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My Internet Love Affair !!!


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......doctors will going to open your ###..i dont know the English name of it but it looks like cauliflower...

the doctor was probably checking for signs of HPV infection which can have appearance of a cauliflower like mass.

US Embassy Manila website. bringing your spouse/fiancee to USA


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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Philippines

Consul Officer: Did you know that your previous K1 is still active in INS data base?

Beneficiary: I didnt know that its still active in your database but as far as im concerned it is expired already its more than 1 year.

Consul Officer: But eventhough it is expired, your petitioner needs to cancel your first K1 petition?

Beneficiary: But sir i didnt know that he needs to cancel that.and besides we have no more communication after we broke off our engagement and he doesnt know also that he needs to cancel that so i can have a new k1 application.

Consul Officer: Well, if you can show me now even an email from him that he cancelled his petition then we will give you a visa!

Beneficiary: Sir if i only know that he needs to cancel that then i already informed him.In fact the INS California Service Center approved my second k1 application so we thought its already okay, how could they approved my 2nd K1 application if the first petition is still active?

Consul Officer: All you need to do is call your previous fiancee and asked him to cancel his first petition.then we will return this at INS CSC for a review of your case .

I waited for some minutes then he gave me back my papers and when i read the last paper he gave me it says:

Embassy of the USA

Manila Philippines

Principal Applicant: Visa Symbol: K1 Applicant: 1

Interview Date:

Dear Immigrant Visa Applicant:

We are unable to issue you an immigrant visa for the ff reasons;

You have been found inelible under the following section of the Immigration and Nationality Act:

____ You have ....

____You have....




__/___ Your petition is being returned to the Immigration and Naturalization Service for reconsideration and disposition.Further Inquiries should be directed to the INS Office that processed your petition.

So that was the result of my 2nd K1 visa petition and i talked to my fiancee about it. Coz if you are approved before they are not going to give you back your passport and they will mail it to you after 10 days and if you are staying in hotels in Manila like other applicants the embassy will mail it in your hotel so they got their visa after 3 days or 5 days so you dont really need to buy an airline tickets unless you got your visa.

And some of the applicants i went inside embassy got an approval and some not also.Like one lady whom not able to get an approval coz her baby needs to have a passport...she gave birth before her interview and her baby was 1 month old that time so she was asked to get a passport of her baby. That time you can get a passport within 3 days if you want the travel agency to do it if not then you have to fall in line very early in front of DFA Office so you can get a number.But now it takes a month to get a new passport and even if you renewals you will still wait for 1 month.

Anyway, the cauliflower stuff thats the termed we used by my friends coz in our local language we call it "Almuranas" its a painful disorder..i dont know if its an ulceration of your rectum or ####### coz one of the aplicant told us that she has an almuranas and we were laughing and one said dont say that we better call it cauliflower so other people wont find it out that we are talking about your almuranas.

Some people here based on their comments seems to be judgmental..nobodys perfect .What if it will happen to you also. I am just a woman looking for true love..I think we are here at VJS coz we found our true love. What if it will happen to you also.You dont know what will happen to you and your relationship or marriage also. WEe all hope that every relationship or marriage we have it will be the last time . Its not all happiness to everyone but i hope all of us will be happy always. Co you think you are very happy now but you dont know also what will happen to you and your future marriage or relationship. Why the 20 year marriage ended up also.Some of us made mistakes in our life and we dont want to happen it also.. I didnt want to happen it in my life also but if ever it comes to your life then we need to accept it and go on with our life.

Some Filipina ladies thought going to USA is paradise ..for some yes but for some not also. Like what happen to some of my friends and to other people i heard marrying other culture. Coz every country has its own culture...and sometimes we tend not to accept it but if we love the person we will accept whatever it is.

What if it happen to you or to your friends or relatives it hurts also. Like what happen to my friend..she undergone K1 Visa ,she met her bf over the net but and she went to US with her daughter .and If you undergone K1 visa you are given 90 days to get married ..But the American didnt marry her and her american bf always compared her to his ex wife . Hello even gfs and bs they undergo stage of getting to know each other. Do you know that your wife or husband or gf or bf snores?How would you know that?When you are very far from each other you woulsnt know about everything about her or him. You will find it out later when you are living in one roof. In relationships there's ups and downs.I think eveyrone of us dont like to have a bad relationship or bad marriage or ended up into separation or divorced. Before when internet dating started i was still hesistant to tell other people that i met my bf over the net coz most people will say internet dating wont last longer/But i think its up to the two people who will work it out.

Back to my friend,she went there with K1 then the American guy didnt marry her. and bought her a ticket and gave her 500 dollars back in Philippines. My poor friend was very sad ..crying coz she has no work back here in Philippines..she gave up everything..her house ..good job. for the sake of her American bf. But without the knowledge of her American Bf. My friend went to her American friend who has a Filipina gf. That American guy helped my friend and let her stay in his house along with her daughter. So meaning my friend is staying in USA illegally coz her K1 visa expires already since her bf didnt marry her. So she kept on hiding then started chatting over the net and met some American guys then finally met an American guy who married her. Then she stayed there for 4 years then in order for her stay to be legal in US .Her Americna husband filed a petition again but my friend needs to go back to Philippines in order for her to get back to US. Shes worried that US wont let her go back coz she was illegally staying in USA. Then a new law was approved i dont know about that law but she told me about it.Then she came back her in Philippines then waiting for her papers then after 2 months shes back in USA.Then my American friend met a Russian lady online.he went to Russia then married her then filed petition then when shes in USA after 2 years she filed divorced and left my American friend. Then here comes a Chinese Doctor who married an American Colonel..the American colonel didnt treat her good when she arrived in USA. He ate alone and not even inviting the Chinese Doctor. Once you reunited with your bf or wife or husband in USA thats the start of getting to know each coz even you have known each other for 10 years but once you are living together it will be different coz you need adjustments.oh my didnt know that my husband drinks so much .,how come he didnt drinks that much when we were together before . So Marriage is full of surprises.It takes two to tango. Sometimes you love that guy or woman so much so why he or she divorced me. Maybe we ask ourselves maybe something wrong with me. But sometimes wetend to repeat our mistakes...But i didnt mean to say that all Russian Women are like that coz some Filipina ladies also will marry an American men just for visa.Its really hard when you are far from your country and the only person you can ask help with is your husband or wife but some run away also and even made a story that they were beaten by their American husbands though its not.Coz once theres an allegation that you are beating your wife then she will be put in... i forgot it but the US Law will protect her and she doesnt need to go back to her country, like what happen to the sister of the person i know she was beaten by her husband so she called up a police and put into record and shes staying in a shelter for a while until she finds work.

Anyway , back with my 2nd K1 visa petition. So it was denied coz i had a Multiple K1 visa petition. So i learned that if you have a previous K1 visa petitions you need to ask your petitioner to cancel it notarized by lawyer so you can proceed with the K1 visa petition. I have a friend in US Embassy Manila but she said she couldnt do anything about it. So i learned also that you dont need to have a friend at Embassy in order for your papers to get an approval. Coz my fiancee has even has a friend at Immigration but couldnmt help either. Then my fiancee asked a help from US Senator but senator will just received your papers but not a help at all.But some US senators helped also based on what i heard depends on cases also.Anyway, we were waiting for the process of our papers since my fiancee filed a petition for reconsideration. Of course you are waiting for it., then I went to Australia and attended a convention. Then months ...months passed by still waiting for the result. Then i met one lady in Australia that shes been waiting for her papers for so long and she even went to Australia to work but her spouse visa not yet approved. Anyway, i just received a call from my fiancee that he said he needs to undergo an operation and its life threatening. So he said he decided to call his ex wife to take care of him while he is in hospital. I was really crying when he said i think i couldnt continue anymore my petitions with you since my ex wife and I talked about living together again. I didnt like it but i told him i love you but if it makes you happy then okay. So he said in order for me to go on with my life and if i meet someone again then he will cancel his petition. So he did that he even sent me a copy of his cancelled petition. Well thinking that he will undergo operation and he might die so i was praying also that he will be okay.

Then after months, i tried to open his email add since he gave me his password before and i found out something that made me really angry. I foudn out that when our petition is still going on after he filed petition for reconsideration he went to Philippines and met some women.Then he met this one lady and proposed marriage. Yes he cancelled our petition so he can start with his new petition to another girl. Well at first i was very angry but i realized that it wasnt worth crying coz he didnt really love me at all. And the love that i had for him was useless. So thats the end of my 2nd K1 visa petition.

Years passed by, then went to some countries then i tried to stay away from foreigners but even in the airports i tend to met some guys even i was just sitting. In one airport, i met an Egyptian doctor who kept on following me and asking for my number then a New York Businessman whom he said has a radio program at New York???i forgot whats the name of teh show. Met also a British Businessman during a seminar and i found out that some British guys are not circumsized. coz he said thats their culture. Also Belgians some of them are not circumsized also. When i went to Frankfurt Germans are tough but sensitive also .they easily get cry.Well i based my comments on the guys i met not to all races. African guys seems to be good in pursuing women. Canadian guy i met seems nice.Greek guy seems to be sweet also and uhmm Greek foods......French guy...uhmmm yes they need to have their own sie of condoms coz the regular one wont fit lol. Uhmmm guy from Ghana very Athletic.good in giving massage. Japanese guy uhmmm small at all...Black African Americans ,, they have it all....But size doesnt matter at all as what my Filipino friend told me as long as you have a long tongue and you know how to do the b & j and the deep t. I always laugh everytime my friend says that.Anyway below t b ..below the belt.I think any guys would like their wife or gf to be good in bed..adventurous in bed. How would you feel if your gf or wife will wake you up by giving you a nice b.....j..isnt wonderful right?Asian ladies tend not to do it unless they are in prostitution industry where they are used to do it. I remember also what my friend says that once a bargirl always a bargirl.I dont know why he said that.

Got promotions so been busy with job then one time my co workers were chatting and she told me she met that guy from match.com and i said okay. she told me why dont you try. anyway you are foreigner killer well thats what they said coz even in parties or in bars the foreigners tend to asked my name.Im not that pretty but they said i have charms and gorgeous.And i told them i didnt believe that coz it that was right then maybe i have a bf now. I dont get calling cards so no contacts if someone will leave their calling cards.Then it wasnt a busy day then i tried to log in at match.com and that btime match.com had an instant messenger system so even if you are not a paying member..the paying member could send you IM. then I met this guy.i didnt know that he is a businessman in.....

He told me that he has a filipina gf . And that he is coming to see her. and I said okay. that Time i was seeing a Senior Pilot from big airline company in US. Hes been asking me to file a K1 Visa but i told him i had trauma with K1 visa petition so i wont do that anymore if you want then we'll get married here in Philippines and we will live here in Philippines and we will just go to US for some months. But he said he couldnt leave his job coz he is receiving more than 200,000 a year plus overtime.He proposed by saying "Marry me! Fly Free! but i turned down his proposal..then didnt hear from him anymore after last meeting in Philippines. Sorry i tend to jumped from 1 story to another story. then Back to the guy i met from match,.com..so i told him i have an American bf but we are not that serious. So the guy kept on talking about his filipina wife. He said he sent 2,000 dollars to the filipina so she could go to US Embassy to file a K1 visa. I told him that your filipina gf couldnt file a K1 visa coz it will be you who needs to file that. And besides you need to see her in person first before K1 visa process begins. I told him your filipina gf is fooling you around ..shes liar...But still he wouldnt believe me so i said okay. Well we became friends. then one day he told me that hes filipina gf is asking 500 dollars for a passport.I told him password wont cost that much,.If you go to DFA Office it cost only 550 pesos that time it was 550 pesos but i think its 650 pesos now and if she will go to travel agency they will charge you 1200 pesos or 1,500 pesos.and not 25,000 pesos (500dollars before) Still we woulsnt believe me and still believes that girl.And i told him you sent 2,000 dollars already and yet she has no passport yet.

Then another week he told me his gf is asking money coz shes going to get her passport soshe needs to fly to Manila.I told him there is Foreign Affairs Office in their city so she doesnt need to fly to Manila. Still he sent another 1,000 dollars 500 for passport then 500 for plane tickets and hotel stay in manila. I told him why dont you check it..why dont you call the western union and check where she got that money..coz he needs evidence that his filipina gf was just making a story.So when i got online he told me im right coz he called up Western Union and he found out that the girl got the money from one city and based on her address shes living in other city.So for example he sent that Money to Cebu and the girl got it from Pangasinan.I told him you can get money from western union anywhere even if you send it in Manila she can get it from Cebu or Palawan etc. And with your name alone she can get it unlike now that you need to have a control number to get a money from western union.

So he broke up with his filipina gf then he told me he got a call that his gf's cousin called him up over the phone that his filipina gf is in the prison and needs money in order for her to get out of that prison. Coz one lady filed her a case coz she didnt pay 20,000 pesos.I told him dont believe that. She was just making a story so she could get more money from you. Then later on he told me that a lawyer called him up that a lawyer told him that he is the lawyer of her ex filipina gf and the lawyer said your gf will be out of prison if you will pay 20,000 pesos.I told the guy dont believe that..a lawyer will not do that hehehehe..

So he stopped replying with them and not answering their calls and they just stopped bothering the guy. Then we kept on chatting then we decided to meet in person in Manila.He said if we get along maybe we can get married in Philippines i told him im not sure about it coz after what happen to me i think i dont like to do K1 visa anymore.Then he came here in Manila then we met ..the problem with this guy he told his business partners and family and friends that he is getting married and i dont have any idea about that until he proposed marriage..I said no to his proposal then he kneeled in front of me and cried..please marry...please.it was my first time to see a guy crying.For me its strange, i hope i used my instinct about it before. He told me he told his business partners friends and family that hes going to hitched.Oh my...he said i will do my best to work it out promised..i will do whatever you want. I told my friends about it then after 5 days i acceped his marriage proposal. We got married in Makati.we didnt pass those process where you need to wait for 11 days before you can get your marriage license. We paid 10,000 pesos in order for us to married then we got married. we had a wedding also worth more than million in a beatiful city of Tagaytay.We called it wedding in the sky coz its like close to the sky coz we're on top of a mountain. Nice wedding gown with tulip flowers hand paint.wedding cakes etc..it was all arranged by wedding planner...but i wasnt happy at all.The day before our wedding the pilot called me up over the phone to backed out from wedding and he will arrive in one week and we will be the one getting married if you really want to get married in Philkippines coz thats what i wanted from him to get married here in Philippines and not in USA. I told it to my husband to be but he cried again and he told me if i will not marry him he will kill himself.My gosh of course i dont like that to happen coz we will be headlines all over the phgilippines the next day. So we got married, and he called his friends etc and i talked to them over the phone and congratulated us.We got married but no sex at all.yes we didnt have sex at all. I love sex but he said we need to wait until i am baptized by his religion. Some say its a cult in US. But most of their members there are businessmen..and some US Senators also.They even owned a ....in US. I found out later that my husband is really a rich businessman. coz in his income tax his gross income is more than 700,000 annually.Coz i found it out when we reached a pre nuptial agreement.Yes we signed a pre nuptial agreement notarized by a lawyer and he stated all his properties. Coz he got 2 kids. He also owned 2 vacation house plus his house in the city where he lives. Under the prenuptial agreement, i will get 1/3 of his properties in case he dies. And if i will file a divorce against him i wont get anything. But if he was the one who file the divorced tyhen i will get 1/3 of his property coz it is divided into 3 .his 2 kids then myself. And he is going to pay me a montly ..i dont know how they call it i think wife's alimony. Then if we are married for 5 years then i will get ....then for 10 years i will get 1/2 half.I dont lilke to sign the pre nuptial coz thats not our culture but in order to prove that i am not after of his assets then i signed the prenuptial. But things didnt work out,.we didnt file any visa or spouse visa..i just decided that things wont work out also between us since he always travel for business. I want to start a family how can i live that if your husband will go back home one a week only for 2 days or 3 days. Then he admitted me that once he is on busuness trip he sometimes hired call girls.Ah i dont like that i told him you could get an AIDS of that.

So i asked him that we better end our marriage. I talked to my lawyer friend and he said ask your husband to file a divorced in US coz annulment here cost 300,000 pesos or more coz if its in Manila area its expensive but in other place it cost 150,000 or 3,000 dollars to have an annulment. My husband agreed but he said i need to forget the prenup we signed coz under prenup once he divorced me i will get 1/3 of his properites and i said okay. So he filed separation agreement first coz under the state he lives you cannot file divorced right away but you need to file separation agreement.At first it was denied by US Court so his lawyer filed again and it was approved then after 1 year of separation he filed the divorced then he offered monetary for the enhancement of my career.. Then we had no more communications at all. then i got the final divorced decree.

When i got my final divorce decree, i filed it to the lower court in Philippines .I filed PETITION FOR Judicial RECOGNITION OF the Judgement of Absolute DIVORCED then i got my Certificate of Finality of Order. I paid 60,000 pesos for the lawyer compared to 300,000 pesos for annulment. then I got certified through copy from the court who ordered thge judgement then filed it at National Statistics Office. good that i have a friend who works at NSO so all my papers went okay.then I got my Annotated Marriage Certificate from NSO so im single again.

Then i promised to myself that i wont do it again to just married a guy coz you pity him or he cried and begging to marry him. Well life must go on.. I still talked to some of my friends .the guy who gave me 6 digits before had a cancer and didnt hear from him anymore.Im so thankful also that i have an American friend who is a lawyer and he didnt charge me anything about any legal advises im asking from him. Then i talked to my ex pilot bf.after i got married he married a filipina lady also whom he met over the bar. I told him that bar is known to be a place of prostitutes .And he told me no its not .she was there coz she was confused that time coz her bf left her for another girl. Well he wont listen to me..anyway thats your life im just telling you to look for other woman.He is sending 1,500 dollars a month to that filipina lady.I told him when we were bf/gf before i didnt ask money from you.wow i envy that woman heheheh 1,500 dollars a month.Coz he said thats the payment for the rent of condo unit.then for her son coz she has a son..Well i accused her filipina gf that shes a bargirl pretending not to be a bargirl but he will argue me about it. Okay then when his fiancee went to US Embassy for interview. They denied her a visa for the reason that shes married to a filipino guy before. Whoa....and she stealed 5,000 dollars from the credit card he gave to that woman coz the filipina told him that shes afraid that he wont talk to her anymore. So he went to Manila then found out that his filipina gf was married before and the filipina told him that she didnt know that she was married before..will you believe it? she said she was only 21 years old that time and her parents forced her to marry that filipino guy and forced her to signed that marriage certificate etc. I told the pilot dont believe that story..shes 21 year old and she didnt know that she got married before ..Well the pilot still believes that filipina gf. then he stll send money every month.And he paid 300,000 pesos for the annulment of the first marriage of her filipina gf then annulment of their marriage.. though their marriage is invalid coz the filipina is still married still they have to file an annulment so that if they want to get married again then it will be legal.An American citien can filed divorced in USA and he is free to marry again another filipina in Philippines even if he didnt file annulment.coz he is covered by their law since divorced is legal in USA.

So he paid 600,000 pesos for 2 annulments In Manila Courts then lasted for 3 months. then he filed petition for reconsideration for their fiancee visa.

Months month passed by again..He told me that his filipina gf is pregnant and he plans to buy a house worth 5 million pesos for the baby and her filipina gf .I told him are sure that is your baby?he said yes im sure then after 1 month he said his filipina gf told him that she got miscarriage.So she sent 4,000 dollars for the hospital bills,.I told him she is just lieing to you but he wont believe me. Coz pilot and i are friends.Coz i decided not to go with him again coz he has a drinking problem no wonder he was out of service coz of alcoholism.. after 4 years i have known him. Then i heard him talking about some problmes of his gf. that her mother is sick so needs money..her sister got sick...her grandfasther ..relatives died...etc etc...then they reached to the story that his filipina gf tried to kill herself when the pilot tried to broke up with her//So he pity her again and sent her money big amount of money for hospital bills.many reason always.Then the pilot asked me to see if its true that his gf build a grocery so she has an income when i went to their subdivision. no grocery stores at all..then she lied again but still the pilot pity her .Oh what the love can do...Then after 3 years he found it out ...He told me...You know what you;re right i found out that when i am back in USA my filipina gf is seeing other guys..not filipino guys but western guys. ONe friend told me that she brought an American guy in our condo and slept there for 2 weeks..thats my condo unit.. she lied to me about it. But later on she admitted it she said she did it to me coz she was angry with me coz i always said bull sh it to her..i said that coz shes always making bad things,,So he broke up with her and didnt continue the k1 .But my pilot friend is still supporting her financially coz he pity her. He went to Brazil and met some Brazilian ladies also coz his American friend had 3 Brazilian Ladies in his house. He said he met some Brazilian ladies but he said they dont respect their guys unlike Filipina ladies who respects their husbands or guys.I told him dont say that it so happen that you met a bad one not all Brazilian ladies are like that. Some filipina ladies also dont respect their husband so dont discriminate..He said he will look again over the net if he could find another Filipina. He went to China also but he found out that the Chinese lady that he met has a bf also who kept on following the Chinese lady.And problems with communication also..unlike in Philippines ladies tend to speak English .I told him later on Chinese lady will learn to speak English also if you really love her then you are willing to compromise.So he said i think he better not get married anymore.I told him if you want to know if a filipina is single dont just get a CENOMAR ..a cenomar stands for Certificate of no Marriage ..but better get Marriage advisory...

Marriage advisory is different from cenomar..coz cenomar will show if she is single or not.. but in Marriage advisory it will shows all marriage you did with anyone. Coz of marriage advisory my friends father forced to pay 30 million pesos as settlement to my friends mother so she wont file a case against my friends father. Co her father filed an annulment and without any deciison yet he married another filipina girl ..hahaha i guess if he found out who got the marriage advisory hes going to kill me..coz my friend told me that his father told him that hes going to kill whoever got that marriage advisory..he didnt know that his son asked me to get it from my friend at NSO.

Well i got married..divorced then single again for many years. then i have a new career being a nurse. While having our case presentation i asked someone from the net about it.He is also a nurse then he helped me..we became friends the met in person.Then even attended a wedding of my friend in Florida USA. Then he proposed marriage..no engagement ring.i told him its better if we better not have an engagement ring coz i had most epensive rings before but look it didnt work out.But still he gave me engagemenr ring coz the US Embassy might ask for it. Anyway we are both nurses so i hope it will work between us.Then he hired a lawyer also then we found out that my 2 previous K1 visa petitions are still active in USCIS Datebase. So his lawyer sent a letter to cancel those 2 previous petitions. And i hope we will be okay.If not then he will just wait for me to go to US to work as a nurse since i already passed the NCLEX needed to work in hospital in USA. Some of his filipina co workers asked him why he choose me when millions of filipina ladies and never had a fiancee visa before. more than her etc. He simply replied you cannot teach your heart to love someone, it so happen my heart beats to her and besides shes a good lover. adventurous when we travelled together we enjoyed our company.you will know the person when you travel together and i learned a lot from her. Shes pretty,sexy,she always makes me laugh.and she didnt run out of stories everyday to tell me. and shes good in ...blowing it down.Not all american ladies like to do it so im very happy i met her that will rock your world...why you hjave chosen your gf or bf or wife oir husband coz you like something from him or her also so its same with me,..you cannot judge someone coz she was married before and undergone fiancee visas before..look her real attitude and it wasnt her fault at all what happen to her..she was just looking for someone who will really love her and not leave her in the air. thats his statement I think the American guys are very sweet and loving. Just be true to yourself. Be humble always.and Thank always the good things that happen in your life. We all want happiness in this world coz we only live once in this world so enjoy.Life is what we make it. i am just same with other woman or man who wants to love and abd be loved. Its better to fall in love and lose than never fall in lovr at all.I dont edit what i have written here so sorry for the spellings etc.

Happy New Year to All...just got our NOA 2.. thanks after we filed last August, 2008

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whoaaa! That was long. :wacko: I do agree that nobody is perfect and people commit mistakes but YOU SHOULD LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKE. You are old enough I suppose but you are not learning. :bonk: I thought you said, you are smart enough? :blink: Almoranas is hemorrhoids.. :bonk:

TRUE LOVE could stand the test of time and surpasses even the hardest trial of all. BEING IN LOVE is different from IN LOVE IN THE IDEA OF BEING INLOVE. :blink: It was so unfortunate that your relationships don't last. I am wondering who really has a problem.

Nobody said that life in the USA would be a pure bliss. Look who's talking.. :wacko: Did you ask yourself what is the reason about hooking up with americans even without even knowing whether the relationship is true or not? :bonk: Most of the people here in VJ are married for the SOLE reason that they LOVE their partners and VICE VERSA. SPOUSES would go to USA because they want to be with their other half NOT because of ANY OTHER REASON.

I am starting to hate VSC for approving cases such as yours while some other people who are SINCERE and ULTIMATELY binded by REAL LOVE are still separated as of the moment.

May you become successful in your USA quest, Goodluck!

I promise to love you in good times and in bad, with all I have to give and all that I am, in the only way I know how -- completely and forever......

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Filed: Country: Germany
omfg that is long...someone give me an outline. it hurts my head trying to read it all :blink:

Condensed version: met a lot of guys, first k1 cancelled, second k1 denied bc first not properly canceled, married, divorced, all internet friends, meet guys in bars, all guys love her, met new guy, lots of female friends meet guys on internet, everyone makes mistakes, going for 3rd K1, just got NOA2.

And the cauliflower thing is hemorrhoids.


Done with USCIS until 12/28/2020!


"What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?" ~Gandhi

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Filed: Timeline
omfg that is long...someone give me an outline. it hurts my head trying to read it all :blink:

Condensed version: met a lot of guys, first k1 cancelled, second k1 denied bc first not properly canceled, married, divorced, all internet friends, meet guys in bars, all guys love her, met new guy, lots of female friends meet guys on internet, everyone makes mistakes, going for 3rd K1, just got NOA2.

And the cauliflower thing is hemorrhoids.

Thanks...happy I didn't read it. :lol:

Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth.

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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Canada

oh, I thought the cauliflower meant her vajayjay was rotten with HPV from all the sailors climbing on board. silly me.

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:lol: .. I am just wondering if How old is the OP?


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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Philippines

all the details were VERY unecessary. very very unecessary. especially how you met guys, or how guys were attracted to you, etc. and who they were and what they did for a living.

sounds very cuckoo to me for posting that. and right even from the first part of this whack internet love affair story.

why did you even post this? making VJ your virtual diary. dont you have friends to talk to?

this type of story was meant for coffeetables or a day out with the girls. not on VJ.

you should have spared the details and went up straight to the synopsis of the whole thing. i mean... #######. did we have to know everything?

and you say people have been judgmental... well sweetums you put yourself out there. and by posting your story you were asking for opinions and sure enough, you got it.

next time (i hope there wont be) do not post your drama if you do not want to judged by it. as you say, not all men are perfect - that also means not all men will think of you the way you want them to. save your drama for real conversations.

if you dont want to be judged then dont let it happen.

keep the drama to yourself.

this whole post sounds like a whiny girl seeking for attention and sympathy.

USC fiance

Edited by PrettyFlower


03-31-08 - FILED for K1

04-16-08 - NOA1

06-11-08 - RFE on uscis website

08-12-08 - fiance started calling uscis every week cos he never got the RFE in the mail, requested for a new one

08-13-08 - touched

09-19-08 - touched

09-24-08 - touched

10-15-08 - new RFE finally in the mail (after hundreds of calls to uscis)

10-28-08 - fiance sent back RFE documents

10-31-08 - touched

11-04-08 - RFE reply recieved

11-05-08 - touched

11-10-08 - APPROVED (on uscis website)

11-11-08 - touched

11-13-08 - touched

11-17-08 - NOA2

11-24-08 - consulate received

12-15-08 - day 1 medical exam at SLEC

12-16-08 - day 2 medical exam results released


01-16-09 - visa received

02-12-09 - CFO

03-15-09 - FLIGHT

06-11-09 - wedding

07-10-09 - AOS

08-21-09 - biometrics

09-23-09 - repeat biometrics (argh!)

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all the details were VERY unecessary. very very unecessary. especially how you met guys, or how guys were attracted to you, etc. and who they were and what they did for a living.

sounds very cuckoo to me for posting that. and right even from the first part of this whack internet love affair story.

why did you even post this? making VJ your virtual diary. dont you have friends to talk to?

this type of story was meant for coffeetables or a day out with the girls. not on VJ.

you should have spared the details and went up straight to the synopsis of the whole thing. i mean... #######. did we have to know everything?

and you say people have been judgmental... well sweetums you put yourself out there. and by posting your story you were asking for opinions and sure enough, you got it.

next time (i hope there wont be) do not post your drama if you do not want to judged by it. as you say, not all men are perfect - that also means not all men will think of you the way you want them to. save your drama for real conversations.

if you dont want to be judged then dont let it happen.

keep the drama to yourself.

this whole post sounds like a whiny girl seeking for attention and sympathy.


USC fiance


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Hey everyone...

If you want to save yourself a lot of time...read Post #5 in Part III of this internet love affair.

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Hey everyone...

If you want to save yourself a lot of time...first read Post #5 (at the end of "My Internet Love Affair Part 3").

It is the condensed version of this mess.

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Cauliflower mystery revealed...curious minds want to know...

The cauliflower she is talking about can be one of two things...

> hemorrhoids

> genital warts

(my fiancee is a Registered Nurse)

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