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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #7733

Manila, Philippines Review on June 10, 2011:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

Hello everyone!

Well, it is now 2:38 pm on June 10, 2011 and we got home about an hour ago from the embassy. I really didn't know what to expect. I never had any plans to go abroad until I met my fiance. Anyway, here is my experience.

My fiance came with me to the interview, which I am really thankful for. We got there at 5am. There was a line already, but it wasn't that long. I wasn't surprised to see many people selling ballpens and buggering you. They actually try to scare you by saying, "Do you have this or that?" then you double think to see if you DO have it. Just make sure you are ready when you get there.

Don't forget:

- documents
- passport
- appointment letter
- 2x2 pictures
- black pen
- Don't bring any electronics, no food or drinks. We just bought our papers and a wallet, that's it. Just don't bring anything. It's less stress for everyone.

They started letting people in at 6am, like I have expected since that was what everyone here in VJ said. You will go through this metal detector machine, but since we didn't really bring anything, it was easy. Once inside, there are about 3 windows. Here, they will get:

- 2 DS-156
- 2 DS-157
- 1 DS-156K
- Appointment letter

So, I suggest that before going to the embassy, or before entering, get those documents together already so you don't have a hard time looking for them in your folders anymore. Less stress, less time spent.. no worries. After that, they will give you a number plus those documents, then you will drop it in another window inside. I like the number we got cause it was a lucky number.

Now, it's the waiting game. We waited for 2 hours! Seriously a long time, good thing I had my fiance with me so we just talked and jokes around. After waiting for 2 hours, we were finally called. Always look at the number board to see who is called. It is called in RANDOM. They jump from 5000 to 7000. So, you better always check, so you don't miss it.

Anyway, we were called for an initial interview with a balding Filipino guy. He asked more questions than the American did which I find annoying! Anyway, he basically talked to my fiance and was just telling stories. He asked us:

- What is your name?
- What is your petitioner's name?
- Where does he live?
- Where does he work?
When I said Costco, the Filipino said, "Oh, I love Costco" and started telling stories for more than 10 minutes. (me rolls eyes)
- How many boyfriends have you had? (WTF! What is the relation of this question to the petition!)

It took a long time basically because he was just telling stories. He even told us about his marital problems. Geez. Obviously, I didn't like it.

After that, we waited for another 30 minutes for the finger scanning. Really fast, less than 5 minutes. By this time, the Miami-Dallas Game 5 was already starting, and we noticed that there was only one window open for the American interviewers. Our guess was that they were watching the game also! Just our luck. It was kinda okay though, cause we were entertained by the game as well. (There are huge TV's in the waiting area)

Finally, after an hour, we were called for a final interview. I was really nervous for this part, but apparently, there was nothing to be nervous about. The only window open, and it was a jolly woman with curly hair (which only confirmed out suspicion that all the guys are watching the basketball game). She was really nice and smiley which eased my nervousness. My fiance was re-assuring me and all. She asked:

- What is your name?
- What is your fiance's name?
- Where did you meet?
- When did he go to the States? (My fiance is a Filipino who went to the States when he was younger)
- Who petitioned him?
- Where does he work?
- Where will I plan to live?
- Where does he live?
- What are your wedding plans?
- Do you have kids? Precious marriages? (All no)

My fiance and I would debate and joke at times, and the interviewer found it funny. She was really nice. We offered her the previous income tax of my fiance, but she only needed the most recent ones. She didn't even ask for any pictures. It was easy. When she said we were approved, my fiance kissed me which caught me off guard so I kind of slapped his face and they all thought it was funny. That interview took us, i think, 5 minutes. It was fast.

After that, we were called to another window to drop off our mailing address for 2go to send my passport with a visa stamp on it. Then, we're done! It felt so great to get that off our shoulders because it has been a long process. We got out of there at 10:30am. The only problem was the long wait, but it was very organized. The place is clean and comfortable. Nothing really bad to say about it. Thank you to VJ for all the help it has given us. Good luck to everyone who will be having their interviews! :D Break a leg

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