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Tirana, Albania
US Embassy / Consulate Info

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last updated on 2023-07-01 by Captain Ewok

Phone Number: +355-4-247-285

Fax: +355-4-237-49
E-Mail: tiranausconsulate@state.gov
Address: U.S. Embassy Tirana, Albania
Consular Section
Rr. Elbasanit No. 103
Tirana, Albania
Working Hours: They only take calls Mon through Thurs, 2-4 pm! US Citizen Services Available Monday-Friday 10:30-11:30am
Best Contact Method: When you call, don't press anything. Once the operator transfers you, write down the extension of who they transfered you to if they don't answer. The next time you call just enter the extension and you are normally connected right away. If you keep waiting for the operator to connect you can try 5 or 6 times.
Approx Waiting Time for Interview After Consulate Recieves NVC Package: 2-4 Months from case complete at the NVC. 1 Month from when consulate approves "packet 3". Then you can schedule for interview appointment.
Issues Packet 3?
Packet 3 Contains: http://photos.state.gov/libraries/albania/388734/documents/instr-k1-eng.pdf


updated July 11, 2014
Issues Packet 4? Yes
Packet 4 Contents (if known): Interview Date and Time.

Applicants Eligible to Attend the Interview.

U.S. Embassy or Consulate Address and Contact Information.

How to Prepare for the Visa Interview.
1. Carefully Review this entire appointment letter
2. Prepare for the Medical Examination
3. Ensure that all required Original Documents will be available at the time of the interview
4. Obtain the required Photographs
5. Review the U.S. Embassy/Consulate General-specific Interview Guidelines
6. Review the Important Visa Interview Notices
7. Review the Immigrant Visa Interview Frequently Asked Questions

*** IMPORTANT *** Interview Reminders.
� Applicants may need to bring an additional police certificate to the interview. If the following three items are all true, the applicant needs to bring an updated police certificate to the interview:
� He or she is more than 16 years old;
� He or she obtained a police certificate more than one year ago; and
� He or she still lives in the country that issued the police certificate.
� Bring this interview letter to the medical exam.
Bring this letter to the medical examination because the panel physician may need to review it before performing the examination.
� Bring updated Federal income tax information to the interview. If a sponsor filed an I-864 (Affidavit of Support) and provided the NVC with proof of an IRS Federal income tax extension in lieu of a Federal income tax return, bring the sponsor's most recent Federal income tax return to the visa interview.
� Petitioners are not required to attend the applicant's immigrant visa interview. Facility size and/or security concerns may limit who may accompany a visa applicant during his or her visit to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate. Please visit the U.S. Embassy or Consulate's webpage for more information at

What to do if the Applicant Cannot Go to the Interview.
To reschedule an interview, visit our website www.immigrantvisas.state.gov, select Prepare for your visa interview abroad, and select Step 5. Review the U.S. Embassy/Consulate General-specific Interview Guidelines located under Notification from the National Visa Center. Review the specific Interview Guidelines for the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in TIRANA. If the embassy or consulate does not have any specific rescheduling guidelines listed, contact the embassy or consulate directly (see U.S. Embassy or Consulate Address and Contact Information above) to reschedule the applicant's interview.

Required Visa Interview Documents
(Will show a list of what the NVC requested, received and sent to the Embassy)
You must bring the following items to the visa interview:
� Any original documents the NVC requested that you did not submit (refer to the document list below)
� If the physician gives you your medical exam results, bring them to your interview in the envelope sealed by the medical office.
� Two passport photographs measuring 2 inches by 2 inches (5 cm by 5 cm) with a white background
� A valid unexpired passport
� Photocopies of all civil documents
� A new police certificate from your current country of residence, if you obtained the police certificate more than one year ago.
� Any additional documents listed in the U.S. Embassy or Consulate specific interview guidelines
Forms to Consulate? Everything!!!

Other Forms (if any)? 7. MILITARY RECORDS: issued by the Army Recruiting Office (Zyra e Rekrutim-Mobilizimit in Tirana), for all
male applicants age 18 and over, regardless of having served the military service or not.

8. OTHER CIVIL DOCUMENTS: Decisions issued by the responsible state authority regarding name
changes, age amendments, adoption and similar subjects must also be submitted at the time of interview.

9. TRANSLATION: Certified English translations must accompany all documents not in Albanian language,
or in English, except for court decisions which are required to be translated. Translations must be certified
by a competent translator and sworn before a Notary Public.

REGISTER FOR DHL COURIER SERVICE: After you have received the notification from NVC with your appointment date, create an account at http://albania.usvisa-info.com, and follow the instructions on how to register for DHL courier service to return your passport upon completion of your case, and/or document submission if requested by the Consular Officer. Optionally you may contact the Call Center at the toll free numbers (+355) (0) 445 000 37 (in Albania), (703) 439-2349 (in the United States), or USVisaAlbania (on Skype) to speak to an agent who will assist you. Please save your account details as you may need to go back
to this website to learn about your passport delivery status, and/or to submit new documents to Consular Section, if instructed to do so. This free of charge DHL courier service is valid only within Albania.
Print out the DHL confirmation page and BRING IT ON THE APPOINTMENT DATE. If you do not register, it will create delays in processing of your case.
Direct Consular Filing Offered? Yes
If DCF Allowed: For all or only US citizen lawfully resident in country? Residents_Only
Can fiance(e)/spouse attend interview? No
Visa fee payment "same day" or "in advance"? Advance
Did embassy schedule interview or could you walk-in? Scheduled Ahead of Time
Visa issued same day? No
If not what's the waiting period?
Is the Medical exam same day as interview? Prior to Interview
Cost of Medical Exam? The adult�s fee (above 15 years of age) is $205.00 (including the physical examination, the chest x-rays, the blood tests for HIV and Syphilis). The cost for children under 15 years of age is $70.00. Updated July 11, 2014
List of doctors? 2 DOCTORS TO CHOOSE FROM. TWO APPOINTMENTS MUST BE MADE. FIRST APPOINTMENT: VERIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS. During this appointment a check of your documents will be performed, and it will take place exactly 3 weeks before your interview date at the embassy.
SECOND APPOINTMENT: MEDICAL EXAMINATION. It will be performed exactly a week before the interview date, or as scheduled by the panel physician staff. At the date of your medical examination, you will appear at our office together with all the required documents.
Address 1:
Dr. Dritan & Dr. Elsa Muzha
U.S. Consular Office Panel Physician, Tirana
Boulevard Gjergj Fishta, Nd. 6, H. 9
Nj.Bashkiake 10, Kodi postar 1001
(8-floor tower, green color)
Tirana, Albania
Cell: +355-(0)68-202-4950

Address 2:
Dr. Dritan Cela
U.S. Consular Office Panel Physician, Tirana
Rr. Teodor Keko, Pall. Edglis, Kt. 2
Ish Astiri, Unaza e Re
Tirana, Albania
Cell: +355-(0)69-403-4487
E-mail: panelphysiciancela@gmail.com

Updated July 11, 2014

How many Passport Photo's Required for the medical? 4
How many Passport Photo's Required at the interview? 2
Estimated waiting time at the consulate on the day of interview? 1-6 hours
Vaccination requirements? INSTRUCTION FOR VACCINATIONS
According to the Act amended by the U.S. Congress on September 30, 1996, any person (adult or child) who gets an interview date after July 1, 1997, on the first medical appointment would have and give all personal
Panel Physicians in Agreement with the Consular Section, U.S. Embassy, Tirana Last revised on 10/7/2013
vaccination cards, where all lifelong vaccination records must be presented. Valid vaccination cards are considered those submitted by health centers, and where the applicant�s name, father�s name, surname, birthday, exact vaccination and revaccinations dates are documented. The personal vaccination card must have the health center stamp, physician�s name and signature, the latter being clearly readable.
FOR ANY REASON, if you do not submit the vaccination card during the medical examination, you�ll be considered unvaccinated. All vaccine records for which the receipt dates are not written or partially written will not be considered at all.
The vaccinations available in Albania are:
1) D.T.P. (Diphtheria/Tetanus/Pertussis) ��.. 4 doses
2) D.T. (Diphtheria/Tetanus) revaccination�. 2 doses
3) Polio. (Poliomyelitis)������������� 3 doses + extra dose
4) Measles �����������������.��.. 1 dose
5) Measles - Rubella ��������������. 1 doses
6) Measles � Rubella � Parotid ��������. 2 doses
7) H.V.B. (Hepatitis B) �������������. 3 doses
8) HiB ��������������������........ 3 doses
9) Pneumococcus ���������������. 3 doses
Some of these vaccines in Albania are not administered for all ages.
For any of these reasons:
- If you are not vaccinated;
- If you have not take the last vaccines lately arrived;
- If you do not have any document that proves your vaccination;
- If you have partial recorded vaccination
Before you show up for the medical examination, we suggest you to receive the first dose of any vaccine you haven�t ever taken or that is not documented. If you have received some of the vaccination doses or are appropriately vaccinated you must take the consecutive revaccination dose. Any of these vaccines administered must be written out on the vaccination card at the health center.
The only document that certifies your vaccination is your personal vaccination card.
No other document will be accepted. Check for the authenticity of the vaccination card. It is an official document and the person who will present it must be responsible for the authenticity. Do not allow recording of vaccinations you didn�t have or that are not documented in official registers.
All vaccinations and revaccinations would be administered according to the immunization scheme approved by Albanian Public Health authorities.
In addition to the vaccines mentioned above, you may receive other vaccines that are not available in Albania that you might have taken abroad. (Upated July 11, 2014)
****Very, important, get a copy of vaccination record from panel physician (Form DS 3025). This form is needed for Adjustment of Status (AOS).*****
Cheap and good hotels near the Consulate?
Additional Info? NOTE: Because medical exam is done in 2 phases, 1st phase (Verification of Medical Documents) has to be done "exactly 3 weeks before your interview date" and the 2nd phase (actual Medical Examination)done "exactly 1 week before the interview date" adds 4 weeks or longer to your timeline depending on scheduling availability(Thursday's).

****Very, important, get a copy of vaccination record from panel physician (Form DS 3025). This form is needed for Adjustment of Status (AOS).*****

Six photographs 30x40mm, for each person (not taken more than six months before,
and one of them attached to the personal medical declaration)

P�r �do person 2 fotografi 30x40mm gjys�m profil me (vesh t� djatht�) jo m� t� vjetra se 6 muaj, nj�ra do t� ngjitet n� deklarat�n mjek�sore personale.

PHOTOS NEEDED FOR THE INTERVIEW ARE 2 PHOTOS SIZE 2x2 inches or 5x5cm in size, taken on a white background.

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