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Flying while arab/muslim


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Desert Fox and Vartan I completley agree with you!!!!!

And here's MY opinion:

If all those ppl that are engaged to Muslims have SUCH a big problem with the way America has turned out to be after 9/11 (and let's not forget that the hijackers WERE indeed Muslim AND prayed to their Allah aloud just before they killed THOUSANDS of INNOCENT ppl IN AMERICA) then they should just move to the country of their better half.

I will be flying to the USA next months and I AM scared.I'm very sorry (honestly) that nower days ALL Muslims are looked at as terrorists as I am sure only a small percentage of Muslims IS involved in terrorism,but that's America (and a good part of the rest of the Western world as well) after 9/11.

If we should happen to have someone who looks suspicous on board our aircarft and that person on top of that wears a shirt with Arabic script AND prays-I WILL HAVE THEM REMOVE THAT PERSON .

There would be a very simple solution for all this though,well at least as far as flying goes-

an Arabic airline,that flies Muslims only.Or an airline that flies non Arabic/Middle Easterners/Muslims only.

That way neither could or would be offended by the other and everyone could enjoy a safe trip!!!

Unfrtunatley "innocent" Muslims and Arabs,Middle Easterners and ppl that just happen to "look suspicous" are the "victims" of what their brothers did on 9/11.But this is the world we live in.

My soon to be husband and me just had a conversation about that tonight when we talked about where we'd settle down in the USA.And I have told him I don't want to be anywhere near Muslims bc I'm SCARED of them.NOT because I believe they're stupid,evil,ugly -whatever,but bc I'm SCARED.

Before 9/11 I wasn't,now I am,and I know A LOT of ppl feel that way since 9/11.

Of course Muslims and there loved ones have to suffer from that,but hey me being born in Germany-trust me I know what it means to suffer for something you actually didn't have ANYTHING to do with.I was born in 1975,my parents were born in 1940,so hey my family didn't have anything to do with the killing of the Jews,yet my parents were looked at in a strange way bc they were German............I have a very close friend who is Jewish and she STILL looks at old Geramn ppl as if each and every one of them was a Jew Killer.She was born in 1954,after the Hollcaust but has lost many family members in Concentration Camps in Germany...so you see it will go on for Generations.

And hey lets face it,Muslim ppl do love to provoke Americans.

There is this Muslim "Comedian" in NYC who actually makes JOKES about 9/11!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This piece of ****(find your own words) is standing on stage making JOKES about the victims!!!! I myself have seen it on TV just a few days ago and by God I was hell raising mad.If I ever get a hold of that guy he will have to listen to me and he will not like my opinion one bit.In my eyes someone like that should be given a one way ticket back to the Muslim Country he came from .



America was founded by immigrants. Its doors have always been open to all nations. Including those you are so cowardly towards. Perhaps you should stay where you are and YOUR SO fly to you if you are so afraid. There are muslims here. I am a muslim. You'd never know it if I were sitting next to you on a bus. And guess what. I could give a rat's ### who you are OR where you're from or what your religion is or anything else about you. Again you are confusing Arab zealots with MUSLIMS. There is a big difference, sister. These days I am worn down by the type of idiotic drool you just spouted in this post, you CNN propoganda-munching zombie. You realize from all the crud you just said, you are exemplifying how YOU are exactly that which you project onto the much dreaded "THEM". Ick.

... and your little dog too.

The way people act, you half expect to see all muslims creeping around like Elmer Fudd... "shhhhh be vewy vewy quiet... I'm hunting evil westerners." Retarded. Just plain retarded.

(I'm really sick of people and not much in the mood to be "nice" anymore.)

I also dont' care what you think about what I said. So knock yourself out.

Edited by just_waiting
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I think what has happened since 9/11 is that people are no longer embarassed to hide their bigotry. The proudly display it and try to excuse it away by referring to 9/11. 9/11 didn't create you. I am pretty sure you were this way long before 9/11.

"Move to the country of your better half". Can it get any more simple-minded than this? Should the African Americans should have returned to Africa rather than participating in the civil rights movement? According to your standards, yes. Sorry, you are going to have to live with Muslims, and increasing amounts of Muslims as it is one of the fastest growing religions.

Guess what? You will not be able to "remove" every praying person wearing an Arabic writing on their shirt and praying. Eventually this type of bigotry catches up with itself. The airlines will face lawsuits. Your choice will be to fly with the praying bogeyman or get off the flight.

Separate airlines? Sounds a whole lot like "Colored" and "White" lines to me.

We are not the victims of "our brothers" on 9/11. Those were not our brothers. Only small minds make those leaps, lumping people together based on a religion or the country they were born in. If we are victims at all, it is of people like yourself. But I don't consider myself a victim, I consider you one. :yes: If I thought like you, I would consider myself one too.

Obviously you didn't learn much from what your family experienced in Germany. :no:

The comedien you refer to has never made fun of the victims of 9/11. That is simple untrue. The "Muslim" country he is from is the United States of America, so he doesn't need your one-way ticket.

This is America - with plenty of Muslims and more and more every day - and you are right. Love it or leave it. :whistle:

oh -- as far as where you should live? Please stay far away from Maryland. We have lots of scary Muslims here, the really scary praying, Arabic t-shirt wearing kind :devil:

Desert Fox and Vartan I completley agree with you!!!!!

And here's MY opinion:

If all those ppl that are engaged to Muslims have SUCH a big problem with the way America has turned out to be after 9/11 (and let's not forget that the hijackers WERE indeed Muslim AND prayed to their Allah aloud just before they killed THOUSANDS of INNOCENT ppl IN AMERICA) then they should just move to the country of their better half.

I will be flying to the USA next months and I AM scared.I'm very sorry (honestly) that nower days ALL Muslims are looked at as terrorists as I am sure only a small percentage of Muslims IS involved in terrorism,but that's America (and a good part of the rest of the Western world as well) after 9/11.

If we should happen to have someone who looks suspicous on board our aircarft and that person on top of that wears a shirt with Arabic script AND prays-I WILL HAVE THEM REMOVE THAT PERSON .

There would be a very simple solution for all this though,well at least as far as flying goes-

an Arabic airline,that flies Muslims only.Or an airline that flies non Arabic/Middle Easterners/Muslims only.

That way neither could or would be offended by the other and everyone could enjoy a safe trip!!!

Unfrtunatley "innocent" Muslims and Arabs,Middle Easterners and ppl that just happen to "look suspicous" are the "victims" of what their brothers did on 9/11.But this is the world we live in.

My soon to be husband and me just had a conversation about that tonight when we talked about where we'd settle down in the USA.And I have told him I don't want to be anywhere near Muslims bc I'm SCARED of them.NOT because I believe they're stupid,evil,ugly -whatever,but bc I'm SCARED.

Before 9/11 I wasn't,now I am,and I know A LOT of ppl feel that way since 9/11.

Of course Muslims and there loved ones have to suffer from that,but hey me being born in Germany-trust me I know what it means to suffer for something you actually didn't have ANYTHING to do with.I was born in 1975,my parents were born in 1940,so hey my family didn't have anything to do with the killing of the Jews,yet my parents were looked at in a strange way bc they were German............I have a very close friend who is Jewish and she STILL looks at old Geramn ppl as if each and every one of them was a Jew Killer.She was born in 1954,after the Hollcaust but has lost many family members in Concentration Camps in Germany...so you see it will go on for Generations.

And hey lets face it,Muslim ppl do love to provoke Americans.

There is this Muslim "Comedian" in NYC who actually makes JOKES about 9/11!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This piece of ****(find your own words) is standing on stage making JOKES about the victims!!!! I myself have seen it on TV just a few days ago and by God I was hell raising mad.If I ever get a hold of that guy he will have to listen to me and he will not like my opinion one bit.In my eyes someone like that should be given a one way ticket back to the Muslim Country he came from .



Edited by Bosco
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:pop: I see natasha down there plucking her fingers away.. wonder what will happen..

Keep munching. We'll find out soon enough. And pass some over, will ya?... mine's almost gone.

8-30-05 Met David at a restaurant in Germany

3-28-06 David 'officially' proposed

4-26-06 I-129F mailed

9-25-06 Interview: APPROVED!

10-16-06 Flt to US, POE Detroit

11-5-06 Married

7-2-07 Green card received

9-12-08 Filed for divorce

12-5-08 Court hearing - divorce final

A great marriage is not when the "perfect couple" comes together.

It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.

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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Algeria

:pop: I see natasha down there plucking her fingers away.. wonder what will happen..

Keep munching. We'll find out soon enough. And pass some over, will ya?... mine's almost gone.


and some "suspicious soft drinks"


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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Germany

You know,I really don't care if you think it's funny stupid or whatever.

Fact is that ppl are scared when they see Muslim looking ppl on their aircraft,if that would not be the case then ppl wouldn't be looked at as if they would be wanting to do something to that airplane.

Ppl are SCARED,not intolerant (well at least most are simply scared and nothing but that).They don't have the intension to make an Arab/Muslim/Middle Easterner feel stupid,hurt or anything when they act "funny" as soon as they see a person like that board their plane.They are SCARED.Scared to die like thousands did damn near exactly 5 years ago.

Do you ppl not understand that??????

And what I said about the simple solution :

think about it,that way Muslims wouldn't be looked at stupid anymore ,wouldn't be treated like ####### anymore when they simply want to travel with no bad intensions and the rest of us all who ARE scared could also travel without having to feel scared.

Lets face it ppl,if the hijackers would have been Chinese ppl would be afraid of Chinese now,not of Muslims= Arab looking ppl.

Personally I don't acre about your religion,race,gender.,sexual preferences or anything.You treat me and my loved ones with respect and I will do the same to you and your loved ones.

But yes I AM scared and unfortunatley I do worry each and everytime I see an Arab whether he has or does not have something to do with Terrorism.

The Hijackers were co called "Sleepers".the had perfectly normal lifes,went to college,had American friends,were looked at as nice and freindly ppl,UNTIL they were called to duty-and that led to 9/11.

Do you all NOW understand WHYppl are scared????? It doesn't have anything to do with Intolerance,but with fear.


Met on May 17,2005

Got engaged on Sep 15th,2006

Came to the US for good on Jan 27th,2009

and we got married on March 28th,2009

GOD , grant me the serenity

to accept the things I can not change

the courage to change the things I can

and the wisdom to know the difference!

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:lol: Much obliged. I shall be cautious when I pop the tops...

8-30-05 Met David at a restaurant in Germany

3-28-06 David 'officially' proposed

4-26-06 I-129F mailed

9-25-06 Interview: APPROVED!

10-16-06 Flt to US, POE Detroit

11-5-06 Married

7-2-07 Green card received

9-12-08 Filed for divorce

12-5-08 Court hearing - divorce final

A great marriage is not when the "perfect couple" comes together.

It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Algeria

I was laughing, then I started feeling sorry for her. WOW!!!!!

If she is so scared of Muslims in the USA, by the way there is about 7 million of us, good luck finding anywhere there is not a Muslim. Hey I know, If you are so scared, why dont you stay in your country. WHEW!!

Meriem (F)

Edited by Meriem_setif


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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Algeria
You know,I really don't care if you think it's funny stupid or whatever.

Fact is that ppl are scared when they see Muslim looking ppl on their aircraft,if that would not be the case then ppl wouldn't be looked at as if they would be wanting to do something to that airplane.

Ppl are SCARED,not intolerant (well at least most are simply scared and nothing but that).They don't have the intension to make an Arab/Muslim/Middle Easterner feel stupid,hurt or anything when they act "funny" as soon as they see a person like that board their plane.They are SCARED.Scared to die like thousands did damn near exactly 5 years ago.

Do you ppl not understand that??????

And what I said about the simple solution :

think about it,that way Muslims wouldn't be looked at stupid anymore ,wouldn't be treated like ####### anymore when they simply want to travel with no bad intensions and the rest of us all who ARE scared could also travel without having to feel scared.

Lets face it ppl,if the hijackers would have been Chinese ppl would be afraid of Chinese now,not of Muslims= Arab looking ppl.

Personally I don't acre about your religion,race,gender.,sexual preferences or anything.You treat me and my loved ones with respect and I will do the same to you and your loved ones.

But yes I AM scared and unfortunatley I do worry each and everytime I see an Arab whether he has or does not have something to do with Terrorism.

The Hijackers were co called "Sleepers".the had perfectly normal lifes,went to college,had American friends,were looked at as nice and freindly ppl,UNTIL they were called to duty-and that led to 9/11.

Do you all NOW understand WHYppl are scared????? It doesn't have anything to do with Intolerance,but with fear.


Ma'am, let's clairify one thing, not all arabs are muslims, and not all muslims are arabs. There are american born muslims, there are indonesian muslims, pakistani muslims, arab christians, etc etc etc.

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You know,I really don't care if you think it's funny stupid or whatever.

Fact is that ppl are scared when they see Muslim looking ppl on their aircraft,if that would not be the case then ppl wouldn't be looked at as if they would be wanting to do something to that airplane.

Ppl are SCARED,not intolerant (well at least most are simply scared and nothing but that).They don't have the intension to make an Arab/Muslim/Middle Easterner feel stupid,hurt or anything when they act "funny" as soon as they see a person like that board their plane.They are SCARED.Scared to die like thousands did damn near exactly 5 years ago.

Do you ppl not understand that??????

And what I said about the simple solution :

think about it,that way Muslims wouldn't be looked at stupid anymore ,wouldn't be treated like ####### anymore when they simply want to travel with no bad intensions and the rest of us all who ARE scared could also travel without having to feel scared.

Lets face it ppl,if the hijackers would have been Chinese ppl would be afraid of Chinese now,not of Muslims= Arab looking ppl.

Personally I don't acre about your religion,race,gender.,sexual preferences or anything.You treat me and my loved ones with respect and I will do the same to you and your loved ones.

But yes I AM scared and unfortunatley I do worry each and everytime I see an Arab whether he has or does not have something to do with Terrorism.

The Hijackers were co called "Sleepers".the had perfectly normal lifes,went to college,had American friends,were looked at as nice and freindly ppl,UNTIL they were called to duty-and that led to 9/11.

Do you all NOW understand WHYppl are scared????? It doesn't have anything to do with Intolerance,but with fear.


STOP suggesting *people* are scared... YOU are scared... speak for yourself... sheesh... :lol:

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Oh Nat, you are right!!!! Fear of 1.3 billion people based on the action of 19 men really does make sense. :whistle:

You know,I really don't care if you think it's funny stupid or whatever.

Fact is that ppl are scared when they see Muslim looking ppl on their aircraft,if that would not be the case then ppl wouldn't be looked at as if they would be wanting to do something to that airplane.

Ppl are SCARED,not intolerant (well at least most are simply scared and nothing but that).They don't have the intension to make an Arab/Muslim/Middle Easterner feel stupid,hurt or anything when they act "funny" as soon as they see a person like that board their plane.They are SCARED.Scared to die like thousands did damn near exactly 5 years ago.

Do you ppl not understand that??????

And what I said about the simple solution :

think about it,that way Muslims wouldn't be looked at stupid anymore ,wouldn't be treated like ####### anymore when they simply want to travel with no bad intensions and the rest of us all who ARE scared could also travel without having to feel scared.

Lets face it ppl,if the hijackers would have been Chinese ppl would be afraid of Chinese now,not of Muslims= Arab looking ppl.

Personally I don't acre about your religion,race,gender.,sexual preferences or anything.You treat me and my loved ones with respect and I will do the same to you and your loved ones.

But yes I AM scared and unfortunatley I do worry each and everytime I see an Arab whether he has or does not have something to do with Terrorism.

The Hijackers were co called "Sleepers".the had perfectly normal lifes,went to college,had American friends,were looked at as nice and freindly ppl,UNTIL they were called to duty-and that led to 9/11.

Do you all NOW understand WHYppl are scared????? It doesn't have anything to do with Intolerance,but with fear.


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Filed: K-1 Visa Country: Algeria

Largest Muslim Populations in the World

Rank Country Muslim Population

1 Indonesia 182,570,000

2 Pakistan 134,480,000

3 India 121,000,000

4 Bangladesh 114,080,000

5 Turkey 65,510,000

6 Iran 62,430,000

7 Egypt 58,630,000

8 Nigeria 53,000,000

9 Algeria 30,530,000

10 Morocco 28,780,000

hmm... ??? the first arab country with muslim populations doesn't even start until #7.

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What's the point in wasting energy worrying and being afraid of something that you have absolutely no control over anyway? Trust me, it's taken a long time for me to be able to say that, but when you can embrace that, and rely on your faith (whatever that may be), you should derive some sense of peace... if not, perhaps your faith is misplaced...


8-30-05 Met David at a restaurant in Germany

3-28-06 David 'officially' proposed

4-26-06 I-129F mailed

9-25-06 Interview: APPROVED!

10-16-06 Flt to US, POE Detroit

11-5-06 Married

7-2-07 Green card received

9-12-08 Filed for divorce

12-5-08 Court hearing - divorce final

A great marriage is not when the "perfect couple" comes together.

It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.

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