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Yardies, at home and a farrin' (Part 6)


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Filed: Country: Jamaica
I guess I've been kind of cryptic, cause some of you have asked in PM's. I wanted to clarify a bit and put something out there to all the vets on here.

First of all, Andre and I are fine. If everyone around us would cut the #######, we'd be ever better. But the two of us....just the two of us....we are doing just fine.

Have any of you who's husbands been here a while experienced stupid ####### from their friends, sometimes family, in Jamaica?

Here is the deal.....

A few months ago, 1 friend called to say he had someone in the US wire money via Western Union to Andre. Andre had to pick it up and then turn around and wire what was left after the fee, to the guy in JA. Andre did not think about this before he did it. When I found out, I was hopping mad. The same friend called again a few weeks ago and wanted to do it again. Andre declined.

His friend in Germany called a few weeks ago and wanted to ship electronics to Andre for Andre to then ship them to Jamaica. He could keep any he wanted from time to time for his troubles. His excuse was that "he had to have a US address on them". Andre declined.

Andre's sister has made 3 very quick trips to JA and even though she doesn't have a job, she now has some money to send us to get plane tickets to come visit her. We have passed.

We don't want no part of any of these people and their games. I don't believe any of it can be legal.

Add to that the constant calls from people asking for money and it's just been overwhelming this week.....the stories just get more and more out there. Redial seems to be their friend, sometimes calling 10 times in a row. I kid you not when I say the other day, he had 57 missed calls on his phone. This is all the reason I was in a tizzy this week. And, most of it was because my husband had a meltdown. He heard that these so called friends say that "he forgot where he came from" cause he won't participate in these games. Today, we found out it was not just him they are trying to play. Another friend from Florida and another in Canada have also been contacted to participate in this stuff. They too declined.

Anyone else out there dealt with this kind of #######? What did you do to get it all to stop?

As for me and Andre, we are fine. Today we had a long talk about not letting this unimportant nonsense bother us because in the end, it has nothing to do with our marriage or our lives.

I do love all of you who inquired, said prayers, or even thought about us. Thank you.

Craig has never given his number out to "friends". Only a select few have it and they never call and ask for money. Now that we don't live in the separate house and he bought a pre-paid phone, only his mother has his new number and he never gets calls.

I'm sorry you're going through all of that. It's sometimes hard to fight that type of battle... Is he willing to have HIS phone number changed at all ? to make those calls come to a stop ?? Or does he fight that ? How about having a pre-paid phone for the Jamaica calls and then using his regular phone (with the number changed) for contact with you and true friends? Craig has changed his number 4x in the past yr 1/2, but that was mostly because of the "women" calls.

I do know that a friend of mine, her JA husband was busted for some gun and drug "ring" between Florida and New York and it was HUGE. We all just had absolutely no clue (partly the reason of their divorce). He's such a "nice" guy !!!

Quick money.....that's all that stuff is.....quick, easy money. It's so sad. Thank God, he's not involved in that stuff.

We changed our number in November. I used to have a Texas area code and I changed it to Missouri in November. We gave only his mom and his sister the number......they must've put it on some billboard!!!!!! Changing the number is not going to work.

We talked a lot this weekend. I voiced my opinions again. I reminded him there are 5 people in the JA situation that all are capable of getting a job. We discussed how we live, what we deal with, and what we want. I told him he is going to have to quit answering the calls and if he does answer them, he has to tell them no and to quit calling. He knows all that. He just has to figure out a way that works for him to tell them. In the end, he's just too nice a guy. Although, he did say no more Mr. Nice Guy this weekend. So, we'll see.

Life's just a crazy ride on a run away train

You can't go back for what you've missed

So make it count, hold on tight find a way to make it right

You only get one trip

So make it good, make it last 'cause it all flies by so fast

You only get one trip

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Filed: Country: Jamaica
CONGRATULATIONS SHAUNA!! Welcome Kayla!! I'm mad she was still up there chillin though...like she had absolutely NO intentions of coming out any time soon!! :lol::lol:

Hey Kelly...long time since I've seen you up here...glad to see you! Are you doing ok?

Question for some of the vets....Do any of you still keep in contact with ChristineJames?

I see her on here from time to time. She doesn't really post much. I think I last talked to her a few months ago. I may have her e-mail somewhere. Do you need it?

Life's just a crazy ride on a run away train

You can't go back for what you've missed

So make it count, hold on tight find a way to make it right

You only get one trip

So make it good, make it last 'cause it all flies by so fast

You only get one trip

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Filed: Country: Jamaica
Afternoon Yawdies!!

JG...Hey girl...I can't even imagine the frustration you were feeling during this time. I think about that kind of stuff all the time...folx from back home trying to take advantage of my husband when he reaches here just because they think that he will have it made. Hell, I experience that from time to time now. People always asking him to ask me for stuff, or they will ask him for stuff (even though he doesn't have much) and they feel like it's ok because they believe that he has an American wife that will take care of it. RASS!! I've listened to him tell them that he is" NOT asking me for anything for them! If they want something they should work for it, because she works hard for the things that she has and why should he (or they) take that from me?" Over the past year he has begun to see who his "real" friends are and who are not...and at times it's been hurtful for him, but like I told him, you'll eventually see people's true intentions once you learn to say NO! Luckily for me I've never had that problem! LOL...but saying NO to those that were trying to take advantage of him was something he was not good at doing when we first met a few years ago, and he would always end up on the shi##! end of the stick! But he's come a long way. I tell him it's only going to get worse once he's here because he'll have DIRECT access to more, but he feels like he will be able to handle it...we'll see...Anyway, I'm glad that you and Andre are working through this together, and I know the two of you will continue to stay strong and make the right decisions for YOU and YOUR family! Tell Andre to never mind de bad man dem!! And that the yaardies on VJ got his back if he needs us!! BULLET! BULLET! BULLET!! :lol::lol:

Part of the problem is that Andre had a good job for the last 6 years in JA. He took care of all those freeloaders before and now they feel he needs to continue. We are not in the position to do that. They are not getting that. I feel like any one of them can work. In the family situation alone, there are 5 adults capable of working. Andre also says you are a fool if you starve in Jamaica. There were many times we would fish in the sea, go crabbing, and then climb trees for our dinner.

What you said about the friends......sadly, Andre had many friends in JA. Of them, only 2 of them have not shown their face. The JA friends that remain otherwise, are those who are in the US or Canada. It's been a real eye opener for him. It makes me sad. Really sad.

Morning all and congrats on baby Kayla!

We are already going through this friend issue - DJ has had some tough times in the past few months, starting with his car being stolen. He has learned very quickly who is a true friend and who is not - it's hard to sit by and watch your man hurting - DJ is always the one who helps everyone too, and when he needed it, none of them were around.

And, my frustration item of the day - Another phone gone, he left his cell in a taxi :wacko:

Fire de a Mus Mus tail, him tink a cool breeze

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Filed: K-3 Visa Country: Jamaica
Hey JG,

That situation sucks. My husband has not had people try any illegal #######,for sure if that started, he's get a swift kick to the butt. Andre better understand (I'm sure he does) that once you are married, any crime conviction can become a civil case against both married parties. Anything he participates in will drag you down too. Just not worth it. I know I'm preaching to the choir!! But, my man does get hounded by "Friends" 24 hours a day, asking for money.............. from everything from chicken feed to baby formula. They do catch an attitude when he denies them, saying that "he got rich and switched" Which is funny because he gives and gives and gives, and at some point you have to stop momentarily and take care of yourself. Its so draining!!

Well, hang in there and NO FUNNY BUSINESS..........

This is the part I have to constantly preach on. Like I said, he accepted the Western Union payment and then sent it on to JA before I knew about it. I threw a fit. Once I explained what I thought was going on and the consequences, he was mad. He did deny this person the next time he called, so I know he's learned.

I preach over and over and over again, you cannot do this, this, this........because it's illegal and you are an immigrant. They will jail you and then deport you. He gets it. It's just so hard when so many of his so called friends and family are all bombarding him from all sides.

Hey JG,

That situation sucks. My husband has not had people try any illegal #######,for sure if that started, he's get a swift kick to the butt. Andre better understand (I'm sure he does) that once you are married, any crime conviction can become a civil case against both married parties. Anything he participates in will drag you down too. Just not worth it. I know I'm preaching to the choir!! But, my man does get hounded by "Friends" 24 hours a day, asking for money.............. from everything from chicken feed to baby formula. They do catch an attitude when he denies them, saying that "he got rich and switched" Which is funny because he gives and gives and gives, and at some point you have to stop momentarily and take care of yourself. Its so draining!!

Well, hang in there and NO FUNNY BUSINESS..........

he should tell them he can't get rich, cause they keep calling him, i'm sure you as his wife,would be interested to know he's working for other people he can't even call to help him, should he ever need it.

The ironic thing, Jengs, is they ALWAYS seem to have money for those phone cards.


I said a special prayer for you yesterday, I thanked God that you are in Andre's life and not some other woman who would encourage him in that foolishness. and yes, they always seem to find money to put credit on their phones and phone cards.


Me turn professional panhandler!!! but mi look good, don't??

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Filed: Timeline

Good Morning my beautiful SISTAHS

Before I burden you all with my problems.

Heavenly Father, please I call out to you today, actually I'm bawling out to you today. Lord, my shoulders are heavy with burden. I pray not only for myself but also for my sisters her on VJ. I pray that those that are also going through troubled times, that you'll strengthen them and strengthen their relationships and their FAMILIES. I pray that you blessed those that are pregnant and that you watch over their precious blessings. I pray that you heal all those that are in need of your powerful medicine, dear God. I ask that you strengthen our commitment as we wait on our loves ones to join us here in the states. I pray that you speed up the process for all those that are still waiting for approvals and interviews. Lord, I know that without you WE are nothing and with you WE are everything. Lord, all these things I pray to you in your precious and only name to please give us your STRENGTH, your LOVE, your GUIDANCE to do all that is right by you. I know the devil is lurking, but I have the ALL MIGHTHY standing next to me, beside me, in front of me and behind me.

The Lord is my shepherd: I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green Pastures, he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake,

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me, thy rod and staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointed my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever


I love you guys.



....when it hurts to look back and you're scared to look ahead LOOK beside you and I'll be there.....

There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore... and who always will.

So, don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.

6002239865101_1_27247687.jpg (cost of the IMMIGRATION PROCESS)

tep aff a mi name

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Filed: K-3 Visa Country: Jamaica
Afternoon Yawdies!!

JG...Hey girl...I can't even imagine the frustration you were feeling during this time. I think about that kind of stuff all the time...folx from back home trying to take advantage of my husband when he reaches here just because they think that he will have it made. Hell, I experience that from time to time now. People always asking him to ask me for stuff, or they will ask him for stuff (even though he doesn't have much) and they feel like it's ok because they believe that he has an American wife that will take care of it. RASS!! I've listened to him tell them that he is" NOT asking me for anything for them! If they want something they should work for it, because she works hard for the things that she has and why should he (or they) take that from me?" Over the past year he has begun to see who his "real" friends are and who are not...and at times it's been hurtful for him, but like I told him, you'll eventually see people's true intentions once you learn to say NO! Luckily for me I've never had that problem! LOL...but saying NO to those that were trying to take advantage of him was something he was not good at doing when we first met a few years ago, and he would always end up on the shi##! end of the stick! But he's come a long way. I tell him it's only going to get worse once he's here because he'll have DIRECT access to more, but he feels like he will be able to handle it...we'll see...Anyway, I'm glad that you and Andre are working through this together, and I know the two of you will continue to stay strong and make the right decisions for YOU and YOUR family! Tell Andre to never mind de bad man dem!! And that the yaardies on VJ got his back if he needs us!! BULLET! BULLET! BULLET!! :lol::lol:

Part of the problem is that Andre had a good job for the last 6 years in JA. He took care of all those freeloaders before and now they feel he needs to continue. We are not in the position to do that. They are not getting that. I feel like any one of them can work. In the family situation alone, there are 5 adults capable of working. Andre also says you are a fool if you starve in Jamaica. There were many times we would fish in the sea, go crabbing, and then climb trees for our dinner.

What you said about the friends......sadly, Andre had many friends in JA. Of them, only 2 of them have not shown their face. The JA friends that remain otherwise, are those who are in the US or Canada. It's been a real eye opener for him. It makes me sad. Really sad.

Shauna and likkle Ms...update :dance:

Kayla Leilani Francis made her debut at 12:18 AM (today), by emergency c-section. Shauna has been in the hospital for the past few days because her BP was up and the Docs didn't like that. Kayla is 8 lbs 12 oz and almost 21 inc long. Shauna had to have a vertical c-section because the little one was NOT ready to come out and was still tucked up so far and they "vacummed" her outta there.

She's tired and feeling good. The baby is great ! Shauna will remain in the hospital for up to 5 days. She won't be online for quite awhile.

Once she's out of the hospital and settled, I'll be making a trip to see her and the little one.


Kelly, I got you e-mail. Thank you so much for the update.

Please give Shauna and the little one my best. I'm so happy for them.

hear hear, same thing with mr Jengs. but going back down and seeing how helped him, really let him see who his real friends were.


Me turn professional panhandler!!! but mi look good, don't??

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Filed: Citizen (pnd) Country: Jamaica
Shauna and likkle Ms...update :dance:

Kayla Leilani Francis made her debut at 12:18 AM (today), by emergency c-section. Shauna has been in the hospital for the past few days because her BP was up and the Docs didn't like that. Kayla is 8 lbs 12 oz and almost 21 inc long. Shauna had to have a vertical c-section because the little one was NOT ready to come out and was still tucked up so far and they "vacummed" her outta there.

She's tired and feeling good. The baby is great ! Shauna will remain in the hospital for up to 5 days. She won't be online for quite awhile.

Once she's out of the hospital and settled, I'll be making a trip to see her and the little one.


Congrats :dance:

Thanks for the update Kelly.

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Filed: Country: Jamaica
Good Morning my beautiful SISTAHS

Before I burden you all with my problems.

Heavenly Father, please I call out to you today, actually I'm bawling out to you today. Lord, my shoulders are heavy with burden. I pray not only for myself but also for my sisters her on VJ. I pray that those that are also going through troubled times, that you'll strengthen them and strengthen their relationships and their FAMILIES. I pray that you blessed those that are pregnant and that you watch over their precious blessings. I pray that you heal all those that are in need of your powerful medicine, dear God. I ask that you strengthen our commitment as we wait on our loves ones to join us here in the states. I pray that you speed up the process for all those that are still waiting for approvals and interviews. Lord, I know that without you WE are nothing and with you WE are everything. Lord, all these things I pray to you in your precious and only name to please give us your STRENGTH, your LOVE, your GUIDANCE to do all that is right by you. I know the devil is lurking, but I have the ALL MIGHTHY standing next to me, beside me, in front of me and behind me.

The Lord is my shepherd: I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green Pastures, he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake,

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me, thy rod and staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointed my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever


I love you guys.


Beautiful, Lawny! I pray that whatever is troubling you resolves soon!

Fire de a Mus Mus tail, him tink a cool breeze

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Filed: Country: Jamaica

Thanks, Jengles. It is helping me work through this to know we aren't anything unique in all this. Thanks for the prayers.

So glad you are back Tre. The prayer was beautiful. Unload girly.....we're here for you. And, Lord knows I just did!

Life's just a crazy ride on a run away train

You can't go back for what you've missed

So make it count, hold on tight find a way to make it right

You only get one trip

So make it good, make it last 'cause it all flies by so fast

You only get one trip

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Filed: Timeline

This is going to be a long one.

Hey ladies as you can see I'm back. I had to cut my trip by a few days because my life seems to be upside down at the moment. First, I get to Jamaica with a 103 fever and I get a phone call that my grandmother just had STROKE, but it was a mild one; second, my sister, who is pregnant, her water broke (baby is not due until SEPTEMBER); Third, my little brother's heart started to beat out of control so, he's also in the hospital. I tell you when it rains, it really POURS. My brother and sister is doing okay for right now. They're trying to keep the baby in until the 23rd week then they'll move her to a high tech hospital in case she needs to deliver. Then I move, into my new place on Friday... oh LORD help me please. My EXXXXXXXXX WOULD NOT LET ME TALK TO MY SON AT ALL WHILE I WAS IN JAMAICA - TOLD HIM MOMMY IS NOT COMING BACK. (I just about lost my every loving mind) --

Okay now Jamaica;

Let me tell ya'll, if I wasn't sure Marcel loved me or if I had any doubts in the back of my mind I know 110% now. First, his friend sends his brother to pick me up I did not know who the brother was but he recognize me, so, of course, I refused to go with him. I waited for Marcel's friend to call me back. They were having a send off party for one of their friends from the Holiday Inn who was coming to the states (someone I met) back in September. Anyway I showed up at the party and was asked to bless the food. (Marcel didn't know who was talking on the mic and turns to his friend and says, "I wish that DAMN woman would hurry up with the prayer so we can eat). Remember, my voice was still not 100%. Well, when he looked up and saw my face he started to cry out of control, he was BAWLING in front of about 40 people. I didn't even know he was going to react like that. I was SPEECHLESS. Anyway, I told him about my grandmother and he says let's go. We were at the hospital in Falmouth in about 45mins.

Now, because I was sick and feverish and it was about 90 plus degrees when I get to Jamaica and I was having the chills. So, WHAT DOES MARCEL SAY! No, SEX for me until I get better (MAD AS HELL) I was. YA'LL KNOW I WAS IN HEAT before I left. But, I didn't mind. I was too weak anyway. I slept the rest of the day. Thursday, still sick as hell, but been drinking rum honey and pimento. It took us a little under 3 hours to reach Kingston (Chalky Hill). Mi naw drive dehso again and we were in a TRUCK. Gill, I almost lost my breakfast! I slept the rest of the way. I didn't even know when we reached Kingston, but we got there around 10:30. A few people were outside and his appointment was not until 12:30 to drop off the DS-230, so I asked then if we could drop it off early. The guards that were out front said we had to wait for them to open the door and ask those guards. The guards said to form 2 lines. One for people who have interview and the other for those who are dropping off paperwork. Marcel was the 3rd person in the paperwork Anyway I went back to sit in the truck with the A/C blasting. We were parked across the street. Well, Marcel friend and I decided to I needed to walk around since my legs were cramping up. When I got out of the truck I looked over and saw that one of the guards that were at the door was yelling at Marcel. Now, the street that the embassy is on is extremely busy, so be careful crossing it. It took me a while to get across the street and as I'm standing on the median to wait for traffic to clear I can hear the guards yelling at Marcel and telling him he can't get in without and appointment letter and he's clamly and quietly telling them all he is there to do was drop of the DS-230 so that an interview can be scheduled and that he was told to ask if he could drop it off earlier.

I finally made it across the street. Now, I'm standing in front of the embassy and asking what's going on. Well, wouldn't you know it, the guard that was at the door GRABBED MY DRESS and Marcel went off. I was now standing between Marcel who is 6'4" and the guard who was about 5'5". Anyway, I told Marcel to walk away and I took out my US passport. The 2 police officers (not embassy guards) that were outside had Marcel off to the side talking to him and calming him down and told him not to pay the the guards anymind. By that time, two other people came outside (BECAUSE I HAVE A BIG MOUTH) a bald headed black man (a supervisor) and a white lady who walked over to me when she saw me holding my passport. She asked me what happened and I told her that I was assaulated my one of the embassy employees. She said WHAT! I said that guard over there grabbed my dress and grabbed it so hard that the tie on the side came undone. I had on a wrap dress. Of course he denied it and said he was only directing me to step into a line. All the people outside said, A LIE DI MAN A TELL...IM GRAB ON PON DI OOMAN DRESS AND PULL AR! She asked me if we had an appointment and I said yes, but it was not until 12:30 to drop off the DS -230 and that all I wanted to know was if we could drop it off before the 12:30 appointment. She looked at it and said that it was okay and we could drop it off she also told me we didn't need the 2 picutures yet and to bring 4 pictures at the interview. She told me to go ahead in with Marcel and I left my purse outside with Marcel friend. She also apologized for what happened. Once we were inside they gave us the 2 pictures back that I had attached to the DS-230 and told me that it was not necessary. The gentleman that took the DS-230 also told me the same thing, that they didn't need the pictures and I asked are you sure?. The guard that pulled my dress was removed, because I was cleary upset as were some of the other people outside.

Some of those guards think they have your lives in their hands. Like they the ones giving you the approval. Don't put up with SHITTTTT from them.

As we were leaving, the same lady walked over to me and again apologized, but to both of us this time. Marcel, shook her hand and we both said thank you. She she said see you in a month of two. She also said, some people do request and specific date and time for their interview. They will try and accommodate if it's doable. So, if you asking for a date that is about 2 months out it's a possibility you'll might get it. She said, it never hurts to ask. She was very nice, very nice.

Well, that's about it. Now, ya'll pray for me please and my siblings.


....when it hurts to look back and you're scared to look ahead LOOK beside you and I'll be there.....

There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore... and who always will.

So, don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.

6002239865101_1_27247687.jpg (cost of the IMMIGRATION PROCESS)

tep aff a mi name

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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Jamaica
Good Morning my beautiful SISTAHS

Before I burden you all with my problems.

Heavenly Father, please I call out to you today, actually I'm bawling out to you today. Lord, my shoulders are heavy with burden. I pray not only for myself but also for my sisters her on VJ. I pray that those that are also going through troubled times, that you'll strengthen them and strengthen their relationships and their FAMILIES. I pray that you blessed those that are pregnant and that you watch over their precious blessings. I pray that you heal all those that are in need of your powerful medicine, dear God. I ask that you strengthen our commitment as we wait on our loves ones to join us here in the states. I pray that you speed up the process for all those that are still waiting for approvals and interviews. Lord, I know that without you WE are nothing and with you WE are everything. Lord, all these things I pray to you in your precious and only name to please give us your STRENGTH, your LOVE, your GUIDANCE to do all that is right by you. I know the devil is lurking, but I have the ALL MIGHTHY standing next to me, beside me, in front of me and behind me.

The Lord is my shepherd: I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green Pastures, he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake,

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me, thy rod and staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointed my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever


I love you guys.


Just beautiful

I just got an email from friend who her husband did an interview in Kingston. I was told that one of the officers (woman) refer to the ladies husband as "boy" can you believe this!!!!

Im so disturb by this i have heard of many horror stories but i did not believe until now. Have any body heard of these rude behaviour at the JA embassy??

I feel in my spirit that im gonna go on some fasting and prayers for these rude people.

Im so disturb in my spirit :angry:

"Love is patient, love is kind, love keeps no record of wrongs"

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Filed: Country: Jamaica
Good Morning my beautiful SISTAHS

Before I burden you all with my problems.

Heavenly Father, please I call out to you today, actually I'm bawling out to you today. Lord, my shoulders are heavy with burden. I pray not only for myself but also for my sisters her on VJ. I pray that those that are also going through troubled times, that you'll strengthen them and strengthen their relationships and their FAMILIES. I pray that you blessed those that are pregnant and that you watch over their precious blessings. I pray that you heal all those that are in need of your powerful medicine, dear God. I ask that you strengthen our commitment as we wait on our loves ones to join us here in the states. I pray that you speed up the process for all those that are still waiting for approvals and interviews. Lord, I know that without you WE are nothing and with you WE are everything. Lord, all these things I pray to you in your precious and only name to please give us your STRENGTH, your LOVE, your GUIDANCE to do all that is right by you. I know the devil is lurking, but I have the ALL MIGHTHY standing next to me, beside me, in front of me and behind me.

The Lord is my shepherd: I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green Pastures, he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake,

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me, thy rod and staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointed my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever


I love you guys.


Just beautiful

I just got an email from friend who her husband did an interview in Kingston. I was told that one of the officers (woman) refer to the ladies husband as "boy" can you believe this!!!!

Im so disturb by this i have heard of many horror stories but i did not believe until now. Have any body heard of these rude behaviour at the JA embassy??

I feel in my spirit that im gonna go on some fasting and prayers for these rude people.

Im so disturb in my spirit :angry:

Boy? Why? Was this interviewering a lot older?

Life's just a crazy ride on a run away train

You can't go back for what you've missed

So make it count, hold on tight find a way to make it right

You only get one trip

So make it good, make it last 'cause it all flies by so fast

You only get one trip

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Filed: Country: Jamaica

Dang, Lawny. So much drama. I hope everyone gets better soon. Sorry for all your troubles. I hope your next embassy visit goes much smoother.

How are you feeling now?

Life's just a crazy ride on a run away train

You can't go back for what you've missed

So make it count, hold on tight find a way to make it right

You only get one trip

So make it good, make it last 'cause it all flies by so fast

You only get one trip

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Filed: Timeline
Good Morning my beautiful SISTAHS

Before I burden you all with my problems.

Heavenly Father, please I call out to you today, actually I'm bawling out to you today. Lord, my shoulders are heavy with burden. I pray not only for myself but also for my sisters her on VJ. I pray that those that are also going through troubled times, that you'll strengthen them and strengthen their relationships and their FAMILIES. I pray that you blessed those that are pregnant and that you watch over their precious blessings. I pray that you heal all those that are in need of your powerful medicine, dear God. I ask that you strengthen our commitment as we wait on our loves ones to join us here in the states. I pray that you speed up the process for all those that are still waiting for approvals and interviews. Lord, I know that without you WE are nothing and with you WE are everything. Lord, all these things I pray to you in your precious and only name to please give us your STRENGTH, your LOVE, your GUIDANCE to do all that is right by you. I know the devil is lurking, but I have the ALL MIGHTHY standing next to me, beside me, in front of me and behind me.

The Lord is my shepherd: I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green Pastures, he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake,

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me, thy rod and staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointed my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever


I love you guys.


Just beautiful

I just got an email from friend who her husband did an interview in Kingston. I was told that one of the officers (woman) refer to the ladies husband as "boy" can you believe this!!!!

Im so disturb by this i have heard of many horror stories but i did not believe until now. Have any body heard of these rude behaviour at the JA embassy??

I feel in my spirit that im gonna go on some fasting and prayers for these rude people.

Im so disturb in my spirit :angry:

Kish --

I wish I had the time to type everything that transpired that morning. Eventhough my fiance was being yelled at he remained calm. We had about 30 witnesses outside, so I wanted to see how this guy was going to get away with pulling my dress. My fiance wanted to beat the hell out of him, but that would not have been the right thing to do. Would it have been justifiable, maybe, but not in front of the American Embassy.

Not all the guards are like that. Some of them are just hyped. Even the police officers outside told is that guy was off the top. If they had not done anything I was going to file a complaint. Try not to worry too much, just have your things in order. Just remember they're not the ones making


....when it hurts to look back and you're scared to look ahead LOOK beside you and I'll be there.....

There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, who won't anymore... and who always will.

So, don't worry about people from your past, there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.

6002239865101_1_27247687.jpg (cost of the IMMIGRATION PROCESS)

tep aff a mi name

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Filed: Country: Jamaica
Good Morning my beautiful SISTAHS

Before I burden you all with my problems.

Heavenly Father, please I call out to you today, actually I'm bawling out to you today. Lord, my shoulders are heavy with burden. I pray not only for myself but also for my sisters her on VJ. I pray that those that are also going through troubled times, that you'll strengthen them and strengthen their relationships and their FAMILIES. I pray that you blessed those that are pregnant and that you watch over their precious blessings. I pray that you heal all those that are in need of your powerful medicine, dear God. I ask that you strengthen our commitment as we wait on our loves ones to join us here in the states. I pray that you speed up the process for all those that are still waiting for approvals and interviews. Lord, I know that without you WE are nothing and with you WE are everything. Lord, all these things I pray to you in your precious and only name to please give us your STRENGTH, your LOVE, your GUIDANCE to do all that is right by you. I know the devil is lurking, but I have the ALL MIGHTHY standing next to me, beside me, in front of me and behind me.

The Lord is my shepherd: I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green Pastures, he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake,

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me, thy rod and staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointed my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever


I love you guys.


Just beautiful

I just got an email from friend who her husband did an interview in Kingston. I was told that one of the officers (woman) refer to the ladies husband as "boy" can you believe this!!!!

Im so disturb by this i have heard of many horror stories but i did not believe until now. Have any body heard of these rude behaviour at the JA embassy??

I feel in my spirit that im gonna go on some fasting and prayers for these rude people.

Im so disturb in my spirit :angry:

Congrats on that new baby Nanny! Enjoy every minute of it and don't you dare blink. She will be in pre-school if you do!!

Glad you are back safe Lawny!! :yes: But OMG! You poor thing, no wonder you were stressed out. Prayers for your family to get well.

Are the people who work at the embassy Americans or Jamaicans? Nevertheless, there is NO need for rude behavior at any time. :bonk:

JG, Andre is lucky to have you show him the clear path. I tell Anthony all the time that it is easier to walk straight than clean up a crooked mess. What gets me though is how they try harm each other. He refers to it as crabs in a barrel - when you get close to the top another crab will pull you back down. Sad. :crying:

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger....

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