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Santiago, Chile
US Embassy / Consulate Info

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last updated on 2020-10-23 by Lrjohnsona

Phone Number: Phone number:
[56] (2) 232-2600

Fax number:
[56] (2) 330-3005
E-Mail: SantiagoImmigration@state.gov
Address: US Embassy in Chile
Avenida Andr�s Bello 2800
Las Condes
Santiago, Chile
Working Hours: Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Best Contact Method: email or fax (They are very responsive to emails as of September 2020, they have responded to my questions in a few hours- even though they say give them 5 days to respond) They say on the visa instructions they do not answer questions via phone.
Approx Waiting Time for Interview After Consulate Recieves NVC Package: 2-4 months from the time of the initial application
Issues Packet 3?
Packet 3 Contains: -Affidavit of Support (I-134)- (Need the IRS Tax Transcript for evidence of sallary. According to the K1 visa instructions they do not accept 1040s or W2s)
-Instructions for Immigrant Visa Applicants (DS-2001)
-Biographic Information Sheet (DS-230 part 1)
-Solicitud de visa de no inmigrante (DS-160 this is for K1 too!)

Issues Packet 4? Yes
Packet 4 Contents (if known): -Appointment letter
-Instructions for medical exam
-Medical Examination For immigrant or refugee applicant (DS-2053)
-Chest x-ray and classification worksheet (DS-3024)
-Vaccination Documentation Worksheet (DS-3025)
-Medical History and Physical Examination Worksheet (DS-3026)
Forms to Consulate? This USA embassy is not necessary to send documents back you have to bring all the documents to your appointment.
Here is a copy of the email that I received from the embassy confirming this information.

Buenos d�as, los documentos no tienen que ser enviados los puede traer el d�a de su entrevista final.
Immigrant Visa Unit
Consular Section
U.S. Embassy Santiago, Chile
E-mail: SantiagoImmigration@state.gov

-Instructions for Immigrant Visa Applicants (DS-2001)signed and dated on last page
-Biographic Information Sheet (DS-230 part 1)
-Solicitud de visa de no inmigrante (DS-156) 2 copies with photo
-Non immigrant fianc�(e) visa application (DS-156k)along with birth and police certificates (translated to english)
Other Forms (if any)? All other forms are to be brought to interview
Direct Consular Filing Offered? Yes
If DCF Allowed: For all or only US citizen lawfully resident in country? All
Can fiance(e)/spouse attend interview? No
Visa fee payment "same day" or "in advance"? Same_Day
Did embassy schedule interview or could you walk-in? Embassy Scheduled
Visa issued same day? No
If not what's the waiting period? 1-2 weeks
Is the Medical exam same day as interview? Prior to Interview
Cost of Medical Exam? As of October 2020 the instructions the embassy sends are: Tarifas para exámenes médicos Los honorarios del médico que se indican a continuación son un acuerdo con esta Embajada:

ADULTOS: Examen físico general y análisis de sangre, rayos X …… ..: CLP: 120.000 aprox. Prueba de gonorrea obligatoria: no incluida La tarifa puede variar si se requieren vacunas adicionales.

Físico general
(Menores de 15 años) ……………. CLP: 60.000 aprox.

La tarifa puede variar si se requieren vacunas adicionales.
prices include physical examination, blood test and chest x-ray. Does not include any othe extra exam that might be needed or extra vaccines.
List of doctors? As of October 2020, only one doctor is available (the embassy said that the woman doctor wasn't available anymore due to health reasons)

Dr. Walter Passalacqua
Maria Luisa Santander 0281
(Metro Estación Baquedano)
Tel: 2204-7071 / 2225-3891
Cel: 56-9-5-696-0421

de lunes a viernes
Desde las 12:00 pm
Al visitar al médico del panel debe tomar lo siguiente con usted:

Fotos tipo pasaporte / Fotos Tipo Pasaporte
Tarjeta de Vacunación / Carnet de Vacunas
Carta de cita / carta con cita
Formularios para examen médico / Formulario Médico
Pasaporte válido con el que viajará / Pasaporte vigente Tenga en cuenta que su examen médico debe estar listo para la fecha de su entrevista.


El médico del panel puede requerir que se realicen pruebas adicionales, estas tarifas no se incluyen arriba Por lo tanto, estos honorarios deben ser pagados por el inmigrante pretendiente. Esto puede retrasar su cita.

* You can't schedule an appointment until the same month of the interview and you get cited usually the week before the interview. (in October 2020 My fiance said the doctor is very "relajado" and will not let you schedule an exam until about 2 weeks before the interview. My fiance called him at 1pm and the doctor told him to call back at 6pm when he had more time to talk.)

*This Dr. seems a bit unorganized so be sure to ask for everything you might be have doubts about.

* You are cited for a day, and you need to show up at 12/12.30 just as everybody else who needs to get the medical that day.

*** rayos X para detecci�n de tuberculosis en oficina aparte (pza Italia).]
($7.000 pesos radiografia) vacuna gratis

* You must request a copy of the results of the medical examination the day of the interview when asked by the sealed envelope

* Process goes like this: go to the doctor and get the orders for the tests and drop off the forms and pictures. Get blood work done, get X-Rays done (both in the same building near metro Baquedano and a few blocks away from the doctor's office), get vaccines done (if necessary. The diphteria/tetanus can be done for free at clinica indisa if you had chicken pox already. The secretary will tell you this.), then go back to the Doctor and drop off the results. Sealed results packet to be picked up at the Drs. office the day of the interview. If everything goes well, the whole process can be done in one afternoon.
How many Passport Photo's Required for the medical? 4
How many Passport Photo's Required at the interview? 2
Estimated waiting time at the consulate on the day of interview? 2 hours + (If you arrive early, you can be first in line to enter the embassy and your time will be no longer than 1 hour)
Vaccination requirements? (english) Mumps, Measeles, Rubella, Polio, Tetanus and Diptheria Toxoids, Pertussis, Haemophilus Influenzae type B, Hepatitis B, Varicella, Pneumococcal, and Influenza,

(spanish) Paperas, Sarampion, Rubeola, Poliomielitis, Tetanos y Difteria Toxoide, Tos Ferina, Haemophilus Influenzae tipo B, Hepatitis tipo B, Varicela, Neumococcica e Influenza
Cheap and good hotels near the Consulate?
Additional Info? The Medical Instructions (as of dec 2015) state to bring:
- Adjuntar foto tipo pasaporte (you actually need to bring 4, and they should be ID sized. Otherwise the secretary has to cut them herself to paste them in the forms).
- Traer carnet de vacunas, NO certificados (en mi caso yo ten�a el carnet de vacunas de beb� por lo que no tuve problemas)
- Carta de citaci�n para su entrevista
- Formularios para el examen medico
- El pasaporte vigente con el cual ud piensa viajar.

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