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About AbyBavy

  • Birthday 11/03/1987

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    My hubby Adam <3 10-9-05 till forever babe!

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Adjustment of Status (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    My fiance and I met online September 2005. I was just a typical bored young college girl. I was lookin for people to chat wit and he was the only one on. i messaged him and for about 2 weeks we talked as friends. i sent him my pic and he was instantly in love as he tells me haha he said he told his mom when he 1st saw my pic "i'm gonna marry that girl" its funny now cuz its true! after about two weeks i got bored and wanted to date someone and he was chicken to ask so i made a lie and as a joke and said to him "my friend wants to know when your gonna ask me out?" well we ended up starting to date October 9, 2005. We have been inseperable since. He asked me to marry him two other times, but we hadn't met yet and I wasn't sure how I felt about him so I kept changing my mind the day after. Well January 19, 2006 he asked me again to marry him and he said I couldn't change my mind. I wanted to, but I left it alone. I met him for the first time April 2006. It was a bit weird, but we hit it off ok. He came back a month later and that is when we really hit it off. he spent the whole summer and that is when i knew i really loved him. at the time i was only 18 years old so i couldnt think of marriage. through the beginning of the next year he kept pushing marriage upon me. for about 2-2.5 months i thought about it and i realized i loved him so much it was the only way i could be with him. that is why in june 2007 i finally filed and i havent been more excited ever since!

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