, no belief in anything but material things, no belief in a god whoever you call him. This belief is baseless. It is not in anyway who we are. Forgive me but I see everyday others calling me a infadel without a thought of who (I) (we) realy are. Again forgive my none understanding but to think some are blinded to what all our gods intended us to be. I submit it is mortal mans view of teachings that has lead us to where we are. Show me a god that tells me (our you) to go forth and kill the none belivers. I have never read any kind of god in any book that told me to go forth and kill my brother, sister or child. I know no heaven like this in my little mind. Again forgive me but it sounds more like the devil, that is what I would expect from him.

Please don't get me wrong, just a normal person like most of us trying to understand more than what we see on CNN. Please put in simple terms exactly what your saying. Not so called experts.

Edited by JingJoseph

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