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KKK endorses McCain: "A black President would go against just about everything we stand for"


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You might have some excellent points and maybe you're very intelligent and well versed on this subject; however, you won't reach anyone by insulting them.

you mistake me for someone who was trying to reach them. :)

So in other words, you were merely attempting to flaunt you "superior knowledge" while acting exceptionally rude.

nope, in other words I didn't give a rat's a_s_s if they are reached or not. :dance:

Why do you care so much?

To be honest, I don't really care. I'm just have a difficult time understanding why you would go to the trouble of replying to someone else if you didn't at least have some objective a bit more noteworthy than "Look at me! Look at me! I'm so smart and you're so dumb!" :P

I think its more important to look at the opposite... not why one is smarter than another but rather why another acts like a buffoon aka foolish if not really in the know as to a particular issue.

I never endorsed the KKK or any such organization through any of my comments. People like the KKK $hitbags of yesteryear should have all been tortured then killed...that's my opinion on them. Any white supremacists of today who promote the same hatred should get the same treatment.

My unpopular opinion, however, is that I'm tired of hearing that it's white peoples' fault that black people have it so bad. In this day and age in the US, anybody who wants to succeed can succeed. Yes, some may have a tougher path to a good life (father who walked out, raised in a poor neighborhood, surrounded by drugs, etc.), but the opportunity is there. In the end, every person is responsible for their own actions and their own life. If you sit around and complain all the time, you may feel good about yourself for getting your opinion out there. But at the end of the day, complaining doesn't pay the bills and it doesn't take care of your family. There are plenty of opportunities to succeed and do the right thing here in the US. Anyone with the drive and determination and the willingness to push away negative influences can succeed. Nearly everyone in this country knows the difference between right and wrong. The haves and have nots are usually separated by their decisions and drive to succeed.

I dated a few black women before I met my wife. One thing I came to realize, after all the conversations that I overheard between the friends and family of the women I dated, is that none of them could have a conversation amongst themselves without making at least one or two generalizations about different races. This was nearly EVERY conversation! They don't want color of skin to be important, but they couldn't stop talking about it. If I had a dollar for every time I heard phrases like "You know how white people are", "All white people...", "Man, white people crack me up...", "Man, white people are so dumb....", "I can't stand white people...", "Why the hell is she wit' a white dude?".......... This is personal experience. If you want to say I'm racist for bringing it up, that's your decision. Another thing that amazes me is how many of these women's friends and family I heard blaming other people for their own decisions and situations. After a while, it got really old. All different kinds of people from all different races do it, but it amazed me how many of the black people I met did it and how often they did it. My friends and family and I had spent all our lives never paying attention to anyone's race, so it was a bit of a shock. I grew up never paying really any attention to race because it didn't matter to me what color someone was. If they were a good person, I'd hang out with them. If they were bitter, I'd go my separate way and let them continue to be miserable whether they were white, black, Hispanic, Asian, etc., etc. One thing I got out of my experience of "going black" is that a vast majority of blacks that I came in contact with don't want anything to do with whites and are disgusted by white people. If they don't want anything to do with me, that's their decision and I'm not going to waste one breath trying to change them. Notice I didn't say all blacks though. There are plenty of quality black people out there who aren't racist. They are the people I choose to associate with. There are definitely some whites out there who think the same way about blacks, but I don't associate myself with them. White or black, if you're a miserable person, you're a miserable PERSON. Maybe blacks have good reason to be upset with some white people. I've never been black, so I haven't experienced some of the things they maybe have. But if a black person is racist, it's not because of anything I've ever done to them. That's what I really don't get...I've heard a lot personally about how evil I am because I'm white, and I've heard a lot of the victim "poor me" being thrown out there. I haven't experienced what they have, but in my life race has never meant anything other than the color of one's skin. I don't get how it can dominate someone's life like it does to so many of the black people I've met. If you take a look at the black people who are happy, they're not the ones consumed by racial issues and living on the victim mentality. The happiest black people are the ones who have decided to grab life by the balls and live life to the fullest. They take responsibility, contribute, and ignore the color of people's skin. Same thing goes for white people. I think you'll generally find that white supremacists are probably really miserable people. One of my best friends, who is black, will tell you without hesitation that black people are WAYYYYYYY more racist than white people.

Good for your personal experiences. Seem that there are lots of personal experiences here in OT along the same lines.

All you gotta do is put things into the proper context and not assume anything until you actually have enough to base an actual argument upon- not conjecture based on limited life experiences. I think at this point merging to the personal expertise thread could be OK as well.

You are so full of #### and have once again proven your own biased and ignorant views.

Advancement from something, dear friend. Apparently something you missed by increasing the text size.

I think you are starting to paint a picture of what Obama will be like for me.

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.

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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Colombia
You might have some excellent points and maybe you're very intelligent and well versed on this subject; however, you won't reach anyone by insulting them.

you mistake me for someone who was trying to reach them. :)

So in other words, you were merely attempting to flaunt you "superior knowledge" while acting exceptionally rude.

nope, in other words I didn't give a rat's a_s_s if they are reached or not. :dance:

Why do you care so much?

To be honest, I don't really care. I'm just have a difficult time understanding why you would go to the trouble of replying to someone else if you didn't at least have some objective a bit more noteworthy than "Look at me! Look at me! I'm so smart and you're so dumb!" :P

I think its more important to look at the opposite... not why one is smarter than another but rather why another acts like a buffoon aka foolish if not really in the know as to a particular issue.

I never endorsed the KKK or any such organization through any of my comments. People like the KKK $hitbags of yesteryear should have all been tortured then killed...that's my opinion on them. Any white supremacists of today who promote the same hatred should get the same treatment.

My unpopular opinion, however, is that I'm tired of hearing that it's white peoples' fault that black people have it so bad. In this day and age in the US, anybody who wants to succeed can succeed. Yes, some may have a tougher path to a good life (father who walked out, raised in a poor neighborhood, surrounded by drugs, etc.), but the opportunity is there. In the end, every person is responsible for their own actions and their own life. If you sit around and complain all the time, you may feel good about yourself for getting your opinion out there. But at the end of the day, complaining doesn't pay the bills and it doesn't take care of your family. There are plenty of opportunities to succeed and do the right thing here in the US. Anyone with the drive and determination and the willingness to push away negative influences can succeed. Nearly everyone in this country knows the difference between right and wrong. The haves and have nots are usually separated by their decisions and drive to succeed.

I dated a few black women before I met my wife. One thing I came to realize, after all the conversations that I overheard between the friends and family of the women I dated, is that none of them could have a conversation amongst themselves without making at least one or two generalizations about different races. This was nearly EVERY conversation! They don't want color of skin to be important, but they couldn't stop talking about it. If I had a dollar for every time I heard phrases like "You know how white people are", "All white people...", "Man, white people crack me up...", "Man, white people are so dumb....", "I can't stand white people...", "Why the hell is she wit' a white dude?".......... This is personal experience. If you want to say I'm racist for bringing it up, that's your decision. Another thing that amazes me is how many of these women's friends and family I heard blaming other people for their own decisions and situations. After a while, it got really old. All different kinds of people from all different races do it, but it amazed me how many of the black people I met did it and how often they did it. My friends and family and I had spent all our lives never paying attention to anyone's race, so it was a bit of a shock. I grew up never paying really any attention to race because it didn't matter to me what color someone was. If they were a good person, I'd hang out with them. If they were bitter, I'd go my separate way and let them continue to be miserable whether they were white, black, Hispanic, Asian, etc., etc. One thing I got out of my experience of "going black" is that a vast majority of blacks that I came in contact with don't want anything to do with whites and are disgusted by white people. If they don't want anything to do with me, that's their decision and I'm not going to waste one breath trying to change them. Notice I didn't say all blacks though. There are plenty of quality black people out there who aren't racist. They are the people I choose to associate with. There are definitely some whites out there who think the same way about blacks, but I don't associate myself with them. White or black, if you're a miserable person, you're a miserable PERSON. Maybe blacks have good reason to be upset with some white people. I've never been black, so I haven't experienced some of the things they maybe have. But if a black person is racist, it's not because of anything I've ever done to them. That's what I really don't get...I've heard a lot personally about how evil I am because I'm white, and I've heard a lot of the victim "poor me" being thrown out there. I haven't experienced what they have, but in my life race has never meant anything other than the color of one's skin. I don't get how it can dominate someone's life like it does to so many of the black people I've met. If you take a look at the black people who are happy, they're not the ones consumed by racial issues and living on the victim mentality. The happiest black people are the ones who have decided to grab life by the balls and live life to the fullest. They take responsibility, contribute, and ignore the color of people's skin. Same thing goes for white people. I think you'll generally find that white supremacists are probably really miserable people. One of my best friends, who is black, will tell you without hesitation that black people are WAYYYYYYY more racist than white people.

Good for your personal experiences. Seem that there are lots of personal experiences here in OT along the same lines.

All you gotta do is put things into the proper context and not assume anything until you actually have enough to base an actual argument upon- not conjecture based on limited life experiences. I think at this point merging to the personal expertise thread could be OK as well.

You are so full of #### and have once again proven your own biased and ignorant views.

Advancement from something, dear friend. Apparently something you missed by increasing the text size.

I think you are starting to paint a picture of what Obama will be like for me.

Whatever. Next?

Wishing you ten-fold that which you wish upon all others.

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Good for your personal experiences. Seem that there are lots of personal experiences here in OT along the same lines.

All you gotta do is put things into the proper context and not assume anything until you actually have enough to base an actual argument upon- not conjecture based on limited life experiences. I think at this point merging to the personal expertise thread could be OK as well.

How many personal experiences do you need to "base an actual argument" on?

"Lots" is clearly not enough. ;)

I'm perhaps being ironic in noting how so many VJers have dated and/or friends that have said one thing or another while equally being ignorant of very significant and statistically unmovable historical reality that really does have social and psychological repercussions in today's society.

And no, I wasn't referring to the particular person that I replied to as ignorant.

Ignorant of what "black culture" as they call it.

Here is your Black culture. Have you actually heard a few minutes of his speech rather than the so called sound bites. I have and the context is actually worse and much more racist and hateful than the so-called "sound bites".

Listen to his message and look at the people cheering. Or are they isolated anecdotal hearsay cases as well. Oh I forgot ####### is being preached in a church so it must be okay then; unlike the KKK.

Edited by Boo-Yah!

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.

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Whatever. Next?

Are you a member of Trinity United Church of Christ or what. AKA a hate group masquerading as a church

Don't give yourself a heart attack.


According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.

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Filed: Other Country: United Kingdom
For other fools, there is always to inability to rationalize orgaizations of hatred with organizations that promote equality. Oh well. Fools will be fools. Let the smart bone not be the funny bone.

What part of organization for the advancement of colored people do you not understand??

Is is that ;)

Your responses certainly are. You know, pick and choose history as it suits your needs. ;)

I dunno mate. I mean I wasn't the one who implied that the KKK might have been started for justifiable reasons. That's what you appeared to do at least...

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Filed: Other Country: United Kingdom

BY appears to be suggesting that he sees no difference between the NAACP, Reverend Wright and the Trinity Church, The Nation of Islam and the Black Panthers etc. etc. - and that blacks have no identifiable culture or values of their own that can't be boiled down to hippity hop music, low-hung trousers and drive-by shootings. At least - that's what I get from his postings on this topic... That and that there must be something wrong with Black Africans because they have "f*cked up" every country they have tried to run themselves.

Not being black (or African) I can't speak to that of course - but it does seem just mite cartoonish to me. And that's being kind :wacko:

Edited by Number 6
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I dunno mate. I mean I wasn't the one who implied that the KKK might have been started for justifiable reasons. That's what you appeared to do at least...

I knew you were going to respond to that and not understand the point I was trying to make. Even though you defend inner city crime and murder, defend the violence by the Palestinians but justify it through historical events. Then you turn around and say you do not condone murder or violence.

So it is the equivalent of someone saying I understand a gangs struggle but I don't support violence. Quite an oxymoron thing to say is it not..

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.

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BY appears to be suggesting that he sees no difference between the NAACP, Reverend Wright and the Trinity Church, The Nation of Islam and the Black Panthers etc. etc. - and that blacks have no identifiable culture or values of their own that can't be boiled down to hippity hop music, low-hung trousers and drive-by shootings.

Not being black I can't speak to that of course - but it seems just mite cartoonish to me. And that's being kind.

I am actually in Australia right now #6 and caught up with some of my English friends living here. So I stated some of your views to see what they say. Giving you the benefit of the doubt as maybe it is me. Surprise surprise they think you are full of ####. And they are lefties might I add. Ironically everything you mentioned above is points they made themselves but in the opposite context to your own..

Edited by Boo-Yah!

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.

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Filed: AOS (apr) Country: Colombia

BY appears to be suggesting that he sees no difference between the NAACP, Reverend Wright and the Trinity Church, The Nation of Islam and the Black Panthers etc. etc. - and that blacks have no identifiable culture or values of their own that can't be boiled down to hippity hop music, low-hung trousers and drive-by shootings.

Not being black I can't speak to that of course - but it seems just mite cartoonish to me. And that's being kind.


It is quite amazing to be honest. One doesn't have to be intelligent to be able to think logically, and one can also be a complete dumba$$ while not making realistic sense either. I guess its the bread and butter of a daily existence.


Wishing you ten-fold that which you wish upon all others.

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Filed: Other Country: United Kingdom
I dunno mate. I mean I wasn't the one who implied that the KKK might have been started for justifiable reasons. That's what you appeared to do at least...

I knew you were going to respond to that and not understand the point I was trying to make. Even though you defend inner city crime and murder, defend the violence by the Palestinians but justify it through historical events. Then you turn around and say you do not condone murder or violence.

So it is the equivalent of someone saying I understand a gangs struggle but I don't support violence. Quite an oxymoron thing to say is it not..

Hmmm... Sociology is an alien concept to you isn't it.

And no - I don't defend or justify violence and murder, in any context.

Sorry... you can keep saying it as many times as you like, and with as many different phrasiologies as you care to - it just isn't something I believe.

You did however - put a statement out there hinting that the KKK was started for justifiable reasons, a statement that at the very least deserves some clarification of your meaning. Especially if you're going to question my historical accuracy.

BY appears to be suggesting that he sees no difference between the NAACP, Reverend Wright and the Trinity Church, The Nation of Islam and the Black Panthers etc. etc. - and that blacks have no identifiable culture or values of their own that can't be boiled down to hippity hop music, low-hung trousers and drive-by shootings.

Not being black I can't speak to that of course - but it seems just mite cartoonish to me. And that's being kind.

I am actually in Australia right now #6 and caught up with some of my English friends living here. So I stated some of your views to see what they say. Giving you the benefit of the doubt as maybe it is me. Surprise surprise they think you are full of ####. And they are lefties might I add. Ironically everything you mentioned above is points they made themselves but in the opposite context to your own..


I won't lose (any) sleep over it.

In any case I think you're full of $hit BY and if your friends can't see that then they're full of $hit too. And douchebags to boot - for hanging out with someone who thinks that not only was the KKK justified in its inception but who also subscribes to an appalling caricature of Black Americans. That makes you a racist BTW - but then you'd know that if you weren't so full of denial.

Edited by Number 6
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It is quite amazing to be honest. One doesn't have to be intelligent to be able to think logically, and one can also be a complete dumba$$ while not making realistic sense either. I guess its the bread and butter of a daily existence.


Look at your posts in this thread man. You discredit anyone's post that does not agree with your views. Plus you think you are right because most people don't waste time writing a thesis to satisfy you. Yet you yourself write short-answer posts which basically state I am right you are wrong and an idiot.

Are there lots of people in Chicago with like-minded views? Probably explains the condition of the city..

Edited by Boo-Yah!

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.

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I won't lose (any) sleep over it.

In any case I think you're full of $hit BY and if your friends can't see that then they're full of $hit too. And douchebags to boot - for hanging out with someone who thinks that not only was the KKK justified in its inception but who also subscribes to an appalling caricature of Black Americans. That makes you a racist BTW - but then you'd know that if you weren't so full of denial.

Yes that is whey they are working in a range of jobs, from research to banking, while you hide under the anonymity of a forum. :thumbs:

According to the Internal Revenue Service, the 400 richest American households earned a total of $US138 billion, up from $US105 billion a year earlier. That's an average of $US345 million each, on which they paid a tax rate of just 16.6 per cent.

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Filed: Other Country: United Kingdom
The existence of the KKK and the attitudes that support white supremacy pretty much required the creation of an organised political group to promote the interest of disenfranchised blacks.

As far as I'm aware - NAACP members aren't going around in black robes looking for white people to lynch. Nor are they lobbying for the disenfranchisement of whites in the way that the KKK does.

Have you ever wondered why the KKK started in the first place..


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