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Lima, Peru
US Embassy / Consulate Info

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last updated on 2024-02-22 by lunarwire

Phone Number: Telephone: (51-1) 618-2000
Telephone (visa inquiries): (51-1) 709-7950

If calling from within the United States: 703-249-4660
Note: this is not a direct line to the consulate, but a US-based call center. To reach an English-speaking human for K-related questions: 1, 3, 6, wait until prompt...1.
E-Mail: limaiv@state.gov
Address: Avenida Encalada, Cuadra 17
Monterrico, Lima
Working Hours: Immigrant Visa Unit (Permanent Residency):
Phone hours: Monday thru Thursday 2-3 p.m.
Phone: (51-1) 618-2000 3 for Spanish

Non-immigrant Visa Unit (Visitor Visas):
Phone hours: Monday - Friday 3-4 p.m.
Phone: (51-1) 618-2000

*** Added 02/23/2016 by Cheyenne5044 The USCIS office has open-office hours from 9:00AM until 11:00AM ONLY on Tuesdays and Thursdays. No appointment is needed.
Best Contact Method: By e-mail once you have a case number. You can email them and they usually respond the same or next day.

limaiv@state.gov .
Approx Waiting Time for Interview After Consulate Recieves NVC Package: 4-6 weeks
Issues Packet 3?
Packet 3 Contains: AS OF 02/13/2022

Estimado solicitante:

Le enviamos las instrucciones para que se prepare para su entrevista de visa de novio (K-1/K-2).

Por favor lea y siga las siguientes instrucciones detenidamente. Cada solicitante deberá de traer los documentos requeridos.

Si usted no desea continuar con el proceso de su visa de novia, por favor responda a este correo: LimaIV@state.gov

Para programar su entrevista, siga los siguientes pasos:

Usted debe completar el formulario DS-160 (on-line). Deberá de ingresar a siguiente enlace: https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/ Luego de completar el formulario, es necesario que imprima la confirmación del DS-160 para que lo presente el día de su entrevista.

Usted debe crear una cuenta para programar su cita. Sírvase ingresar al siguiente enlace: https://ais.usvisa-info.com/es-pe/iv  Todos los solicitantes que atenderán a la entrevista deben de estar registrados (familias). El registro no tiene ningún costo. Una vez creada la cuanta, usted deberá escoger, entre los días disponibles, el día y hora en la que desea tener la entrevista.
Usted debe programar una cita médica. Para cualquier consulta sobre el examen médico sírvase ingresar al siguiente enlace: https://nvc.state.gov/interview . Para más información sobre los médicos autorizados sírvase por favor revisar el siguiente enlace: Información de los doctores autorizados.

Documentos que deberá presentar el día de su entrevista:

El día de su entrevista, deberá de presentarla siguiente documentación. Recuerde que todos los documentos deberán de ser originales.

PARTIDA DE NACIMIENTO emitida o legalizada por la RENIEC. Si usted nació en otro país, deberá de presentar el documento original.
SENTENCIA DE DIVORCIO(S), solo aplica si usted estuvo casado(a) anteriormente. Si el divorcio fue en EE. UU., este debe de ser una copia certificada emitida por la corte en EE. UU. Si el divorcio fue en Perú, debe ser la partida de matrimonio emitida por RENIEC con la anotación de la disolución del matrimonio.
CERTIFICADO JUDICIAL DE ANTECEDENTES PENALES (Av. Abancay / Poder Judicial). https://www.gob.pe/326-antecedentes-penales     
CERTIFICADO DE ANTECEDENTES JUDICIALES A NIVEL NACIONAL (INPE – Av. Alberto del Campo # 1050, Magdalena del Mar). https://www.gob.pe/305-antecedentes-judiciales  
CERTIFICADO POLICIAL (de cada país, incluyendo el Perú, donde haya residido por un año o más. Deberá de acercarse a la comisaria de su jurisdicción). https://www.policia.gob.pe/home/CerapOnLine  
ANTECEDENTES MILITARES (en el caso que usted haya pertenecido a alguna institución militar); Consejo Supremo de Justicia Militar – Av. Arenales 321, Lima 1.
CERTIFICADO POLICIAL DE CUALQUIER PAIS, donde haya vivido por mas de un año después de los 16 años y de cualquier país del cual tenga la nacionalidad en el cual haya vivido por mas de doce meses en cualquier momento de su vida. Si usted ha estado en EE. UU. en algún momento de su vida por más de un año, no es necesario que presente un certificado. Usted puede ingresar al siguiente enlace para solicitar los antecedentes del país en el que vivió: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents-by-Country.html
PASAPORTE (Deberá de presentar un pasaporte vigente)
FOTOS (2 uds.) de 5 x 5 cm, fondo blanco y sin retoques. Podrá ver los requisitos en el siguiente enlace: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/inmigracion/fotos.html.html  
FORMULARIO I-134 https://www.uscis.gov/es/formularios ; Puede ser copia y adjuntar una transcripción actualizada de la declaración de impuestos emitido por el IRS del ultimo año.
Debe presentar la prueba de pago por el derecho consular de 265 dólares por cada uno de los solicitantes.
TRADUCCIONES: Aquellos documentos que estén en inglés o en español NO necesitan ser traducidos. Los documentos que estén en otros idiomas deberán ser traducidos al inglés por un traductor oficial o traductor competente.


Todos los visitantes a la Embajada están sujetos a una inspección al momento de ingresar. Cuando planifique su visita, sírvase traer solo lo que necesita para su cita en la Sección Consular para así acelerar el proceso de control de seguridad.
Los siguientes artículos NO están permitidos en la Embajada:

Teléfonos celulares.
Cualquier otro aparato electrónico, como reproductor de MP3, iPod, etc.
Bolsas grandes.
Herramientas de cualquier tamaño, como navaja suiza.
Armas de cualquier tipo.
Si usted tiene una pregunta sobre este proceso, por favor contáctenos a este correo electrónico: LimaIV@state.gov


Asistente // LMC
Unidad de Visas
Embajada de los Estados Unidos
Lima – Perú

##### VERSION 2019


We have received your I-129F petition for a “K-1” fiancé (e) visa. Please follow these instructions to
schedule your visa interview appointment.
You must register and create an account on this webpage: https://ais.usvisa-info.com/en-PE/iv. Select
the second option (schedule a K visa interview). Complete the required information and select the DHL
office you prefer. If you have any additional questions, please contact us using our email address
You will need to present the following documents at your interview:
1. A visa fee of $265 per person. This can be done online or at Scotiabank.
2. Completed DS-160 form for each applicant. Go to https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/.
3. Birth certificate: Original, certified by RENIEC.
4. Certificate of criminal and judicial antecedents: Required for each applicant over the age of 18.
5. Police Certificate: Required for each applicant over the age of 18. You must present a police
certificate for each country you have resided in for more than one year.
6. Photographs: Two 5 x 5 cm pictures in color, portrait style, white background, with no
retouching. Please review the following requirements:
7. Divorce certificate: If you or your future spouse has gone through a divorce, you must present the
divorce decree. If the divorce was done in the United States, this must be a certified copy issued
by the U.S. court. If the divorce was done in Peru, then the annotated certificate must be issued
8. Medical examination: Each applicant must undergo a full medical exam. For additional
information and helpful links, visit the following webpage:


9. Evidence of Support: Your petitioner has the option to present an Affidavit of Support. To do so
they may use form I-134. You can download using the following link, and present it along with
the petitioner’s tax returns from last year - https://www.uscis.gov/i-134.
10. Evidence of Relationship: You have the option to bring proof that demonstrates you have a
legitimate relationship with the petitioner, such as cards, photographs, and/or any other evidence
that demonstrates your relationship.

Additional Note: Any document that is not written in English or Spanish must be translated into English
by a competent translator.

######## OLD Version (OUTDATED)

Dear applicant,

1. You need to register your appointment online before attending your interview. Registering your appointment gives us the information we need to send you your passport after your interview. The registration has no cost. You must complete this requirement for each person applying for the visa. Click on the link: https://ais.usvisa-info.com/es-pe/iv/information/iv_services

2. Please bring the following documents, all documents must be original:
- Printed confirmation page of form DS-260
- Original birth certificate legalized by RENIEC. If you were born in another country, the birth certificate must still be the original one.
- If you are married: Original Marriage Certificate certified by RENIEC. If you were married in another country, you must bring the original certificate.
- If you were married before: Divorces. If the divorce is American, it must be a certified copy issued by the court in the United States. If the divorce is Peruvian, it must be the marriage certificate issued by RENIEC with the annotation of the dissolution of it.
- Peruvian Police Certificate of any country where applicant has lived for more than one year after the age of 16 and of any country of which they have citizenship and have lived for more than twelve months at any time of their life. If you have been in the US at some point in your life for more than a year, you do not need to present a police certificate. You can access the following link to find out how to request the background of the country where you lived: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/Visa-Reciprocity-and-Civil-Documents- by-Country.html
- Criminal Record of Peru (Antecedentes Penales - Av. Abancay, Poder Judicial).
- Judicial Criminal Background of Peru (Antecedents Judiciales - INPE, Av. Alberto de Campo # 1050, Magdalena del Mar).
- If you have ever been convicted of a crime: Bring all documents related to problems you have had with the law. Translated into English.
- Only if relevant: Military Background of Peru (Supreme Council of Military Justice, Av. Arenales 321, Lima1).
- Medical Exam Results: All immigrant visa applicants, regardless of age, need a medical examination before obtaining a visa. Only by doctors accredited by the US Embassy. They will give you a sealed envelope that we will open on the day of the interview.
- 2 photos of 5x5cm white background and no retouching. See requirements at: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/inmigracion/fotos.html.html

3. You need to bring $325 US dollars to pay for the consular right.

4. Affidavit of Support and supporting documents:
- I-864 form filled out by US citizen/resident petitioner and signed
- Tax Return Transcript (IRS) from latest tax year and W2
- Proof of US citizenship (copy of birth certificate, certificate of naturalization, green card or copy of photo page of passport)
- You need to revise the Poverty Guidelines to see if your petitioner needs a co-sponsor. If a co-sponsor is needed—they will also need to fill out the I-864 or I-864a form and provide their latest tax return info (1040 or transcript or W2) and also proof of US citizenship or residency (copy of birth certificate, certificate of naturalization, green card or copy of photo page of passport). To visualize each form, you can visit this page: https://www.uscis.gov/es/formularios

If you do not comply with these requirements, unfortunately you will not be able to have the interview.

Be sure to prepare for the day of your appointment, by accessing the following website and follow the instructions: https://nvc.state.gov/interview

Embassy of the United States
Issues Packet 4? No
Packet 4 Contents (if known):
Forms to Consulate? ***Nothing needs to be sent back to the Consulate prior to the interview for K Visa applicants***

The interview date is scheduled when the packet is sent out. After you receive the letter with instructions You can pay the fee at Scotiabank then schedule your interview. All papers are brought to the interview, nothing sent before.

***In case of applying for a CR1/IR1 or similar family reunification visas***

The applicant/beneficiary will schedule the interview personally, by following the link given on the Checklist PDF document. If the BENEFICIARY has never requested a visa (either non-immigrant or immigrant) s/he can create a new account there and schedule it just by following the instructions in that website. If the BENEFICIARY has a previous account (i.e. from previous tourists visas, J1's, etc.) DO NOT CREATE AN ACCOUNT, you'll have to call and book your interview over the phone with an operator. The telephone for this is available at the website through which you are supposed to book your interview. [Tip: When asked, make sure to say 'Yes, I'm applying for _insert visa category_' so they can input the correct info]
Other Forms (if any)? Make sure you take the receipt of the visa fee to the interview.

Interview needs to be scheduled through https://ais.usvisa-info.com/en-pe/iv

Dates do change a lot so be checking back often to find one that is closer if desired.

The NVC needs to have sent off the papers to the embassy and then the interview can be scheduled with the case number. On the website above is where you register for the interview, and the DHL pick up location for the passport and other papers after the visa has been shipped.
Direct Consular Filing Offered? Yes
If DCF Allowed: For all or only US citizen lawfully resident in country? Residents_Only
Can fiance(e)/spouse attend interview? Yes
Visa fee payment "same day" or "in advance"? Advance
Did embassy schedule interview or could you walk-in? Embassy Scheduled
Visa issued same day? No
If not what's the waiting period? Less than one week. Visa is processed at Embassy and sent via DHL. You must pre-register with DHL before your interview and do this for all applicants, via this link: http://usvisa-info.com/en-PE/selfservice/us_immigrant_visas
Is the Medical exam same day as interview? Prior to Interview
Cost of Medical Exam? • S/.1600 para solicitantes de 15 años o más (incluye el examen médico y gastos de laboratorio - as of Jun 2022).
• S/.900 para solicitantes de 2 a 14 años (incluye el examen médico y gastos de laboratorio, como rayos X, orina y de sangre).
• S/.450 para solicitantes recién nacidos hasta los 23 meses de edad.
The medical exam fee has to be paid in cash.

Vaccines are a separate cost (around S/. 880 soles for all vaccines: TDAP, MMR, influenza, varicela, Hep B - as of July 2022) Vaccines can be paid with credit card.
(In Jun 2022 they weren't able to process credit cards, so cash is mandatory)

Make your medical appointment after receiving interview appointment letter with case number and visa interview date. Must be done in this order.
List of doctors? Dr. Sandro Corigliano
Dra. Claudia Lozada
Website: https://www.clinicaangloamericana.pe/
Address: Clinica Anglo Americana | Av. Alfredo Salazar 314, San Isidro
Telephone: 616-8900 extension/anexo: 4059 (Dra. Lozada), 1451-1458 (Dr. Corigliano)
Office hours: Tuesday & Thursday, from 8:30am to 12pm; Monday & Friday, from 3pm to 6pm
[Tip: Be aware that this is the facility where the X-RAY, urine and blood samples are taken, so you'd want to consider doing everything here instead of the second option. You can schedule an appointment over the phone. The medical exam results take approx. 8 days so schedule your medical exam over a week BEFORE your interview appointment.]

Dra. Viviana Melinchon
Address: Av. Benavides N 1579, Of. 804, Miraflores, Lima [Not very far from the Clinica Anglo Americana]
Telephone: 447-3654 y 981-036-823
Office hours: Monday to Friday, from 10:00am to 1:00pm & from 3:00pm to 7:00pm; Saturday, from 10:00am to 1:00pm
[Opinion: the secretary at this office is the rudest person I've talked to in my life! I had to call again and complaint to the doctor about how rude her secretary was and of course, ended up going to Dr. Corigliano]
[Tip: you'll need cash for all the medical payments, as they ask you to make a deposit in either an Interbank or BCP checking account. This goes for the vaccines as well]
How many Passport Photo's Required for the medical? 2
How many Passport Photo's Required at the interview? 2
Estimated waiting time at the consulate on the day of interview? 1 to 2 hours for initial contact.
Vaccination requirements? Yes, if you don't have your vaccination records. If you have them, then only influenza vaccination, but if you also have influenza then take the proof (vaccination card).
You are required to have 7 vaccinations (influenza included).

July 2022- You need TDAP, MRR, Varicela, Nnfluenza, Hepatitis B, and covid vaccines (for adults).
Cheap and good hotels near the Consulate? Hostal Monterrico- not spotless but reasonably clean (all clean linens and towels), hot water and air or fans in room (no heat in winter- but not bad)
Very friendly and VERY safe. An older couple run out of their home. About $25 night double for private shower. Also offer cheaper rooms with shared shower and mini suites for slightly more. Reasonably close distance wise but allow about 30 min drive time w traffic. Book through Pacarma.com.
Note: owner speaks limited English but was not a problem as my fiancee of course speaks Spanish
Hostal Monterrico
Calle Cerro Azul 341, Urb. San Ignacio, Monterrico
Santiago de Surco, Lima - Peru
Phone: +511-275-0412
Book through Pacarma.com- 10% deposit

Monterrico Inn
In walking distance to Embassy (10 minute walk). Double bed for couple, with private bath with hot water: 85 soles ($32). Good security, polite staff, reasonably clean, junky furniture.
Phone: 436-0368 They don't speak English.
Francisco de Cuellar No. 340, 3ra. Cdra. de Av. El Polo
(A side road at the third block of Avenida Polo. Close to the intersection of El Polo and Avenida Primavera)
Additional Info? -Highly recommended United States Citizen (fiancee/spouse) attend interview.
-Photos available at embassy for S/10.00.
-Arrive early so you don't miss your appointment, but they take you in the order you arrive. Plan on average 2-3 hours there.
-If appointment letter does not arrive, you can go to the embassy and pick up a copy of your packet (Mon to Fri 9-10 am).
DCF filing is allowed for US Citizens residing in Peru for at least 6 months. In my case they did not require legal residence (Carnet Extranjeria) but only proof of having been living in the country for 6 months (Movimiento Migratorio). If you are not a legal resident but have been staying on a tourist visa, you can prove residency in Peru by presenting documents such as house lease, phone bill, job letter, etc. Also they require a Migratory Movement issued by DIGEMIN which takes about 2 hours to get and S/50 Soles (about US$18). The lady at the embassy told me they were not the police and were not interested in why I did not have legal residence. They have been very accommodating and extremely efficient.
- I was also permitted to file DCF without Carnet Extranjeria.
An error was made in our information when it reached the NVC. This was easily corrected. We contacted them by email and had a response within a few hours that they'd fix that at the interview.
I had read and heard conflicting requirements for payment of interview fees but they were paid in cash on the day of the interview.

Recent Visa Approvals

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Churros Joshua & Melani
K1 Visa (2024-10-25)
Jwrookie3 Jonathan & Mishel
K1 Visa (2024-09-13)
Mgibson43 Matthew & Xiomara
K1 Visa (2024-07-02)
Jose & Alexandra
F-2A Visa (2024-04-25)
Stephanie & Samuel
K1 Visa (2024-04-09)
W & S
K1 Visa (2024-04-04)
SRC666 Alan & Thyara
F-2A Visa (2024-03-15)
Rossanafiorella Rossana & Italo
IR-1/CR-1 Visa (2024-02-05)
Kathy & Jhoni
K1 Visa (2024-01-30)

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