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"Uk" Waiver club 601/212, List for uk waivers sign up!


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Hi everybody..... wow, there's going to be some serious flower planting soon huh :P Vicky is smart, letting him do the work :thumbs: j/k. btw, love your new avatar :D

Thanks a million Tiff for reminding me of such a thing as the email...can't believe that slipped my mind :blink: I emailed them about 1 hour ago, and I just got an email back *wow, they work fast huh..if they go through the waiver with the same speed, I guess we're all reunited by the end of this summer with our loved ones :D * well, it wasn't them, I did write the phone no too and asked them, and they said that it wasn't them. Pheeew, now I can stop worrying. Thank you guys for participating in the mystery solving, you guys are the best. So sorry that it was really nothing :blush:

Sounds like everyone is doing well, guess we are all still waiting. I hope that they get to your waivers soon Tiff and Paul - would love you hear you guys scream APPROVED :lol: and that you'll be added to the list soon Vicky :thumbs: maybe next week?? :yes:

Take care now all, and let us know if there's any changes :luv:


January 27 2006: submitted and approved I-130 in Copenhagen, Denmark

March 23 2006: Interview, submitted I-601 waiver

May 2 2006: London recieves waiver

August 21 2006: waiver approved woo hoo

October 3 2006: arrived in the US


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Hey joey.............do you have a direct line or something? Mine still says May 3rd. :lol:


SHA ZAM!!! I-601 WAIVER APPROVED......10/13/06

11/18/06 Arrived

12/21/06 Filed for Social Security number

12/22/06 Married

01/03/2007 Social Security number arrived

01/10/07 Filed AOS

01/19/07 NOA1

02/05/07 Biometrics

2/6/07 Touch on EAD

02/07 Received RFE and returned information within 2 days

2/24/07 Transferred to California

2/26/07 Received letter (Transfer to California)

3/1/07 AOS email confirmation that case was received in California

3/2/07 AOS Touched again today but no update.

3/5/07 AOS another touch but no update.

4/5/07 EAD Touched again

4/9/07 EAD Touched.

4/10/07 EAD card ordered.

Removal of Conditions

6/8/2009 Sent I-751.

6/12/2009 Check Cashed

6/15/2009 NOA1 Received

6/25/2009 Received biometrics letter

7/13/2009 Biometrics appointment at Indianapolis Indiana

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Filed: Timeline
Hey joey.............do you have a direct line or something? Mine still says May 3rd. :lol:


Hi Baileyj,

I'm sure you have been able to access the last update by now. But if not, the only change on the page was a "complete" for the Copenhagen case above Paul's and mine. All of the other cases that were "under review" are still under review. No other cases have been examined. So there it is. Like I said, a little disappointing.

I have no idea why I seem to be able to view the updates before you. No, I have no direct line but wow wouldn't that be great!

Take care and maybe next week London will redeem itself for our sake.


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beetee did you ever call that number I gave you? Just curious as to what office it went to..You can always fax the embassy and ask for the ICE office. Tell them to call you and maybe you'll get a phone call. I really dont know why we were always so lucky with London emailing us and ICE faxing and calling but we were. I hope you get some answers soon! I spoke with a really nice lady but for privacy reasons I cant give her name out here. She helped so much and went out of her way to make me feel better. I think it's those sort of people that really help the waiver process and obviously make the petitioner feel much better as well.

I am sorry I was MIA the past few weeks. Our hard drive crashed on 4/19 I believe and I had no internet or even Windows for that matter! My husband moved back to NC with us about a week or so ago. He is driving me positively nuts and I hope he finds another job soon! We bought a used car, a 2000 model in early May. And I start a new job on Monday. I hope I like it!

Anyway...I hope you all are doing well.....we need some approvals soon!

Congrats on your wedding jpkeswim! and Congrats to Bailey (Vicky) for filing the waiver! :)

Paul, and beetee how are you guys???

Nigel are you in the US yet?

me: US, soon-to-be ex: Sweden

Our Journey

09/25/97--met online

'97-'99---carried on long distance relationship

02/14/99---married in the US

10/23/99---received swedish residence permit

12/02/99---moved to Sweden

03/21/01---filed I-130; no visa given

06/27/02--visa interview; denied told to file I-601 for CIMT

9/12/05--visa interview; submitted 601 to Stockholm, Sweden

10/06/05----waiver forwarded to DHS; Copenhagen, Denmark

10/11/05---waiver entered into the DHS system

12/15/05---waiver finally mailed to London; rc'd snaily from ICE (12/16/05)

01/03/06----DHS London finally receives waiver; let the adjudication begin!


02/02/06---sent passport off to embassy to receive visa

02/06/06---rc'd passport w/visa and infamous brown envelope

02/25/06----spouse immigrated to Florida..Miami POE, no probs!

03/14/06----spouse received social security card

03/17/06----spouse received green card!

03/12/06----Finally back in the US after 7 long years!

08/20/06--We separate after almost 8 years of marriage

06/09/07---still separated.....probably filing for divorce in August

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Hi Misty,

Good to hear from you!

Well alll in all a very frustrating week for the I-601 trackers club eh??

I just don't know what goes on down there in the London USCIS office! :(

As my beloved said maybe next week will be more eventful, god I hope so!!

Anyway guys I'm off to beautiful Scotland tomorrow for my final thesis exam on the Tuesday morning, getting really nervous about the whole thing already :wacko:

Still I hoping for good news, and even more from London soon, really hope the USCIS office will get some more London cases under reveiw soon

oh well (gulp) wish me luck guys, will be back on Friday!!! :thumbs:

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Hi everybody :luv:

Hi Bailey/Vicky... I can see that you are online too :) hope you are enjoying your weekend.


no I didn't call that number, because I am on the list too :dance: it's been a while on the list now, so I didn't call them, sorry that I cannot help you with the comparison. But that lady you talked to sounded so nice, yea... some of them are very nice and helpful :)

It's nice to see that they actually completed the Copenhagen case within May 3rd - May 12th, but if they still complete 1 case every week, I still don't see how they could make the 12-15 weeks limit??? I think that they need to pick up speed and complete 2 cases every week :P:P he he

I hope like everyone else that next week will be much more eventful. :) And Good luck to you Paul, hope everything goes well :thumbs:

Take care everyone.... :luv:


January 27 2006: submitted and approved I-130 in Copenhagen, Denmark

March 23 2006: Interview, submitted I-601 waiver

May 2 2006: London recieves waiver

August 21 2006: waiver approved woo hoo

October 3 2006: arrived in the US


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Hi Courtney,

Yeah I think I figured out the reason I couldn't view the updates on Friday. I was checking it at work and for whatever reason it was still showing May 3rd. When I got home I saw the update showing May 20th. Seems to to me the only thing the waiver list is good for, is to show you your case is on the list. It doesn't seem to be very reliable as far as showing which cases are being worked on and I kind of think that they probably don't put completed on there until the person is already notified of the results. I guess it's just to keep us busy looking and maybe keep us from calling and bugging them. lol

Misty, Thanks for the congrats on filing our waiver. Sounds like things are going well for you guys. Hope you like your new job and that your husband finds one soon so he won't be driving you nuts. :lol: I'm sure it's a little stressful for him moving over here and living apart from you guys and now having to look for another job. It's sounds like your making progress and I'm sure you both will be working in no time.


Oh I wish you the best of luck on your exam and hope you hear something soon about your waiver. Wow with all this going on can you imagine the thrill of getting positive results on both about the same time? :thumbs: You will have about a weeks worth of celebrating to do. :yes:


Oh glad you finally figured out something with the phone number that would have been driving me nuts. We were so hoping that it was them trying to get hold of you for an approval. I'm sure that will be coming soon though. Yeah..... not much flower planting here this year. I think I'll leave that to him for next summer. He does love doing that and I'm not much good at it so I don't see the point in planting when he will probably move and change things around next summer. :yes: Guess I can't help planning on him being here this fall. I have to keep a positive attitude and go ahead and plan on him being here. It's so hard to think that they would not approve him and to think of what we would do then. We haven't even discussed a plan B so I have no idea what we would do it that happened. Guess all any of us can do is keep a positive attitude and continue with our plans.

Hope things are going well for everyone and hopefully someone will hear something soon. Whaaaaa.... :crying: I want to see our case number on the list. Even if it does sit there for months and months. :lol:


SHA ZAM!!! I-601 WAIVER APPROVED......10/13/06

11/18/06 Arrived

12/21/06 Filed for Social Security number

12/22/06 Married

01/03/2007 Social Security number arrived

01/10/07 Filed AOS

01/19/07 NOA1

02/05/07 Biometrics

2/6/07 Touch on EAD

02/07 Received RFE and returned information within 2 days

2/24/07 Transferred to California

2/26/07 Received letter (Transfer to California)

3/1/07 AOS email confirmation that case was received in California

3/2/07 AOS Touched again today but no update.

3/5/07 AOS another touch but no update.

4/5/07 EAD Touched again

4/9/07 EAD Touched.

4/10/07 EAD card ordered.

Removal of Conditions

6/8/2009 Sent I-751.

6/12/2009 Check Cashed

6/15/2009 NOA1 Received

6/25/2009 Received biometrics letter

7/13/2009 Biometrics appointment at Indianapolis Indiana

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Don't worry you'll be on the list soon - you guys submitted it 5/5 right???, if it takes about 2 weeks to get added on the list, then you'll most likely be there this Friday *crossing my fingers for you* :thumbs: When he comes in fall, it might be too late to do the gardening and stuff, you are probably right, having to wait for next year, then he can show you what wonders he can do to a garden :D

Oy I'm feeling all blue this Sunday, could be that the sunshine has gone away for a while, it rained yesterday...geeez. And I'm missing my hubby sooo much :cry: I'm tired of looking at the webcam and blowing kisses to my pc screen, I want to hug him instead. :(

Well, I guess you are all missing your S.O. other too, it's so sad huh :( I think that they should have made it possible for aliens to wait in the US with the USC while the papers are processing - at least that would save some people from going insane from all the waiting and waiting ....... :clock:

Oh well, just wanted to rant a bit hehe.. :P

Do any of you have cats??? My cat is going to have kittens soon, and I was wondering if any of you have been through that before, might have some tips for me :)

Take care now :luv:

Edited by beetee4ever


January 27 2006: submitted and approved I-130 in Copenhagen, Denmark

March 23 2006: Interview, submitted I-601 waiver

May 2 2006: London recieves waiver

August 21 2006: waiver approved woo hoo

October 3 2006: arrived in the US


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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: United Kingdom

Hi, guys. It seems like we're all feeling about the same way! Cas and I just are feeling at the end of our ropes with this. We're so weary of being apart, being in limbo, stressing about when we'll be (hopefully) approved and we'll be able to be together again. Ten weeks tomorrow, and yet they don't seem to be doing too much in the way of working on anybody's case! What is going on over there? Why has it suddenly ground to a halt?! It's beginning to make me crazy. Crossing my fingers and praying really hard this week we'll at least be under review. Hope everyone has a great week! Good luck to you, Paul!


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Hi Tiff,

wow you're already on the 10th week? what date did you submit your waiver?.... just curious :) Don't worry I bet it'll be under review this week :thumbs:

I don't know what they are doing in London either, I think that it has slowed down a bit. I wonder how they can keep the 12-15 weeks if they don't pick up speed. They have to work on 2 cases a week and not 1 case per 2 week, right??!! Bummer......... I'm just tired of waiting, mine has been 5+ weeks for Copenhagen to London and now 2 weeks on the list, that's almost 2 months and I'm waaaaaaaay up there on the list :(

I really hope that it'll be an eventful week with the London list :D

Have you made room for him and his stuff yet?? Imagine if you havent yet, and you guys get approved this week...ha ha, streeeessss - but the good kind :P:P

Take care now all, and let us know if there's anything new :luv:


January 27 2006: submitted and approved I-130 in Copenhagen, Denmark

March 23 2006: Interview, submitted I-601 waiver

May 2 2006: London recieves waiver

August 21 2006: waiver approved woo hoo

October 3 2006: arrived in the US


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Aww hang in there Tiff,

Just when you don't think you can take any more.............well that seems to be when the news finally comes. Dig down deep and find some way to keep going. I know it's sooooooooooooo hard but don't give up. Your so close now and I'm sure it will be any day now. See if you can find something to keep you from thinking about how bad you are both missing each other. Concentrate on how good it will be to finally get this part over with. Wish I could help somehow ....but I know there is nothing anyone can say or do right now.

Chin up (F)(F)(F)

I would get my cheerleading outfit (short skirt, bobby socks.....) on but I'm not sure I could stomach that left alone eveyone else. :no: did i get a smile out of that one? lol


Edited by Baileyj96

SHA ZAM!!! I-601 WAIVER APPROVED......10/13/06

11/18/06 Arrived

12/21/06 Filed for Social Security number

12/22/06 Married

01/03/2007 Social Security number arrived

01/10/07 Filed AOS

01/19/07 NOA1

02/05/07 Biometrics

2/6/07 Touch on EAD

02/07 Received RFE and returned information within 2 days

2/24/07 Transferred to California

2/26/07 Received letter (Transfer to California)

3/1/07 AOS email confirmation that case was received in California

3/2/07 AOS Touched again today but no update.

3/5/07 AOS another touch but no update.

4/5/07 EAD Touched again

4/9/07 EAD Touched.

4/10/07 EAD card ordered.

Removal of Conditions

6/8/2009 Sent I-751.

6/12/2009 Check Cashed

6/15/2009 NOA1 Received

6/25/2009 Received biometrics letter

7/13/2009 Biometrics appointment at Indianapolis Indiana

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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: United Kingdom

thanks you guys! Man, it just gets to me sometimes, but I'm okay. That's what my mom says to me, Vicki, except she says "Keep your chins up!" :lol: Just trying to plan a wedding here with that "what if" just hanging out there!

Anyway, yeah, it's been ten weeks, Beetee. I can hardly believe it myself. We were put on the list on March 6. Any day now, right?!!! I still haven't planted yet. Maybe I'll do that this week. It's well and truly spring here now. I love it.

Have a good day, all!

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Filed: K-3 Visa Country: United Kingdom

Hello everyone! Up late doing all the last minute details to move on Wednesday. How scary to move across the pond and leave all my family and friends! One positive is I get a break from working for a few months:) Hopefully I find a job and learn how to drive in the UK in the next 2 months. I have to wait till we marry till I can work! What a pity! HEHEHE! I get to walk the dog everything...that will be my excitement of the day! I am sure I will be on here alot more often now, these last few weeks have been crazy! Trying to pack what I want shipped store stuff in hopes we will be back in the next year or so and having a yard and getting rid of all the furniture. Keep in Touch everyone! I will be on here trying to figure out this whole process by ourselves, we had a lawyer last time and we still got denied! Good Luck everyone, hope this week sends us some approvals! YEAH!

Baby Boy born on November 24th 2008

Received Visa Feb 10th 2008

Waiting for appointment at Embassy on April 7th for Baby's passport and report of birth abroad!!!

After three long years moving back to America on May 4th 2008

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Just a quick message from bonnie Scotland................

BUT I'M A DOCTOR NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance::dance::dance:

Everything went fine :D

god I'm sooooooooo releived!!!

hope eveyone's having a great day................ but no-one's could be as good as mine is now!!! B)

Time to party!!!

speak soon guys


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