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Filed: K-3 Visa Country: Jamaica
Posted (edited)
That's what gets me about the candidate is the hypocrisy.

"Hi, I'm Sarah Palin. My daughter got knocked up and she decided to keep the baby. You should leave her alone because it's a private matter. Now elect me so I can work to make sure the government invades your privacy and makes that decision for your daughter."

Slowly but surely, rclouse is becoming one of my favorite VJers.

The hypocrisy is indeed what gets me.

Muchas gracias! <bows>

Here's a great video from the Daily Show. Watch Sam Bee make 'em squirm: Video

Wow she is a beautiful woman and my lord she hunts and fishes, I wont talk about the stupid comment that man made. Has America lost their minds that is all we care about. People are loosin jobs, thier homes and are living pay check to pay check. The American dollar is loosing value and what are they doing to fix it. Is she going to hunt and feed us, is Cindy McCain going to donate some money from that 300k outfit she was wearing. Come on People who is going to pay for the war when the dust settles.?????? America this s a important time to decide use our minds. I believe every child is a gift from God and every single one of the deserves to live. I will not take the choice away from a woman to choose. The next that will happen is that we can't speak our minds. Look the Gop really believes they should control what a woman chooses as long as their tax money does not pay for their choices.

Edited by Mrs.Walker
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Maybe we should be talking about that instead of poor Bristol Palin?

I've just spent an entire afternoon on Nexus instead of doing my work and I'm learning that a lot of what I'm being told about Sarah Palin is pure bull$hit - like trying to ban books. So maybe we would all be best served by focussing on the issues that matter to our everyday lives.


I totally agree with you, this is so sicken on how they have glorfied this. Note, neither one of them the girl nor the boy even has a high school diploma. Also her oldest son, has come straight out of school and enlisted into the military.

This is what I see here about Plains:

1. Husband has no JOB

2. Daughter look outside of the family for guidance, she got pregnant when Mom was pregnant with baby brother. Plain and hubby too busy doing other things to relaized daughter was looking for love.

3. Oldest son, running away from home, to the military

4. Nanny will be taken care of baby with Down Syndrome....... He is and will become someone else problem....

5. Plain, is wicked, rude, and nasty.... She is not will never represent woman who work a job and raise their families.

Still amazing to see how poor posts go unchalllenged as long as they fit it with majority opinion. Lame.

- If the girl is 17, how could she have a high diploma?

- It's PALIN not "Plains". Can any of the Palin bashers get the basic facts straight? Nope, that would entail having the critical thought kick in which is strangely absent on this issue.

- Husband has no job! Can't you get anything right?

"For 18 years, he worked for BP Oil in the North Slope oil fields of Alaska. In 2007, in order to avoid a conflict of interest relating to his wife's position as governor, he took a leave[11] from his job as production supervisor when his employer became involved in natural gas pipeline negotiations with his wife's administration.[4] Seven months later, because the family needed more income, Todd returned to BP, and again in order to avoid potential conflict of interest, he accepted a non-management position as a production operator.[11][1]

He is also a commercial salmon fisherman at Bristol Bay on the Nushugak River.[4] Financial statements filed in 2007 show that Palin earned $92,790 from BP and fishing.[5]"


- Son ran away to join military? Hey, if you're going to make up stuff why not be a consistent liar as well. We're all good liberals here so nobody will question you. The son was at the RNC so he isn't hiding very well.

- Will Mrs Obama watch her kids or will she have a nanny, too?

- "Plain (sic) , is wicked, rude, and nasty". She'll be in good company with Hillary.

It just would not be a liberal dominated thread without more ignorance posing as an intelligent observation. There's a new deal on the Internet. It's called a "search engine". You type in a word and . . . I know, I know, it's too difficult and it's easier to think the worst of the political opposition. More demonization.

You know, I doubt that the girl really even HAD a choice about whether or not she wanted to keep the baby. Don't abortion clinics require a parent's permission to perform the procedure on a minor?


No policy in effect.

**Minors can obtain an abortion without parental consent."


Of course, there's always the standard "The Republicans would have done it to our people so anything is acceptable." I think Obama will be president but ANY political or personal attack on him and his family will be justified for the next 4 to 8 years if the Democrats choose to have a first strike policy in place on Republicans so let's hear no more complaints about dirty tricks, sound fair? I doubt I'll get agreement on that one.

AlienLoveChild I applaud thee.

Filed: K-3 Visa Country: Jamaica
Posted (edited)
Just shows you how out of touch and wacko you liberals are! Way to go, way to attack a 17 year old girl that has nothing to do with her Mom's decisions at all. Funny how you all think it is ok for BHO to issue statements for everyone to back of and leave him and his friends and family alone, yet here you all are, the liberal posse criticizing a 17 year old girl. I would love to sit back and watch and see how each and everyone one of you would handle this if it were your daughter or better yet you in this situation. Talk about hypocrites! Make me puke all this liberal hypocrisy on here! Disgusting liars. :devil:

Republicans glorifying the fact that Plain’s daughter is pregnant. The young boy, now the hockey hunk and calling the family so beautiful. Yeah she gave a speech the other night and it was a good speech. It also turned me off more than I was to the party. She was belittling and just outright nasty. I understand that she made a comment towards Hillary Clinton calling her a whiner, now all I hear the republicans doing is playing a card(sexism card) If you as a parent don't have time to handle your child at home how can you say it is not okay for another child to get pregnant, now it is being glorified. Listen I want my child to grow wanting to wait to have sex and with someone heading to the white this looks like it is a okay thing, as long as your forced to get married

Look Iam not attacking the 17 year old child. I am talking about how the republicans are now gloriying it. This girl and her fmily has the right to choose and they did. What I am concerned about is the fact that republicans want to take others rights away to choose. I am also talking about Palin not being their enough for her kids, I am talking about if this was the other party they would have said they are going to hell and picked them apart. This is not okay, getting pregnant at 17 is not okay. Not having enough time for your kids is not okay. Yes this could have happened to anyone, but this happened to a woman that fights against kids having sex and a woman that is on the high and mighty holy train.

Wow she is a beautiful woman and my lord she hunts and fishes, I wont talk about the stupid comment that man made. Has America lost their minds that is all we care about. People are loosin jobs, thier homes and are living pay check to pay check. The American dollar is loosing value and what are they doing to fix it. Is she going to hunt and feed us, is Cindy McCain going to donate some money from that 300k outfit she was wearing. Come on People who is going to pay for the war when the dust settles.?????? America this s a important time to decide use our minds. I believe every child is a gift from God and every single one of the deserves to live. I will not take the choice away from a woman to choose. The next that will happen is that we can't speak our minds. Look the Gop really believes they should control what a woman chooses as long as their tax money does not pay for their choices.

Edited by Mrs.Walker

I have no problem at all with Palin's daughter being pregnant at 17. She's old enough to have a child, and I am sure she will do the best job she can at being a mother. After all, there is already a small baby in the household so she has probably had lots of practice. Most importantly, she and her family can afford the child. It bugs me far more when young adults have children and expect me to pay for their offspring through my taxes.

Filed: K-3 Visa Country: Jamaica
Posted (edited)
I have no problem at all with Palin's daughter being pregnant at 17. She's old enough to have a child, and I am sure she will do the best job she can at being a mother. After all, there is already a small baby in the household so she has probably had lots of practice. Most importantly, she and her family can afford the child. It bugs me far more when young adults have children and expect me to pay for their offspring through my taxes.

Your right it bugs me when people have kids and can't take care of them. I work hard for my money.She works for the government and my tax money pays for her family to live. So yes I know that they can afford it. What bugs me too is the fact that I heard nothing from the RNC about how everything is going tobe differet from how it is now. What is going tohappen to the millions of people that lost thier homes their jobs and cannot make it now. My tax dollars are now paying to the mistakes over the past eight years. I dont claim either parties I just want to make sure we get it right. what happens in this election can make or break America. I love this country too much to let a speach and some blah blah blah get everyone excited and their is nothing said about Americans that are not sure about tomarrow. America needs to think, read the fax.

The RNC started that same fear based election again. Yes America needs to be protected. Does it not piss people off to know that we are becoming one of the most hated nation in the world, we would not need to be looking over our shoulders as much if we did not loose some much respect in the world.

Edited by Mrs.Walker
I have no problem at all with Palin's daughter being pregnant at 17. She's old enough to have a child, and I am sure she will do the best job she can at being a mother. After all, there is already a small baby in the household so she has probably had lots of practice. Most importantly, she and her family can afford the child. It bugs me far more when young adults have children and expect me to pay for their offspring through my taxes.

Your right it bugs me when people have kids and can't take care of them. I work hard for my money.She works for the government and my tax money pays for her family to live. So yes I know that they can afford it. What bugs me too is the fact that I heard nothing from the RNC about how everything is going tobe differet from how it is now. What is going tohappen to the millions of people that lost thier homes their jobs and cannot make it now. My tax dollars are now paying to the mistakes over the past eight years. I dont claim either parties I just want to make sure we get it right. what happens in this election can make or break America. I love this country too much to let a speach and some blah blah blah get everyone excited and their is nothing said about Americans that are not sure about tomarrow. America needs to think, read the fax.

The RNC started that same fear based election again. Yes America needs to be protected. Does it not piss people off to know that we are becoming one of the most hated nation in the world, we would not need to be looking over our shoulders as much if we did not loose some much respect in the world.

Palin is the Governor of Alaska. Alaskan taxes pay her salary (not your taxes unless of course you are Alaskan), not to mention her husband is in gainful employment and pays tax himself. You obviously didn't see John McCain's speech, because 9 paras of it were dedicated to helping close the unemployment income shortfall, and preventing a widening of the housing crisis. I can't remember a time when the USA wasn't the whipping boy for the inadequately governed states of the world? Do the Barbary Pirates ring a bell? Perhaps the Japanese were only joking when they attacked FDR's America? Were the Soviets just trying to wind up JFK for laughs by putting missiles in Cuba? Maybe the Islamo-fascists aboard the Achille Largo were just drunk and playing silly buggers, and the same with the Pan-Am 747 when it blew up over Lockerbie. Weren't the 8 years prior to 9/11, 8 years of Clinton/Gore, the poster boys for "getting the world to love us"? Maybe if Clinton had taken Sudan's offer to hand over Bin Laden, we wouldn't be in this stupid war in the first place.

Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Panama
That's what gets me about the candidate is the hypocrisy.

"Hi, I'm Sarah Palin. My daughter got knocked up and she decided to keep the baby. You should leave her alone because it's a private matter. Now elect me so I can work to make sure the government invades your privacy and makes that decision for your daughter."

Slowly but surely, rclouse is becoming one of my favorite VJers.

The hypocrisy is indeed what gets me.

Muchas gracias! <bows>

Here's a great video from the Daily Show. Watch Sam Bee make 'em squirm: Video

Wow she is a beautiful woman and my lord she hunts and fishes, I wont talk about the stupid comment that man made. Has America lost their minds that is all we care about. People are loosin jobs, thier homes and are living pay check to pay check. The American dollar is loosing value and what are they doing to fix it. Is she going to hunt and feed us, is Cindy McCain going to donate some money from that 300k outfit she was wearing. Come on People who is going to pay for the war when the dust settles.?????? America this s a important time to decide use our minds. I believe every child is a gift from God and every single one of the deserves to live. I will not take the choice away from a woman to choose. The next that will happen is that we can't speak our minds. Look the Gop really believes they should control what a woman chooses as long as their tax money does not pay for their choices.

*STANDING OVATION* from me to you ! :thumbs:

May 7,2007-USCIS received I-129f
July 24,2007-NOA1 was received
April 21,2008-K-1 visa denied.
June 3,2008-waiver filed at US Consalate in Panama
The interview went well,they told him it will take another 6 months for them to adjudicate the waiver
March 3,2009-US Consulate claims they have no record of our December visit,nor Manuel's interview
March 27,2009-Manuel returned to the consulate for another interrogation(because they forgot about December's interview),and they were really rude !
April 3,2009-US Counsalate asks for more court documents that no longer exist !
June 1,2009-Manuel and I go back to the US consalate AGAIN to give them a letter from the court in Colon along with documents I already gave them last year.I was surprised to see they had two thick files for his case !

June 15,2010-They called Manuel in to take his fingerprints again,still no decision on his case!
June 22,2010-WAIVER APPROVED at 5:00pm
July 19,2010-VISA IN MANUELITO'S HAND at 3:15pm!
July 25,2010-Manuelito arrives at 9:35pm at Logan Intn'l Airport,Boston,MA
August 5,2010-FINALLY MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!
August 23,2010-Filed for AOS at the International Institute of RI $1400!
December 23,2010-Work authorization received.
January 12,2011-RFE

Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Panama
Just shows you how out of touch and wacko you liberals are! Way to go, way to attack a 17 year old girl that has nothing to do with her Mom's decisions at all. Funny how you all think it is ok for BHO to issue statements for everyone to back of and leave him and his friends and family alone, yet here you all are, the liberal posse criticizing a 17 year old girl. I would love to sit back and watch and see how each and everyone one of you would handle this if it were your daughter or better yet you in this situation. Talk about hypocrites! Make me puke all this liberal hypocrisy on here! Disgusting liars. :devil:

Republicans glorifying the fact that Plain’s daughter is pregnant. The young boy, now the hockey hunk and calling the family so beautiful. Yeah she gave a speech the other night and it was a good speech. It also turned me off more than I was to the party. She was belittling and just outright nasty. I understand that she made a comment towards Hillary Clinton calling her a whiner, now all I hear the republicans doing is playing a card(sexism card) If you as a parent don't have time to handle your child at home how can you say it is not okay for another child to get pregnant, now it is being glorified. Listen I want my child to grow wanting to wait to have sex and with someone heading to the white this looks like it is a okay thing, as long as your forced to get married

Yep,I'm a "whacko liberal" as you so eloquently put it.And guess what ? I could give a s**t if Palin's daughter is pregnant.SO how hypocritacal is that ? :unsure:

May 7,2007-USCIS received I-129f
July 24,2007-NOA1 was received
April 21,2008-K-1 visa denied.
June 3,2008-waiver filed at US Consalate in Panama
The interview went well,they told him it will take another 6 months for them to adjudicate the waiver
March 3,2009-US Consulate claims they have no record of our December visit,nor Manuel's interview
March 27,2009-Manuel returned to the consulate for another interrogation(because they forgot about December's interview),and they were really rude !
April 3,2009-US Counsalate asks for more court documents that no longer exist !
June 1,2009-Manuel and I go back to the US consalate AGAIN to give them a letter from the court in Colon along with documents I already gave them last year.I was surprised to see they had two thick files for his case !

June 15,2010-They called Manuel in to take his fingerprints again,still no decision on his case!
June 22,2010-WAIVER APPROVED at 5:00pm
July 19,2010-VISA IN MANUELITO'S HAND at 3:15pm!
July 25,2010-Manuelito arrives at 9:35pm at Logan Intn'l Airport,Boston,MA
August 5,2010-FINALLY MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!
August 23,2010-Filed for AOS at the International Institute of RI $1400!
December 23,2010-Work authorization received.
January 12,2011-RFE

Posted (edited)
the daughter got knocked up by her boyfriend..i am glad she was not black, then the GOP been saying what a #######

i was totally thinking this when i read your post.

all i know is that i've worked in inner city public schools, where a high percentage of teenage girls find themselves pregnant.

how come none of them are praised for being brave or making a difficult decision or embarking on a difficult journey...? A model of the American family?

IMO it's not an issue of race, but of class. I don't think that most republicans care whether teenagers have babies as long as their tax dollars don't go towards raising them.


The official line I'm hearing about this (from a right wing POV) is that it's about loving your children even when they make mistakes and supporting their decisions. The left wing POV (not shared by everyone, but I'm hearing it a lot) is that this pregnancy is shameful. Maybe Bristol should be banished to a nunnery?

It's a topsy turvy election when people I should agree with politically sound like the lecturing moral police.

I don't think that is quite true. I think there are people who want to see the GOP or right wing or whatever it is flounder because they consider this a percieved moral hypocracy. However, I think Jenn is on the button. Although the right agenda is family values, no sex before marriage etc, the reality is that these are real people who have real families with all the problems that always entails. The truth is, that if you do make a mistake, make sure you can pay for it, financially as well as emotionally, because it's not up to the goverment to fix these mistakes once made. I think that's the reality.

Right on!! :thumbs:

This is the main misunderstanding of what it means to be a republican. We strive to live by our morals but we are also human. We are human and sometimes don't live up to our goals. All people make mistakes regardless of our political stripe. The difference between us is how we react to the mistakes.

You'd like to think so, wouldn't you? But if the vast majority of teen pregnancies are in red states (all but three of the 25 states with highest rates of teen pregnancy are red states: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/12/6/145758/107) ...

then it only stands to reason that a good percentage of Republicans are taking the dole to pay for their babies.

Gary's logic fails again!

Thats quite a leap to come to that conclusion. All states have a diversity of dems and reps, just some states have a few more of one over the other. You also fail to realize that there are twice the number of red states over blue ones. But it fits your narrow minded hatred for anything that doesn't fit your twisted ideas. Your logic is a tragic failure as usual.

Certainly no more of a leap than you just made, Gary. At least I have cited some evidence for my claim, which is more than I have ever seen you do here. Still, you'd think if Democrats were really that vile, there'd be a bit more of a correlation. In any case, you saw the chart, so you also know that all but three of the 18 states with the LOWEST teen pregnancy rate are BLUE states.

Edited by symbiosis
Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Panama
That's what gets me about the candidate is the hypocrisy.

"Hi, I'm Sarah Palin. My daughter got knocked up and she decided to keep the baby. You should leave her alone because it's a private matter. Now elect me so I can work to make sure the government invades your privacy and makes that decision for your daughter."


the daughter got knocked up by her boyfriend..i am glad she was not black, then the GOP been saying what a #######

Either that or they would be saying how all we know how to do is breed like bunny rabbits.

May 7,2007-USCIS received I-129f
July 24,2007-NOA1 was received
April 21,2008-K-1 visa denied.
June 3,2008-waiver filed at US Consalate in Panama
The interview went well,they told him it will take another 6 months for them to adjudicate the waiver
March 3,2009-US Consulate claims they have no record of our December visit,nor Manuel's interview
March 27,2009-Manuel returned to the consulate for another interrogation(because they forgot about December's interview),and they were really rude !
April 3,2009-US Counsalate asks for more court documents that no longer exist !
June 1,2009-Manuel and I go back to the US consalate AGAIN to give them a letter from the court in Colon along with documents I already gave them last year.I was surprised to see they had two thick files for his case !

June 15,2010-They called Manuel in to take his fingerprints again,still no decision on his case!
June 22,2010-WAIVER APPROVED at 5:00pm
July 19,2010-VISA IN MANUELITO'S HAND at 3:15pm!
July 25,2010-Manuelito arrives at 9:35pm at Logan Intn'l Airport,Boston,MA
August 5,2010-FINALLY MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!
August 23,2010-Filed for AOS at the International Institute of RI $1400!
December 23,2010-Work authorization received.
January 12,2011-RFE

Filed: Timeline
yellow font.. i assume you served your country in the armed services?

Yes, how about you? Tell us how you won your first MOH and don't shy about it.

From the comfort of the armchair.

Or from the supply-tent stealing cigarettes and tins of beans.

6, you never cease you amaze me with your bottomless well of ignorance. You manage to have an opinion on any topic and paint yourself as a self-styled authority in the process. What's in the tea you blokes drink?

Case in point. . .

Cigarettes aren't standard issue from supply haven't been for years. Surely the Royal Navy still lives on hardtack and limes.

I would have gladly given up my MREs for a tin of beans but you can't get a can of beans except at the PX.

Coming from the people who brought us rum, sodomy and the lash, 6, I'm sure you've got some great war stories yourself.

Not really - I am just a yellow liberal after all ;)

Because as we all surely know - one must have served in the military to lay claim to honor, morality and a code of ethics.

A min ago, your point was about ALC not having the credibility to say something about yellow fonts, mocking him about 'comfort of his armchair' and not that you've been served, you change course.

ALC I'm loving your work! (L)

the daughter got knocked up by her boyfriend..i am glad she was not black, then the GOP been saying what a #######

i was totally thinking this when i read your post.

all i know is that i've worked in inner city public schools, where a high percentage of teenage girls find themselves pregnant.

how come none of them are praised for being brave or making a difficult decision or embarking on a difficult journey...? A model of the American family?

IMO it's not an issue of race, but of class. I don't think that most republicans care whether teenagers have babies as long as their tax dollars don't go towards raising them.


The official line I'm hearing about this (from a right wing POV) is that it's about loving your children even when they make mistakes and supporting their decisions. The left wing POV (not shared by everyone, but I'm hearing it a lot) is that this pregnancy is shameful. Maybe Bristol should be banished to a nunnery?

It's a topsy turvy election when people I should agree with politically sound like the lecturing moral police.

I don't think that is quite true. I think there are people who want to see the GOP or right wing or whatever it is flounder because they consider this a percieved moral hypocracy. However, I think Jenn is on the button. Although the right agenda is family values, no sex before marriage etc, the reality is that these are real people who have real families with all the problems that always entails. The truth is, that if you do make a mistake, make sure you can pay for it, financially as well as emotionally, because it's not up to the goverment to fix these mistakes once made. I think that's the reality.

Right on!! :thumbs:

This is the main misunderstanding of what it means to be a republican. We strive to live by our morals but we are also human. We are human and sometimes don't live up to our goals. All people make mistakes regardless of our political stripe. The difference between us is how we react to the mistakes.

You'd like to think so, wouldn't you? But if the vast majority of teen pregnancies are in red states (all but three of the 25 states with highest rates of teen pregnancy are red states: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/12/6/145758/107) ...

then it only stands to reason that a good percentage of Republicans are taking the dole to pay for their babies.

Gary's logic fails again!

Thats quite a leap to come to that conclusion. All states have a diversity of dems and reps, just some states have a few more of one over the other. You also fail to realize that there are twice the number of red states over blue ones. But it fits your narrow minded hatred for anything that doesn't fit your twisted ideas. Your logic is a tragic failure as usual.

Certainly no more of a leap than you just made, Gary. At least I have cited some evidence for my claim, which is more than I have ever seen you do here. Still, you'd think if Democrats were really that vile, there'd be a bit more of a correlation. In any case, you saw the chart, so you also know that all but three of the 18 states with the LOWEST teen pregnancy rate are BLUE states.

You need a logic class I think. Explain to me how a states record of voting for president effects the teen pregnancy rates? In reality the difference between a state going red or blue is only a matter of a few percent. You make no sense at all, but what else is new?


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