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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Morocco

I have to disagree with you. I don't think the book falls in there. In reading it there are aspects that seem to fit the "mystical" category but I have learned so much from the stories of the prophet that are discussed and find it really enlightening to read something that is comprehensible and not loaded with a zillion Arabic words and abstract concepts. Sure some people might approach it that way but for me it's been a way of strengthening my understanding and connection in a way that reading a tafsir never has been able to do. I think that for someone who is not entrenched in the scholarly works and is approaching Islam from a different background (newly converted, etc) it's a familiar and welcome start. I don't ever see myself fitting into the third definition because it's just too rigid for where I am or where I want to be (no offense to anyone that is there). A huge struggle with Islam that I have is this concept that you have to "fit" somewhere. Sunni or Shi'ite, Salafi or HAnafi or Maliki or follow this teaching or that, or believe this is haram or this is not. I don't see myself fitting into a rigid group, and I find that by bettering my understanding of not only Islam but it's connection to the other Abrahamic faiths makes it all connect together much better. Without that I think that the teachings of Islam are lost.

May 11 '09 - Case Approved 10 yr card in the mail

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Egypt

I have a few books from some of the authors he sites, and most of those people don't require one become a muslim to be a sufi. Having only read the people he draws from and not the actual book, I guess I can't say. Does the book say one has to be a muslim in order to be a sufi? Does it emphasis practices like salat?

The only worry I have with books that don't stress actually practicing islam for new converts is that they won't see the importance of things like salat, or reading the Qur'an, or doing any number of things that in general are considered required practices for muslims. While having the spiritual side of the religion is important so that it does not become all rules and regulations, we have to be careful that we don't lose the rules and regulations in our search for spirituality. I always like to remind myself that Rumi (ra) was a hanafi faqhi, Rabia al Adawiyya (ra) performed thousands of nafl salat a day, Hasan al Barsi (ra) was a teacher of jurisprudence, and Imam al Ghazali (ra) was a shafi'i faqhi. They found the balance between the spiritual and the jurisprudence.

Junayd (ra) is reported to have said: "Whoever does not memorize the Qur'an and write hadith is not fit to be followed in this matter. For our science is controlled by the Book and the Sunna."

One of the flaws I see in a lot of modern sufism is that they take the poetry and esotericism and leave behind the islam. Why quote Rumi on loving Allah (swt), but not on the importance of maintaining the salat?

10/14/05 - married AbuS in the US lovehusband.gif

02/23/08 - Filed for removal of conditions.

Sometime in 2008 - Received 10 year GC. Almost done with USCIS for life inshaAllah! Huzzah!

12/07/08 - Adopted the fuzzy feline love of my life, my Squeaky baby th_catcrazy.gif

02/23/09 - Apply for citizenship

06/15/09 - Citizenship interview

07/15/09 - Citizenship ceremony. Alhamdulilah, the US now has another american muslim!


online rihla - on the path of the Beloved with a fat cat as a copilot

These comments, information and photos may not be reused, reposted, or republished anywhere without express written permission from UmmSqueakster.

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Egypt

Heh, I couldn't figure out the correct gender-ization of presidente. Languages is not my strong suit. I'll go back and change it :star:

AbuS was watching an egyptian news program talking about the incompitance of the egyptian government. He got so frustrated that he just threw up his hands and said that Squeaky would make a better president than Mubarak. She was thus dubbed El Presidente (by me, who couldn't remember what the president was in arabic, and thought el presidente sounded cool).

10/14/05 - married AbuS in the US lovehusband.gif

02/23/08 - Filed for removal of conditions.

Sometime in 2008 - Received 10 year GC. Almost done with USCIS for life inshaAllah! Huzzah!

12/07/08 - Adopted the fuzzy feline love of my life, my Squeaky baby th_catcrazy.gif

02/23/09 - Apply for citizenship

06/15/09 - Citizenship interview

07/15/09 - Citizenship ceremony. Alhamdulilah, the US now has another american muslim!


online rihla - on the path of the Beloved with a fat cat as a copilot

These comments, information and photos may not be reused, reposted, or republished anywhere without express written permission from UmmSqueakster.

Filed: Other Country: Argentina
  UmmSqueakster said:
Heh, I couldn't figure out the correct gender-ization of presidente. Languages is not my strong suit. I'll go back and change it :star:

AbuS was watching an egyptian news program talking about the incompitance of the egyptian government. He got so frustrated that he just threw up his hands and said that Squeaky would make a better president than Mubarak. She was thus dubbed El Presidente (by me, who couldn't remember what the president was in arabic, and thought el presidente sounded cool).

Ooooooooh - NICE!!!! Love her new title. :thumbs:

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Egypt

I'm hopeless when it comes to the pile-50-scarves-on-your-head-and-make-flowers-look. But, now it looks like there is hope for me! Ready made spiffy hijab. I probably wouldn't wear any of this day to day, but it would be very spiffy for Eid.



10/14/05 - married AbuS in the US lovehusband.gif

02/23/08 - Filed for removal of conditions.

Sometime in 2008 - Received 10 year GC. Almost done with USCIS for life inshaAllah! Huzzah!

12/07/08 - Adopted the fuzzy feline love of my life, my Squeaky baby th_catcrazy.gif

02/23/09 - Apply for citizenship

06/15/09 - Citizenship interview

07/15/09 - Citizenship ceremony. Alhamdulilah, the US now has another american muslim!


online rihla - on the path of the Beloved with a fat cat as a copilot

These comments, information and photos may not be reused, reposted, or republished anywhere without express written permission from UmmSqueakster.

Filed: Other Country: Argentina
Posted (edited)
  UmmSqueakster said:
I'm hopeless when it comes to the pile-50-scarves-on-your-head-and-make-flowers-look. But, now it looks like there is hope for me! Ready made spiffy hijab. I probably wouldn't wear any of this day to day, but it would be very spiffy for Eid.



Nice! I like the purple and mauvish ones. :thumbs: On a side note, with the freezing temps we've had here in Tallahassee (16 degrees in the morning), I have pulled out my pashminas. Well, the other day I wrapped one around my head and neck for warmth. Hubby started laughing and said, "I think you have been hanging out in the MENA forum a little too much." :blink: When I looked in the mirror I had a hijab on. :blush::rofl:

Edited by Staashi
Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Egypt

I think you can chose the colors you want for all the different styles, although I'm partial to purples :)

I always say that in winter, everyone's a hijabi. At least it's the one time of year I actually blend in on the street rather than stick out like a sore thumb, lol.

10/14/05 - married AbuS in the US lovehusband.gif

02/23/08 - Filed for removal of conditions.

Sometime in 2008 - Received 10 year GC. Almost done with USCIS for life inshaAllah! Huzzah!

12/07/08 - Adopted the fuzzy feline love of my life, my Squeaky baby th_catcrazy.gif

02/23/09 - Apply for citizenship

06/15/09 - Citizenship interview

07/15/09 - Citizenship ceremony. Alhamdulilah, the US now has another american muslim!


online rihla - on the path of the Beloved with a fat cat as a copilot

These comments, information and photos may not be reused, reposted, or republished anywhere without express written permission from UmmSqueakster.

Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Egypt
  Staashi said:
Nice! I like the purple and mauvish ones. :thumbs: On a side note, with the freezing temps we've had here in Tallahassee (16 degrees in the morning), I have pulled out my pashminas. Well, the other day I wrapped one around my head and neck for warmth. Hubby started laughing and said, "I think you have been hanging out in the MENA forum a little too much." :blink: When I looked in the mirror I had a hijab on. :blush::rofl:

lol on ur husbands cooment!

i love wearing pashminas as hijab in the winter!! i have loads! :thumbs:

  UmmSqueakster said:
I think you can chose the colors you want for all the different styles, although I'm partial to purples :)

I always say that in winter, everyone's a hijabi. At least it's the one time of year I actually blend in on the street rather than stick out like a sore thumb, lol.

ITA!!! i love it for that only lol

  UmmSqueakster said:
I'm hopeless when it comes to the pile-50-scarves-on-your-head-and-make-flowers-look. But, now it looks like there is hope for me! Ready made spiffy hijab. I probably wouldn't wear any of this day to day, but it would be very spiffy for Eid.



they r every where in egypt now, im not a fan but my sister loves them . i like traditional way, easier n simpler.

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Egypt

First and foremost, the emergency haiti fundraiser put on by assorted muslim groups this weekend raised $105,000 in 2 hours. Imam Zaid has challenged the north american muslim community to raise $1,000,000 for Haiti relief. You can donate with Islamic Relief. I'm so happy that we have people like this in our community :luv:

Second, fresh Squeaky lol:


Who remember Allah while standing or sitting or lying on their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, saying, “Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You; then protect us from the punishment of the Fire. 3:191

Squeaky is quite indifferent to her internet fame. I tell her that I’m putting yet another picture up for hundreds of people to admire, and she just gives me this look like, silly human, why aren’t you lavishing attention on me? In a moment, my fat and fuzzy feline love, in a moment.

But in all seriousness, when one looks at the ingenious designs all around us, including that of the humble domestic short hair known around the world as the Squeakster, how can you not help but remember your Lord, who created all of this with perfection and who gifted each creature with a sense of purpose? SubhanAllah wa Alhamdulilah wa Allahu Akbar!

10/14/05 - married AbuS in the US lovehusband.gif

02/23/08 - Filed for removal of conditions.

Sometime in 2008 - Received 10 year GC. Almost done with USCIS for life inshaAllah! Huzzah!

12/07/08 - Adopted the fuzzy feline love of my life, my Squeaky baby th_catcrazy.gif

02/23/09 - Apply for citizenship

06/15/09 - Citizenship interview

07/15/09 - Citizenship ceremony. Alhamdulilah, the US now has another american muslim!


online rihla - on the path of the Beloved with a fat cat as a copilot

These comments, information and photos may not be reused, reposted, or republished anywhere without express written permission from UmmSqueakster.

Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Egypt
  UmmSqueakster said:
First and foremost, the emergency haiti fundraiser put on by assorted muslim groups this weekend raised $105,000 in 2 hours. Imam Zaid has challenged the north american muslim community to raise $1,000,000 for Haiti relief. You can donate with Islamic Relief. I'm so happy that we have people like this in our community :luv:

Second, fresh Squeaky lol:


Who remember Allah while standing or sitting or lying on their sides and give thought to the creation of the heavens and the earth, saying, “Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You; then protect us from the punishment of the Fire. 3:191

Squeaky is quite indifferent to her internet fame. I tell her that I’m putting yet another picture up for hundreds of people to admire, and she just gives me this look like, silly human, why aren’t you lavishing attention on me? In a moment, my fat and fuzzy feline love, in a moment.

But in all seriousness, when one looks at the ingenious designs all around us, including that of the humble domestic short hair known around the world as the Squeakster, how can you not help but remember your Lord, who created all of this with perfection and who gifted each creature with a sense of purpose? SubhanAllah wa Alhamdulilah wa Allahu Akbar!

Masha Allah jazaki Allah khayr sister! that was beautiful, subhan Al-khaliq!

Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Egypt

Something to download and keep in your purse

The Greatest Name of Allah

Also, I've been trying to read a few pages from the commentary of the Ali Unal translation of the Qur'an before bed and I really must saw mashaAllah it's awesome :star: While the commentator does rely on classic tafsir, he goes deeper into the meanings of the verses in a way I haven't seen before. It's worth reading just for the commentary. I have it in soft cover, but I may have to get it in hard cover, as it's a really hefty tome and it's a bit hard to prop up well in the soft cover version.

10/14/05 - married AbuS in the US lovehusband.gif

02/23/08 - Filed for removal of conditions.

Sometime in 2008 - Received 10 year GC. Almost done with USCIS for life inshaAllah! Huzzah!

12/07/08 - Adopted the fuzzy feline love of my life, my Squeaky baby th_catcrazy.gif

02/23/09 - Apply for citizenship

06/15/09 - Citizenship interview

07/15/09 - Citizenship ceremony. Alhamdulilah, the US now has another american muslim!


online rihla - on the path of the Beloved with a fat cat as a copilot

These comments, information and photos may not be reused, reposted, or republished anywhere without express written permission from UmmSqueakster.

Filed: AOS (pnd) Country: Egypt

Something I have been thinking about lately... I met a woman recently at Jummah who was a new convert, she converted just a couple weeks ago. When I met her she seemed happy, exuberant, thrilled with her decision to become Muslim. I made plans to meet with her the next week and get to know eachother better, because the town that we live in does not have a very big Muslim population (I know of a handful of families, but we have no masjid or anything) and she seemed eager for companionship. When we got together a couple days ago, she was really distressed. She seemed overwhelmed by everything: learning how to pray, doing things "right", coming out to her family and friends, dealing with her family's reaction, things like that. She told me that she thought if she wasn't able to establish a basis of support or community within the Muslims in the area, that she didn't think she'd be able to stay Muslim. I tried to encourage her and support her and let her know that when you convert, it is a process, and you are not expected to know everything overnight. I gave her some prayer instructions that I had printed for her, and we talked about making wudu, and things like that. She was worried about wearing hijab, and all of those details that are so easy to get tangled up in in the beginning. I suggested that she try to focus on her faith, on establishing her deen, learning to pray, and getting used to the idea of being Muslim, before she delved deeper into everything else. I don't know if that was right or wrong, but it seemed to relax her a little and when she left, she seemed more positive. I remember what it was like in the beginning for me, living in this place where I felt no sense of connection with anyone, and it is tough. I suggested she attend some Dars that are given at a masjid that's about an hour from where we live, but I'm not sure if she'll attend on her own, and I have to work the night that the Dars is given. I am planning on trying to keep in touch with her, and get together as much as I can, but I feel bad that there was not more that I could do to help.

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