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Americans Soldiers Save woman who had her nose cut off


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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Egypt

Once again, strawman par excellence. No one is trashing anything. We are free to disagree with actions taken on behalf of the US government, including those taken by soldiers. Putting on a uniform does not give one immunity from criticism.

Still waiting for my copy of the slam book. In the mean time, I'm going to ask my mom to send me my copy of this, so I can send away for my very own slam book with which to properly become a traitor or something or not.


10/14/05 - married AbuS in the US lovehusband.gif

02/23/08 - Filed for removal of conditions.

Sometime in 2008 - Received 10 year GC. Almost done with USCIS for life inshaAllah! Huzzah!

12/07/08 - Adopted the fuzzy feline love of my life, my Squeaky baby th_catcrazy.gif

02/23/09 - Apply for citizenship

06/15/09 - Citizenship interview

07/15/09 - Citizenship ceremony. Alhamdulilah, the US now has another american muslim!


online rihla - on the path of the Beloved with a fat cat as a copilot

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Filed: Timeline

Once again, strawman par excellence. No one is trashing anything. We are free to disagree with actions taken on behalf of the US government, including those taken by soldiers. Putting on a uniform does not give one immunity from criticism.

Still waiting for my copy of the slam book. In the mean time, I'm going to ask my mom to send me my copy of this, so I can send away for my very own slam book with which to properly become a traitor or something or not.


It absoltutely does not.

For you that do not know what a slam book is, its a book made by a group of teens and passed around that trashes certain people and praises others. What I meant by the I hate America slambook is often when otherwise American loving women become enamored or married to people from Mena, they start to throw out Arabic phrases into other wise English conversation, lose their identity, begin to dislike their own culture, bashing it even to other Americans for no other apparent reason than fitting in with their new found group. If they would only realise that not only does this not work in the long run, foreigners lose respect for people who dont feel secure enough with who they are to try to become someone else, both in looks and ideology.

I cannot imagine anyone from mena really having real respect for someone who cannot defend their background and their heritage. Its one thing to say , I love my country and I care for the people defending it but I dont like their actions and another thing to banter on and on about foreign policy, how America is just not something to be proud of etc

I cant see how the straw man arguement applies. My original post merely praised the article and some how it degenerated into the video being called war porn and into statements about how people hate the US Army etc.

I did not post this to talk about the Army or our foreign policy or much of anything but I cannot understand why it caused people to bash the Army based on her being disfigured by the taliban. For every horrible act by the US Military there are thousands of success stories as well as acts of kindness.

There is a wonderful story of Americans building schools in Afganistan called THREE CUPS OF TEA. Americans have done alot of amazing things over there and it was a mess long before we entered. I dont see anything wrong with focusing on alot of the good our military does.Three Cups of Tea...

The American military has done alot to help the women of Afganistan through helping protect the aid workers who are being assasinated daily by extremists.

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Filed: Citizen (pnd) Country: Egypt

We got what you meant about the slam book eons ago. :rolleyes: What you're not getting is that your argument is tired. We get that you think women married to Arabs automatically lose their minds and take on the opinions of their husbands. And that their husbands automatically hate the US because that's what Arabs do. It's been covered.

"The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Egypt

It's a straw man argument because you're arguing against something no one has posited here. You're talking about a group of people who are treasonous traitors because they bash america left right and center and spit on US soldiers. There's no one here taking the position you're arguing against (and even if they were, to label someone a traitor is serious serious business). Thus, strawman.

and, just for the heck of it:

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar

sayin it just because I can, not because I've signed an anti-american slam book, nor because I've given up my identity. Said because they are truly beautiful words meant to praise the Owner of the Most Beautiful Names. If that means I'm a treasonous traitor, then sign me up!

Allah (swt) is Beautiful and loves Beauty

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar

and again

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar

How's that for random arabic words in an english conversation?

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar!

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar!

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar!

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar!

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar!

10/14/05 - married AbuS in the US lovehusband.gif

02/23/08 - Filed for removal of conditions.

Sometime in 2008 - Received 10 year GC. Almost done with USCIS for life inshaAllah! Huzzah!

12/07/08 - Adopted the fuzzy feline love of my life, my Squeaky baby th_catcrazy.gif

02/23/09 - Apply for citizenship

06/15/09 - Citizenship interview

07/15/09 - Citizenship ceremony. Alhamdulilah, the US now has another american muslim!


online rihla - on the path of the Beloved with a fat cat as a copilot

These comments, information and photos may not be reused, reposted, or republished anywhere without express written permission from UmmSqueakster.

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Filed: Timeline

It's a straw man argument because you're arguing against something no one has posited here. You're talking about a group of people who are treasonous traitors because they bash america left right and center and spit on US soldiers. There's no one here taking the position you're arguing against (and even if they were, to label someone a traitor is serious serious business). Thus, strawman.

and, just for the heck of it:

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar

sayin it just because I can, not because I've signed an anti-american slam book, nor because I've given up my identity. Said because they are truly beautiful words meant to praise the Owner of the Most Beautiful Names. If that means I'm a treasonous traitor, then sign me up!

Allah (swt) is Beautiful and loves Beauty

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar

and again

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar

How's that for random arabic words in an english conversation?

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar!

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar!

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar!

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar!

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar!

As a muslima, that makes sense.

No one is saying anything about Islam. You are a muslima. But being a muslima does not make you arbitrarily spew vitrol against your country or its military. Thats a choice.

Alhumdullilah we have a nice president. Mashallah, we have young people who are willing to lay their lives down for us so we can practice our religions freely.

I refuse to tie Islam to this because you can be a muslim and be a republican or a democrat or whatever party you want to be. You can be faithful to your country and its value and in proper context, speaking arabic makes sense.

But to completely morph into someone you are not, throwing away the ideals of your life and throwing people away who matter to you, which I have seen literally families torn apart over their daughters completely leaving them for a relationship makes no sense whatsover.

I can love Islam. I can also love this country. I can love the military and its people and what it defends. I dont have to bash this country to care about a religion.

Mashallah that we have such wonderful young people that are willing to risk their lives for a purpose and for their country. Alhumdullilah that many of them are muslim and they risk their lives trying to stop terroristic acts both in Iraq and in Afganistan, often working as interpreters on the front line and medics. It isnt just arabs. There are people who speak pashtun and afgan farsi and are from overseas who help our country by being interpreters.

Being muslim is not equal with bashing the USA. The two have nothing to do with each other. Losing your identity and becoming some kind of poser, trying to be something you are not and never will be just looks silly...

Like a poser...and inside people from overseas have little respect for people who dont love who they are and protect it. If you cant be loyal to your own people, how can you be loyal to anyone at all?

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Filed: IR-1/CR-1 Visa Country: Morocco

Can you show us, with a direct quote, where someone in this thread said either "I hate America" or "I hate the military"? I don't see that here, I just see a lot of people saying "I can disagree with foreign policy and that doesn't mean I hate America or the military" and HiT saying "Just because you disagree with foreign policy doesn't give you the right to hate America and the military." This whole thread seems to be an argument about nothing.

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Filed: Timeline

Can we all just hit the Ignore button and make it go away? It's nonsensical jibberish at this point. Responding to this thread only continues the lunacy.

The original post was simply a video of a woman who was saved by American soldiers after her brother and husband cut off her ears and her nose and her family left her to die even after she sought help from her villiage. The only people that would help her were the US military after a female relative brought her there begging for help.

After that post, there were war porn comments, other posts of how the US has killed women and "cute "the video was ( Hot Guy) and etc and etc. I dont know what any of that has to do with the original post but I guess it degenerated into that

I do honestly think that sometimes in a quest for approval of a new peer group, some Americans begin to bash the USA even more so than their foreign born counterparts. Either they had a weak personality or no personality to begin with but I honestly think that like a family member, being American is something to hold dear and special and I didnt see anything war porn or offensive warranting posts about the US or anything else for that matter. It was simply a nice story

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Filed: Timeline

You know, I too am sick of people living in our country yet want to bash America. Why come here if you have horrible ideas about our country? Have your SO move to your country and then you can bash America all you want. I just de-friended someone on facebook who is from a muslim country because she continually posts anti-american things there and bs about how the pentagon was not hit by a plane blah blah blah. I think one thing you can say for most Americans is when we screw up we admit it. When we acted a fool by humiliating and torturing Iraqi soldiers I was one of the first to denounce it. Just because you marry someone from a muslim country doesn't mean you have to sanction all behaviors good and bad. If it's bad it's bad and if it's good it's good. There have been many humanitarian acts that have come out of these stupid wars and I don't believe all of them are just war propoganda.


Here is the oath that is taken by people wanting to become US Citizens. There is alot more to being a US Citizen than having a blue passport and the ability to bring family here and travelling without a visa

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.[1]

Read this oath. It says that you will bear arms when required by law. I dont feel comfortable with people becoming US Citizens who cannot support our military. If they want to keep their greencard and be married to their spouse and be here in the US fine. But being American is also a responsibility not just a perk. Its defending our country and supporting those that defend it

You are right to be offended. Thats normal Betsy. Taking the piss on your country isnt and its offensive..You are very right to feel that way...

Edited by Hanging in there
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Filed: Timeline

It's a straw man argument because you're arguing against something no one has posited here. You're talking about a group of people who are treasonous traitors because they bash america left right and center and spit on US soldiers. There's no one here taking the position you're arguing against (and even if they were, to label someone a traitor is serious serious business). Thus, strawman.

and, just for the heck of it:

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar

sayin it just because I can, not because I've signed an anti-american slam book, nor because I've given up my identity. Said because they are truly beautiful words meant to praise the Owner of the Most Beautiful Names. If that means I'm a treasonous traitor, then sign me up!

Allah (swt) is Beautiful and loves Beauty

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar

and again

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar

How's that for random arabic words in an english conversation?

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar!

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar!

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar!

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar!

SubhanAllah, w'Alhamdulilah, w'Allahu Akbar!

Here is the oath of citizen ship of the USA. Perhaps we are holding new immigrants to higher standards than some of us are willing to abide by. My advice is if you cannot read this oath and abide by it and someone you are petitioning for cannot feel comfortable bearing arms in support of the US, just keep the greencard. For some of US,being a citizen is sacred and something to be cherished and protected, not slopped around when its convenient for visa free travel or petitioning relatives.

Read the oath that citizens have to recite

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.[1]
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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Morocco

I just have to say supporting the military and agreeing with military action are two different things. My BIL and cousins are all in the service and while I of course support them (because it's their job). I don't support US military action, or the action of soldiers and their commanders who are committing crimes under the guise of military action. If people don't question the military and government THAT is when we run into problems.

Also taking an oath saying you will bear arms doesn't mean you have to agree with everything the military/government does. I really dislike the fact that in order to be "patriotic" one must support and endorse all actions of the military and government when that is completely the reason why this country was founded. If the founders of the US had that same opinion, we would all be eating crumpets and sipping tea and subjugated. It is the duty of people in a democracy to question their leaders and those acting in their name.

May 11 '09 - Case Approved 10 yr card in the mail

June - 10 yr card recieved

Feb. 19, 2010 - N-400 Application sent to Phoenix Lockbox

April 3, 2010 - Biometrics

May 17,2010 - Citizenship Test - Minneapolis, MN

July 16, 2010- Retest (writing portion)

October 13, 2010 - Oath Ceremony

Journey Complete!



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Filed: Timeline

I just have to say supporting the military and agreeing with military action are two different things. My BIL and cousins are all in the service and while I of course support them (because it's their job). I don't support US military action, or the action of soldiers and their commanders who are committing crimes under the guise of military action. If people don't question the military and government THAT is when we run into problems.

Also taking an oath saying you will bear arms doesn't mean you have to agree with everything the military/government does. I really dislike the fact that in order to be "patriotic" one must support and endorse all actions of the military and government when that is completely the reason why this country was founded. If the founders of the US had that same opinion, we would all be eating crumpets and sipping tea and subjugated. It is the duty of people in a democracy to question their leaders and those acting in their name.

I think that the oath of citizenship is very clear in what it says. If you are not willing to defend this country, protect its security and do everything in your power to put it first if you are faced with a grave choice, you do not need to take the oath of citizenship. If you cannot reasonable know that you will do everything in your power to protect Americans and American security, you do not need to take the oath. You do not need to agree with everything but if you are someone who has decided to be an American, America's security and national interests must come first. This is especially so if you cannot make up your mind as to whether you will act on the best interest of Americans and American security. This includes in my opinion, willingness to co operate with law enforcement if you have information that is of national security interest and putting this country and its needs first before any other allegiance. Citizenship comes with responsibilities. If you as an American do not support national security, can you imagine how frightening it is for Americans to feel that the people they are allowing into this country do not have any allegiance to protect its security or well being?

I absolutely think this oath means what it says and if you couldnt feel comfortable being called up in a national emergency to serve American interests whether it being surviving a terrorist attack or preventing one or cooperating with law enforcement to protect American national interests, you do not need to take the oath and do not need to become a citizen. Its not a perks deal. Its a privilidge and frankly, if someone is bashing the USA, is from some where else and does not feel any allegiance to the US, I am in no uncertain terms, supportive of them carrying my passport.

If someone wants to live and work here, fine. But I dont want them becoming a citizen if they dont feel allegiance and love for my country as well as the willingness to protect and take care of it. Again , this includes doing everything they can to protect it in any way they can.

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Filed: Timeline

I just have to say supporting the military and agreeing with military action are two different things. My BIL and cousins are all in the service and while I of course support them (because it's their job). I don't support US military action, or the action of soldiers and their commanders who are committing crimes under the guise of military action. If people don't question the military and government THAT is when we run into problems.

Also taking an oath saying you will bear arms doesn't mean you have to agree with everything the military/government does. I really dislike the fact that in order to be "patriotic" one must support and endorse all actions of the military and government when that is completely the reason why this country was founded. If the founders of the US had that same opinion, we would all be eating crumpets and sipping tea and subjugated. It is the duty of people in a democracy to question their leaders and those acting in their name.

I do not want people becoming citizens unless they love this country and are willing to sacrifice and care for it. That includes respecting its history, its elders, its soldiers and its traditions. The oath is very clear. If you are not willing to protect the USA and swear to it, you do not need to be a citizen.

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Filed: Citizen (apr) Country: Morocco

I don't think you're getting that those two things are not mutually exclusive. There is a difference. I don't agree with the speed limit but that doesn't mean I break the law. We have something called loyal opposition it's a foundation of this country. You don't have to agree with it, but you still follow the laws/rules etc. Do you think that all Americans loved the Vietnam draft - he** no! Did they get drafted and do their service? Yes. I'm so tired of everyone having to waive the raw-raw flag to be considered American when a real American, a true "patriot" questions his government and isn't led blindly by leaders whose interests are often much more muddled than our own. I've worked with the federal government in Washington. Trust me they are all disconnected and it's a completely different ball game.

May 11 '09 - Case Approved 10 yr card in the mail

June - 10 yr card recieved

Feb. 19, 2010 - N-400 Application sent to Phoenix Lockbox

April 3, 2010 - Biometrics

May 17,2010 - Citizenship Test - Minneapolis, MN

July 16, 2010- Retest (writing portion)

October 13, 2010 - Oath Ceremony

Journey Complete!



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