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The complexity of the muslim world


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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Egypt

When some muslims somewhere do something stupid, message board commentaters, political pundits and tv talking heads often get on their high horses and paint us with a wide brush. The fact that there are a wide variety of views, opinions and actions in the muslim world is often ignored. Looking at the discussions and the news, it would seem all 1.5 billion muslims were out there burning embassies in Syria. However, even a cursory glance of the online islamosphere tells a very different story. One of my fav. websites, alt.muslim, has an excellent article on the growing debacle. I won't paste it here, because that would remove the hotlinks. However, I highly recommend following the link to read it, as well as paroosing popular muslim bloggers for a wide variety of opinions and views. Sunni Sister has a massive collection of blog links if you're looking for somewhere to start.

The Dirty Dozen (And The Damage Done)

This isn't the typical "Islam is a religion of peace" line that has been used so often in the last few years. It is a post in hopes that eventually people will realize that there is a diversity of opinion among muslims and in the muslim world. We aren't a monolith.

Edited by rahma

10/14/05 - married AbuS in the US lovehusband.gif

02/23/08 - Filed for removal of conditions.

Sometime in 2008 - Received 10 year GC. Almost done with USCIS for life inshaAllah! Huzzah!

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02/23/09 - Apply for citizenship

06/15/09 - Citizenship interview

07/15/09 - Citizenship ceremony. Alhamdulilah, the US now has another american muslim!


online rihla - on the path of the Beloved with a fat cat as a copilot

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Egypt


Danish Cartoons: Islam vs. Freedom of Expression?

Sikander Ziad Hashmi, sunniforum.com

Cartoons are doing what so many couldn’t: Unifying Muslims across the globe.

On the other hand, a growing number of brave freedom-fighters, led by journalists, are standing up to “reaffirm the principle of free expression.” And non-Muslims are wondering why this unified outrage is a no-show when it comes to seemingly more important issues such as beheadings, honour killings, and suicide bombings.

As a Muslim journalist, that puts me in a tough spot, doesn’t it?

Well, not really.

Let’s get the facts straight. What exactly is the issue?

The Danish paper Jyllands-Posten printed a total of 12 cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad last September, one showing him wearing a headdress shaped like a bomb with the kalimah inscribed on it, while another had him saying that paradise is running short of virgins for suicide bombers. A Norwegian publication reprinted the caricatures in January and publications in at least four other countries jumped on the bandwagon in the last couple of days to express their support for the principle of free expression.

Muslim outrage has spurred protests, kidnapping and death threats, boycotts of Danish products, and diplomatic spats. Danish dairy firm Arla Foods has announced 125 layoffs as a result of the boycott; national leaders have jumped into the foray, and even U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has issued a statement in an attempt to cool the growing crisis. Editors have been sacked in what’s seen to be an attack on editorial independence.

Media reports are quick to point out that Islamic traditions ban depictions of the Prophet. Thus, the understanding is that the outrage has been caused by the seemingly blatant disregard for this “Islamic taboo” by the publications in question, which is why Reporters Without Borders and other journalists and non-journalists alike are resisting, if not fighting, this wave of rage.

I’m pretty sure many outraged Muslims will also point to that as the source of their outrage.

But I ask: Would Muslims express an equal amount of outrage had the Prophet been shown in a positive light based on his teachings, perhaps instructing a would-be terrorist not to kill innocents?

Probably not. Yes, there might have been some disappointment over the depiction of the Prophet, but it wouldn’t be anywhere near what we’re seeing now.

Thus, the main issue here isn’t the depiction of the Prophet, but rather, the depiction of the Prophet in an incorrect and dishonest manner.

As a journalist, I truly value our freedom of expression and as my colleagues on this message board know, I attempt to stand by that principle whenever possible.

We all know that the right to free speech is an integral element of a democratic society. Those of us living in democratic societies enjoy that right on a daily basis.

However, no right is absolute. There are always limitations and exceptions.

I can express myself by screaming, for as long as I wish, but not to the detriment of my neighbours. Similarly, I can publish whatever I want, as long as I don’t tarnish anyone’s reputation by spreading lies or promote hatred against anyone.

I can even publicly express damaging, unflattering comments about someone, as long as they’re in the public interest and I don’t do it with malice.

The cartoons of the Prophet , especially the one with his headdress shaped like a bomb, can be given three general interpretations in today’s context:

a) He was a terrorist.

B ) He supported terrorism.

c) Islam is a religion of terrorism, since he symbolizes the religion

Anyone who is familiar with the life and the teachings of the Prophet knows that he was not a terrorist. There is no such thing as a terrorist Prophet and if there was, it would mean he and his followers would live to terrorize others, which we know is certainly not the case.

Yes, he did lead and fight in battles. But since when did fighting wars become terrorism? If that’s the case, any leader that takes his nation to war should be considered a terrorist.

As for the second interpretation, once again, anyone who is familiar with the teachings of the Prophet knows that he did not support terrorism. He forbade the killing of innocents and even ordered his followers not to kill birds and other living creatures unnecessarily. And even though the Makkans had terrorized him and his followers, he did not retort with the same when he conquered Makkah later on, nor did he let any of the followers terrorize anyone either, even as victors.

As for the last possible interpretation, once again, if anyone studies the teachings of Allah and the Prophet Mohammad in their entirety, they will know that Islam is not a religion of terrorism. It’s just not true. Yes, there are groups and individuals who attempt to justify acts of terrorism through Islam, but that does not mean that Islam is a religion of terrorism. If it was a religion of terrorism, Muslims throughout history would have been terrorists, which just isn’t the case.

Therefore, we can conclude that if the cartoons are interpreted as a) and B ), they are slanderous and libelous, or if they’re interpreted as c), they promote hate by branding all followers of Islam as terrorists, and since no one likes terrorists, people will naturally be led to hate Muslims.

This issue is not about Muslims hating freedom of expression. Rather, it is about the abuse of the freedom to spread hate and fuel stereotypes.

There is no doubt that the cartoons were originally published with malice and spite, to spread stereotypes and provoke a group that has already been victimized as a whole for the actions of a few.

But that’s not the only reason for the outrage.

The level of love and sentimental attachment many Muslims have for and with Mohammad is unparalleled, and may in fact be very difficult to comprehend for non-Muslims.

Think of your dead parents or grandparents that you loved dearly. If someone were to slander them publicly and make a mockery of them, how would you feel? Would you not react angrily and defend them?

You probably would, except the chances of anyone paying attention may be slim, since you would be alone, or perhaps have the support of a dozen or two people.

For Muslims, their beloved prophet has been slandered and mocked. He is not here to defend himself, so his followers have taken on the task, out of their love and devotion to him.

What we see now is the result of compounded anger, which isn’t always expressed in the wisest manner, especially when emotions are running high.

The issue of incorrect attribution is an important one. If Osama bin Laden was the subject of the cartoons, hardly anyone would complain.

Thus, it must be understood that Muslims are not attacking freedom of expression. Rather, they are reacting to hateful, mean-spirited distortions.

As for the question about why Muslims are so sensitive about cartoons while they don’t speak out against other seemingly important issues, the fact is that these cartoons of the Prophet have struck a common, emotional nerve across the Muslim world, while unfortunately, there is no unanimous agreement on the other issues, with which some Muslims obviously do not have a problem since they take part in or support those actions, such as beheadings, honour killings and suicide bombings. It doesn’t make it right, but that’s the reason behind the muted or disjointed response.

Some have complained about the boycotts in response to the cartoons. What’s wrong with Muslims exercising their freedom of choice? Boycotting is a common tactic for expressing displeasure, even if it doesn't directly affect those at the root of the displeasure.

In fact, in 2004, a group of Americans residing across the border from the Canadian town of Nelson, British Columbia threatened to boycott the town if it went ahead with the construction of a monument to U.S. Vietnam War draft dodgers. The construction of the monument was a form of expression, yet the town was threatened with severe economic repercussions if it had gone ahead with the construction of the monument. It didn’t.

Publishing and protesting are both forms of expression, and they must both be exercised within reasonable limits.

Muslims deserve an apology. And they seriously need to learn how to contain their emotions and express their displeasure using non-violent means.

But as long as the incorrect analysis of the issue as a “freedom of expression vs. Islamic stigma” battle remains, I'm afraid the vicious cycle of publications and protests, and more protests and more publications, will continue.


Edited by rahma

10/14/05 - married AbuS in the US lovehusband.gif

02/23/08 - Filed for removal of conditions.

Sometime in 2008 - Received 10 year GC. Almost done with USCIS for life inshaAllah! Huzzah!

12/07/08 - Adopted the fuzzy feline love of my life, my Squeaky baby th_catcrazy.gif

02/23/09 - Apply for citizenship

06/15/09 - Citizenship interview

07/15/09 - Citizenship ceremony. Alhamdulilah, the US now has another american muslim!


online rihla - on the path of the Beloved with a fat cat as a copilot

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Egypt

One of my favorite music groups is Outlandish is Danish. It's made up of two muslims (of Morrocan and Pakistani background, both born in Denmark) and a catholic (Cuban/Honduran born in Honduras).

Their newest album is increadibly exciting from both a musical and social standpoint. You can listen to it online on their website. The lyrics, which are also available on the site, are thoughtprovoking and delve into social and spiritual issues facing young muslims, and all people today. They rap/sing in English, Spanish, Urdu, Danish and Arabic. They are some of the wide variety of voices and opinions in the Muslim world.

10/14/05 - married AbuS in the US lovehusband.gif

02/23/08 - Filed for removal of conditions.

Sometime in 2008 - Received 10 year GC. Almost done with USCIS for life inshaAllah! Huzzah!

12/07/08 - Adopted the fuzzy feline love of my life, my Squeaky baby th_catcrazy.gif

02/23/09 - Apply for citizenship

06/15/09 - Citizenship interview

07/15/09 - Citizenship ceremony. Alhamdulilah, the US now has another american muslim!


online rihla - on the path of the Beloved with a fat cat as a copilot

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Canada
When some muslims somewhere do something stupid, message board commentaters, political pundits and tv talking heads often get on their high horses and paint us with a wide brush.

I don't have a lot of time to read your long posts or the links. Just like I haven't had the time to read the various threads on what's happened over the past while regarding the cartoons, so please don't take offense if I don't comment on anything in particular. :)

I would like to just point out that you could replace the word Muslim in the above quote of yours with just about any religion/group/race/ (etc.) and it would still ring true.

Not everyone buys into the concept of news being unbiased. And not everyone believes that all people of one group act/react like the fundamentalist or fanatic part of that group do.

I'm appalled at the fundamentalist Muslims in England with their signage depicting hate, just as I am when a fundamentalist Christian does it at an abortion clinic, or a fundamentalist hippie chains themself to a tree. Personally I put those things down to a small percentage of the group and not the sum total of the group or its beliefs.

Peace. :)

Electricity is really just organized lightning.

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Filed: Timeline
Therefore, we can conclude that if the cartoons are interpreted as a) and B ), they are slanderous and libelous, or if they’re interpreted as c), they promote hate by branding all followers of Islam as terrorists, and since no one likes terrorists, people will naturally be led to hate Muslims.

This issue is not about Muslims hating freedom of expression. Rather, it is about the abuse of the freedom to spread hate and fuel stereotypes.

Which, again, the Muslim world and their mainstream media is just as guilty of (see the material linked to in the other thread). Haven't seen the angry mobs setting the Qatar and Saudi embassies on fire or kidnapping and killing their people for the Arab MSM publishing slanderous, libelous and hate promoting materials on a regular basis. Haven't seen Christians and Jews with hateful and threatening placards on the streets of Teheran and Riyadh. Haven't seen any religous leaders here calling for the anihilation of the Muslims.

Scrap that holier than thou attitude already if you want to engage in an honest discourse.

Edited by ET-US2004
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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Peru
For Muslims, their beloved prophet has been slandered and mocked.

Yes, by his own people who claim to do things in his name. To me, that was the point of the cartoon. As more and more terrible acts are committed and nobody does anything, the more the prophet's name and beliefs get tied to hatred. This is very unfortunate. By not acting or seeing mass protests to this vile behavior, the world thinks that muslims condone this activity (not saying that's right - just what I perceive).

There is not a muslim public figure that gets any media attention for fighting this wave of reprehensable behavior. I said it on another post......the muslim religion desperatly needs a Martin Luther King Jr. type of person to step up and call for peace....someone with some charisma and understanding of the world. The perception is that the world is watching the muslim community and nobody is stepping up.

This deep hatred and misunderstanding can only be solved within the muslim community. They need a leader. Once that leader is in place, the world and the world media also have a job to give the peace seekers just as much attention.

The silent majority muslim community needs to find it's voice.

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12/6/05 Packaged received at 10:38 am in Nebraska

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5/19/06 I leave for Peru to pick up mi amor

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7/01/06 Legal Marriage

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Filed: Timeline
For Muslims, their beloved prophet has been slandered and mocked.

Yes, by his own people who claim to do things in his name. To me, that was the point of the cartoon. As more and more terrible acts are committed and nobody does anything, the more the prophet's name and beliefs get tied to hatred. This is very unfortunate. By not acting or seeing mass protests to this vile behavior, the world thinks that muslims condone this activity (not saying that's right - just what I perceive).

There is not a muslim public figure that gets any media attention for fighting this wave of reprehensable behavior. I said it on another post......the muslim religion desperatly needs a Martin Luther King Jr. type of person to step up and call for peace....someone with some charisma and understanding of the world. The perception is that the world is watching the muslim community and nobody is stepping up.

This deep hatred and misunderstanding can only be solved within the muslim community. They need a leader. Once that leader is in place, the world and the world media also have a job to give the peace seekers just as much attention.

The silent majority muslim community needs to find it's voice.

:thumbs: Word! :thumbs:

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Morocco
One of my favorite music groups is Outlandish is Danish. It's made up of two muslims (of Morrocan and Pakistani background, both born in Denmark) and a catholic (Cuban/Honduran born in Honduras).

Their newest album is increadibly exciting from both a musical and social standpoint. You can listen to it online on their website. The lyrics, which are also available on the site, are thoughtprovoking and delve into social and spiritual issues facing young muslims, and all people today. They rap/sing in English, Spanish, Urdu, Danish and Arabic. They are some of the wide variety of voices and opinions in the Muslim world.

What an interesting group! Thanks for the link!



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07/25/05 - Married in civil ceremony

09/14/05 - Mailed AOS/EAD

12/28/05 - AOS/EAD biometrics in West Palm Beach

01/03/06 - EAD card arrives

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10/06/09 - N-400 mailed to Texas Lockbox

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Egypt
of expression. Rather, it is about the abuse of the freedom to spread hate and fuel stereotypes.

Which, again, the Muslim world and their mainstream media is just as guilty of (see the material linked to in the other thread). Haven't seen the angry mobs setting the Qatar and Saudi embassies on fire or kidnapping and killing their people for the Arab MSM publishing slanderous, libelous and hate promoting materials on a regular basis. Haven't seen Christians and Jews with hateful and threatening placards on the streets of Teheran and Riyadh. Haven't seen any religous leaders here calling for the anihilation of the Muslims.

Scrap that holier than thou attitude already if you want to engage in an honest discourse.

I didn't write the article, but mearly posted it as one of the multiple points of view evident in the muslim world. If you click on the link at the top of the article, the author is discussing it on the other forum.

This deep hatred and misunderstanding can only be solved within the muslim community. They need a leader. Once that leader is in place, the world and the world media also have a job to give the peace seekers just as much attention.

The silent majority muslim community needs to find it's voice.

We have plenty of religious scholars who are speaking up and out, but I don't know if their message gets much airtime in the non muslim world.

I know of three people who I would love to take a leadership roll ala Martin Luther King Jr.

Sheikh Qaradawi - One of the most popular clerics in the Middle East. He has the highest rated show on al Jazeera

Tariq Ramadan - definately one of the greatest thinkers in the muslim world today, possibly the greatest muslim thinker in Europe. He explores how one can be both muslim and western and be faithful to both.

Sheikh Hamza Yusuf - Sheikh Hamza has a tremendous following in the American Muslim community. If he speaks at your event, you can guarentee it will be sold out.

There is a genuine struggle going on in the muslim world, with various ideas and opinions being exchanged. I make dua (prayer/supplication) that it is people like the three I mentioned above that will become the most influencial.

Edited by rahma

10/14/05 - married AbuS in the US lovehusband.gif

02/23/08 - Filed for removal of conditions.

Sometime in 2008 - Received 10 year GC. Almost done with USCIS for life inshaAllah! Huzzah!

12/07/08 - Adopted the fuzzy feline love of my life, my Squeaky baby th_catcrazy.gif

02/23/09 - Apply for citizenship

06/15/09 - Citizenship interview

07/15/09 - Citizenship ceremony. Alhamdulilah, the US now has another american muslim!


online rihla - on the path of the Beloved with a fat cat as a copilot

These comments, information and photos may not be reused, reposted, or republished anywhere without express written permission from UmmSqueakster.

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Filed: Timeline
Therefore, we can conclude that if the cartoons are interpreted as a) and b ), they are slanderous and libelous, or if they’re interpreted as c), they promote hate by branding all followers of Islam as terrorists, and since no one likes terrorists, people will naturally be led to hate Muslims.

This issue is not about Muslims hating freedom of expression. Rather, it is about the abuse of the freedom to spread hate and fuel stereotypes.

Which, again, the Muslim world and their mainstream media is just as guilty of (see the material linked to in the other thread). Haven't seen the angry mobs setting the Qatar and Saudi embassies on fire or kidnapping and killing their people for the Arab MSM publishing slanderous, libelous and hate promoting materials on a regular basis. Haven't seen Christians and Jews with hateful and threatening placards on the streets of Teheran and Riyadh. Haven't seen any religous leaders here calling for the anihilation of the Muslims.

Scrap that holier than thou attitude already if you want to engage in an honest discourse.

I didn't write the article, but mearly posted it as one of the multiple points of view evident in the muslim world. If you click on the link at the top of the article, the author is discussing it on the other forum.

I didn't say you did. Simply pointed out that we can't honestly discuss the issue if we are all going to sit here and point fingers instead of trying to look into the mirror first. The issue is that Muslims hate the kind of freedom of expression that does not comply with and conform to their views but seem to treasure the freedom of expression they claim for themselves that puts their rivals (for lack of a better term) in a bad light. You cannot attack the Muhammad cartoons as slanderous and libelous w/o at least acknowledging the slanderous and libelous images produced and published in the Arab world against others.

Said it many times: Better be able to stomach what you dish it out. ;)

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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Peru
We have plenty of religious scholars who are speaking up and out, but I don't know if their message gets much airtime in the non muslim world.

I know of three people who I would love to take a leadership roll ala Martin Luther King Jr.

Sheikh Qaradawi - One of the most popular clerics in the Middle East. He has the highest rated show on al Jazeera

Tariq Ramadan - definately one of the greatest thinkers in the muslim world today, possibly the greatest muslim thinker in Europe. He explores how one can be both muslim and western and be faithful to both.

Sheikh Hamza Yusuf - Sheikh Hamza has a tremendous following in the American Muslim community. If he speaks at your event, you can guarentee it will be sold out.

There is a genuine struggle going on in the muslim world, with various ideas and opinions being exchanged. I make dua (prayer/supplication) that it is people like the three I mentioned above that will become the most influencial.

I believe there is a struggle going on out there and that the peacemakers are probably not getting much coverage. I think there needs to be more organization and possibly an event that the world cannot ignore. I would love to see a mass protest or something grand like that. A strong grass roots campaign that showed a world united. The bad blood runs deep and it will take time.

I just don't think the right leader has come along yet, but I believe he or she will. Eventually muslims will say enough is enough and their voices will cry louder than the hate mongers.

The world is dying for that leader to stand up in their community.

12/5/05 Sent I129F Petition to Nebraska via Express Mail

12/6/05 Packaged received at 10:38 am in Nebraska

12/9/05 Check cashed (Never been so happy to have money leave my account)

12/12/05 Receive NOA1 snail mail - 30-60 day processing estimate

01/04/06 Receive NOA2 via e-mail

1/20/06 NVC letter in mail...will ship within a week.

2/1/06 Packet 3 and 4 in the mail

3/15/06 Interview - neither approved nor declined need to send in Migratory Movement Certificate AP

3/20/06 Migratory Movement Certificate for myself and fiancee sent to US Embassy in Lima

3/23/06 Visa Approved

5/19/06 I leave for Peru to pick up mi amor

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7/01/06 Legal Marriage

9/09/06 Religious Wedding

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Filed: Country: Indonesia

someone like the Pope in Roman Catholic ?

For Muslims, their beloved prophet has been slandered and mocked.

Yes, by his own people who claim to do things in his name. To me, that was the point of the cartoon. As more and more terrible acts are committed and nobody does anything, the more the prophet's name and beliefs get tied to hatred. This is very unfortunate. By not acting or seeing mass protests to this vile behavior, the world thinks that muslims condone this activity (not saying that's right - just what I perceive).

There is not a muslim public figure that gets any media attention for fighting this wave of reprehensable behavior. I said it on another post......the muslim religion desperatly needs a Martin Luther King Jr. type of person to step up and call for peace....someone with some charisma and understanding of the world. The perception is that the world is watching the muslim community and nobody is stepping up.

This deep hatred and misunderstanding can only be solved within the muslim community. They need a leader. Once that leader is in place, the world and the world media also have a job to give the peace seekers just as much attention.

The silent majority muslim community needs to find it's voice.


Jun 28 2004 : Received at NSC

Oct 25 2004 : Transferred to CSC

Oct 29 2004 : Received at CSC

Nov 8 2004 : Received response from CSC that my file is being requested & review will be done

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Jan 3 2005 : Petitioner received copy of DS 3032 and I-864 fee bill. Post-marked Dec 23rd.

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Feb 25, 2005 : Sent I-864 fee bill

Feb 28, 2005 : I-864 fee bill delivered to St Louis

Mar 3, 2005 : IV fee bill received

Mar 7, 2005 : Sent IV fee bill

Mar 9, 2005 : IV fee bill delivered to St Louis

Mar 28, 2005 : I-864 fee credited against case.

April 6, 2005 : Received I-864 package

April 7, 2005 : Immigrant Visa fee credited against case.

April 11, 2005 : DS 230 is generated

Aug 12, 2005 : I-864 & DS 230 received by NVC

Sep 14, 2005 : RFE on I-864

Nov 3, 2005 : Checklist response received at NVC

Nov 25, 2005 : Case completion

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Jan 12 2006 : Interview success - Approved !!

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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Peru
someone like the Pope in Roman Catholic ?

Not really......I think this movement needs to come from the ground up and a leader will emerge.

12/5/05 Sent I129F Petition to Nebraska via Express Mail

12/6/05 Packaged received at 10:38 am in Nebraska

12/9/05 Check cashed (Never been so happy to have money leave my account)

12/12/05 Receive NOA1 snail mail - 30-60 day processing estimate

01/04/06 Receive NOA2 via e-mail

1/20/06 NVC letter in mail...will ship within a week.

2/1/06 Packet 3 and 4 in the mail

3/15/06 Interview - neither approved nor declined need to send in Migratory Movement Certificate AP

3/20/06 Migratory Movement Certificate for myself and fiancee sent to US Embassy in Lima

3/23/06 Visa Approved

5/19/06 I leave for Peru to pick up mi amor

5/25/06 Lucia and I arrive in Chicago

7/01/06 Legal Marriage

9/09/06 Religious Wedding

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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Russia

of expression. Rather, it is about the abuse of the freedom to spread hate and fuel stereotypes.

Which, again, the Muslim world and their mainstream media is just as guilty of (see the material linked to in the other thread). Haven't seen the angry mobs setting the Qatar and Saudi embassies on fire or kidnapping and killing their people for the Arab MSM publishing slanderous, libelous and hate promoting materials on a regular basis. Haven't seen Christians and Jews with hateful and threatening placards on the streets of Teheran and Riyadh. Haven't seen any religous leaders here calling for the anihilation of the Muslims.

Scrap that holier than thou attitude already if you want to engage in an honest discourse.

I didn't write the article, but mearly posted it as one of the multiple points of view evident in the muslim world. If you click on the link at the top of the article, the author is discussing it on the other forum.

This deep hatred and misunderstanding can only be solved within the muslim community. They need a leader. Once that leader is in place, the world and the world media also have a job to give the peace seekers just as much attention.

The silent majority muslim community needs to find it's voice.

We have plenty of religious scholars who are speaking up and out, but I don't know if their message gets much airtime in the non muslim world.

I know of three people who I would love to take a leadership roll ala Martin Luther King Jr.

Sheikh Qaradawi - One of the most popular clerics in the Middle East. He has the highest rated show on al Jazeera

Tariq Ramadan - definately one of the greatest thinkers in the muslim world today, possibly the greatest muslim thinker in Europe. He explores how one can be both muslim and western and be faithful to both.

Sheikh Hamza Yusuf - Sheikh Hamza has a tremendous following in the American Muslim community. If he speaks at your event, you can guarentee it will be sold out.

There is a genuine struggle going on in the muslim world, with various ideas and opinions being exchanged. I make dua (prayer/supplication) that it is people like the three I mentioned above that will become the most influencial.

It is funny when a muslim says that Americans do not understand Islam. Our nation is full of Islamic peoples. Every person knows someone who is muslim, and no, we do not characterize them as terrorists (by and large). When an extremist muslim kills an American, you do not see us grabbing our nearest muslim neighbor and holding him in front of a camera, then beheading him when we do not get our demands, do you?

Your religion has a cancer. And, in my opinion it is worse then the cancers that exist inside other religions. It is more deadly and aggressive. YOU must WORK to cut it out. Do not expect western culture/people to do it for you. STAND UP in a united cause to save your religion from these dangerous peoples who refuse to live in the present, but stand by ritual and practice from 1000 years ago.

K1 Visa Process long ago and far away...

02/09/06 - NOA1 date

12/17/06 - Married!

AOS Process a fading memory...

01/31/07 - Mailed AOS/EAD package for Olga and Anya

06/01/07 - Green card arrived in mail

Removing Conditions

03/02/09 - Mailed I-751 package (CSC)

03/06/09 - Check cashed

03/10/09 - Recieved Olga's NOA1

03/28/09 - Olga did biometrics

05/11/09 - Anya recieved NOA1 (took a call to USCIS to take care of it, oddly, they were helpful)

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